Is an offer by one person, acceptance by another person, and a mutual exchange of value between the parties enough to make a contract valid?
No, it is not.
What are examples of lease under duress?
In case relevant questions are not answered.
What are examples of criminal conspiracies under the pretext of contracts?
A female is lured to a location under a criminal conspiracy. A contract of work is offered to cover up. Behind the scenes, it is female sexual exploitation under the pretext of contracts. All questions are not answered. All objections and complaints are ignored until harms are inflicted. This is an example of criminal conspiracy and other criminal offenses.
What questions should be answered before going ahead with any contract?
Is the contracting resource able to answer relevant questions?
What questions should contracting resource be able to answer?
What is good human character?
What is good human behavior?
How do you define state economy?
How do you define a state budget?
Do you know about state planning and development?
What do you know about state planning and development?
Where is it displayed?
What are your skills and knowledge?
What are the essential ingredients of an economy?
What is the Essential Commodities Act?
What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act?
What are the basic human rights?
Why is there need of a contract?
Who from the state, like