What should happen before, during, and after a housekeeping inspection? Before a housekeeping inspection, a case manager and another individual come up to verify if everything is excellent. During the inspection, the same individual with others verify the finding of excellent. There is no reason to get fair or poor findings after getting excellent findings before and during an inspection unless there is prejudice. What should happen if any resident’s housekeeping rating is not excellent? Those who get fair or poor get a specific time frame to rectify the finding, with follow-up inspection. Notice of Termination of housing if a specific housekeeping unit is not excellent is human rights violation. There can be many medical and nonmedical reason housekeeping is not excellent because the occupant needs help or assistance. Assistance must be giving to those who have fair or poor findings during a housekeeping inspection rather than a human rights violation or threat to termination of housing. Human rights issues must be deliberated regularly. How should rating be done during a housekeeping inspection? 10 points rating. One point for each issue. Fewer than 3 points out of 10 should be considered as failure of housekeeping inspection. 3–5 fair. 6–10 excellent. What area must be the focus of a housekeeping inspection in a building unit? Stove, cooktops: Clean inside and out. Refrigerator: Clean inside and out. Cabinets: Clean inside and out. Bags or other items are not cluttered. Sinks, tub, toilet: Clean and sanitary. Floors : Clean, vacuumed or mopped. Beds made with clean linens. Closets clean and organized. Unit has odors of musk perfume and flower scent fragrance. Unit is clean, safe and sanitary. What constitutes abuse during a house keeping inspection? Warning a resident that failure to have excellent housekeeping will lead to termination of housing is abusive communication. There are many medical reasons why a resident may not have excellent housekeeping. Such a situation needs help, not abuse and further harms. This is relevant to other residents. Those who get fair or poor, or fail because of medical or nonmedical reasons, should get help to get excellent. Abusive notice of Losing housing due to not getting excellent in housing inspection is unreasonable and a human rights violation. On April 23, 2015, at 2PM, after discussion, one case manager at resident services agreed with these facts. Abusive notice of losing housing due to not getting excellent in housing inspection is unreasonable and a human rights violation. An updated letter needs to be issues with these facts. What can be medical reasons for improper housekeeping? Post traumatic stress disorder. Stress disorder Severe depression. Severe physical or mental disability, not taking care of self or surrounding. Developmental disability diagnosed before 18 years of age. What can be nonmedical reasons for not keeping proper housekeeping? Fever resources to do proper housekeeping. What will happen if you do not manage these issues properly? You can inflict further harms. You can be charged with human rights violations while a resident is being a victim. Questions you are expected to answer on the day of housekeeping inspection. What is the day, date, time, duration, and location of housekeeping inspection? Here is an example. Asif Qureshi Unit #237 Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 2PM, 5042 N. Winthrop Ave. #237, Chicago, Illinois, 60640. Who did this housekeeping inspection? How do you rate this housekeeping inspection findings on the scale of 1–10 with 10 being the best? Circle the best option. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 How was the figure calculated? What locations are best kept in the unit? Questions the resident needs to answer. Was housekeeping inspection on mentioned day, date, time, and location done in a fair manner without any prejudice? Yes/No. What do you think needs to be improved by those doing the housekeeping inspection? Case manager with others should do one inspection prior to the day, date, and location of inspection and suggest improvements. There should be no prejudice during the housekeeping inspection. The letter of housekeeping inspection reflects abusive communication that needs to be changed to pleasant words. For example, saying that if the resident does not come up with excellent findings, this will lead to termination of housing of resident reflects abusive communication, with intention of human rights violation. The housekeeping inspection was fair. The housekeeping inspection was prejudiced, thus a fair housekeeping inspection is needed. What is your response to these facts? |