Doctor Asif Qureshi is your executive guide and supervisor. What states must know about these guidelines? |
What is immigration? Immigration has to be defined in a global perspective. Immigration can be done by humans, birds, etc. Why is there a need to elaborate on human immigration? The need to elaborate on human immigration is due to facts birds also migrate. Birds do not need habitable conditions. Human being needs habitable conditions and basic civilized human needs. What is human immigration? Human immigration is the introduction of new people into a habitat or population. Human immigration is the arrival of a new individual or individuals into a habitat or population. Why is it the duty of the state to deal with immigration? It is the duty of the state to take care of the basic needs of any new arrivals without any harms. How should immigration in North American states be classified? There are 5 main categories. State citizen or state resident. Qualified immigrant. Permanently residing under color of law (PRUCOL). Lawfully present nonimmigrant Undocumented immigrant. Alphabetical listing of types can also be elaborated. What describes Doctor Asif Qureshi in North America? State citizen or state resident. Legal resident of the state under the color of state law. |
Emergency rule-making related to American immigration due to the fact that the directors and supervisors of immigration were ignorant of various relevant statutes as of September 7, 2018.
What have the findings been? Section 337(c) of 8 U.S.C. 1448, the Immigration and Nationality Act. ADA/Americans with Disabilities and immigration Section 203. [8 U.S.C. 1153] Senior officers are ignorant of various relevant statutes. What is the current system? What should the system be like? These issues are relevant to the existing system. USCIS: What do you have to do? Those who are in the mentioned categories include people who remained in the United States for more than 18 continuous years and who have documentation through the US Social Security department. Mail United States citizenship documents to the person's last known address on an emergency basis. |
What should everyone know? No policy can harm an individual’s human rights. Who is responsible for fixing these issues? Who is receiving a salary without fixing these issues? What compensation, remuneration, earned income, and/or salary should Doctor Asif Qureshi receive for providing questions and answering executive guidelines on, before, and after September 1, 2018? |
What are examples of various states in various continents around the world? |
What locations can a person immigrate to? |
Who should ideally get involved in immigration in various states? |
What questions should a person who gets involved in immigration issues be able to answer? |
What should you take care of while issuing any visa or permit for women? |
Do you think it is justified to speak on behalf of the United States without endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do you have the endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do those governors and state governing councils have the answers to all competence questions? |
Why should the green card system be abolished? This example will make you understand. On June 2, 2012, around 1 pm, a person approached me at Winona and Sheridan, Chicago, Illinois. He is a green card holder; however, he does not have proper resources. What state has the duty to take care of his needs? |
Immigration is a state subject. What are examples of various states in various continents around the world? Here are the essential issues. The Green Card system has to be discarded. Immigration is a state subject. People should be categorized as documented and undocumented residents. Competent state administrations should take care of people. Programs of every state department of human services should be enhanced. Anyone in public service involved in harms should be punished. Everyone in every state should get a state link card equal to link card of Illinois or ration card of Asia. Those getting unfairly higher remuneration should know they do not deserve it and are getting it unfairly. Their remuneration should be reduced and put on the link card. All of you should know you are in public service; discretion is not an option. Various relevant enclosures are attached. All workers linked to state immigration and outside state immigration should get educated with relevant questions of good character, good behavior, insight of rights, state economy, and state budget. This includes officers, directors, judges, and other relevant staff. I am willing to educate them. I am Asif Qureshi. I am the founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party. I am a medical doctor. Take a look at this. This is in addition to being a medical doctor. What are the key products and services? Search engine, consultancy services, professional training, books, other products and services. Take a look at this. How many competent medical doctors do you need? How many competent administrators do you need? How many competent news editors do you need? How many competent lawyers do you need? How many competent judges do you need? How many competent legislators do you need? How many competent police officers do you need? How many competent teachers do you need? How many competent engineers do you need? How many competent correctional officers do you need? How many competent entrepreneurs do you need? How many competent governors do you need? How many competent professionals do you need in essential areas of the economy? Qureshi University can educate them in a short period of time. I can educate them within a short period of time. What are the values of the Global Democratic Party? Good human character, good human behavior, rights, economy, budget, and proper state planning and development with a global perspective. |
Here are further guidelines. |
What should be the skills and knowledge of the state director of immigrations? |
Do you think it is justified to speak on behalf of the United States without endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do you have the endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do those governors and state governing councils have the answers to all competence questions? |
Why have some immigration acts, directives, and statutes become obsolete? |
What should be the skills and knowledge of the state director of immigrations? |
Who should oversee immigration services of the state? |
What should you take care of while issuing any visa or permit for women? |
What should be the skills and knowledge of the state director of immigrations? |
Who should oversee immigration services of the state? |
What should be the skills and knowledge of the state director of immigrations? |
Why have some immigration acts, directives, and statutes become obsolete? |
What should state immigrants be able to answer? How many people can the state accommodate this year as immigrants? Where will they stay? Where will they fetch their needs, including food? Does any state have a quota for immigrants with answer to these questions? E-mail, fax, call, forward a postal mail. |
What are various genuine initiatives for immigration reform? |
What are various reported harms up to now? What should you take care of while issuing any visa or permit for women? |
Do you think it is justified to speak on behalf of the United States without endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do you have the endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do those governors and state governing councils have the answers to all competence questions? |
Why should the green card system be abolished? This example will make you understand. On June 2, 2012, around 1 pm, a person approached me at Winona and Sheridan, Chicago, Illinois. He is a green card holder; however, he does not have proper resources. What state has the duty to take care of his needs? |
Here are the essential issues. The Green Card system has to be discarded. Immigration is a state subject. People should be categorized as documented and undocumented residents. Competent state administrations should take care of people. Programs of every state department of human services should be enhanced. Anyone in public service involved in harms should be punished. Everyone in every state should get a state link card equal to link card of Illinois or ration card of Asia. Those getting unfairly higher remuneration should know they do not deserve it and are getting it unfairly. Their remuneration should be reduced and put on the link card. All of you should know you are in public service; discretion is not an option. Various relevant enclosures are attached. All workers linked to state immigration and outside state immigration should get educated with relevant questions of good character, good behavior, insight of rights, state economy, and state budget. This includes officers, directors, judges, and other relevant staff. I am willing to educate them. I am Asif Qureshi. I am the founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party. I am a medical doctor. Take a look at this. This is in addition to being a medical doctor. What are the key products and services? Search engine, consultancy services, professional training, books, other products and services. Take a look at this. How many competent medical doctors do you need? How many competent administrators do you need? How many competent news editors do you need? How many competent lawyers do you need? How many competent judges do you need? How many competent legislators do you need? How many competent police officers do you need? How many competent teachers do you need? How many competent engineers do you need? How many competent correctional officers do you need? How many competent entrepreneurs do you need? How many competent governors do you need? How many competent professionals do you need in essential areas of the economy? Qureshi University can educate them in a short period of time. I can educate them within a short period of time. What are the values of the Global Democratic Party? Good human character, good human behavior, rights, economy, budget, and proper state planning and development with a global perspective. |
Here are further guidelines. |
What locations can a person immigrate to? Who should ideally get involved in immigration in various states? What questions should a person who gets involved in immigration issues be able to answer? |
![]() Deprivation of rights under the color of law Discrimination Exclusion Intentional enforced harms Other harms as per relevant legal concepts |
What is an example of a legal resident of the state under color of state law? Doctor Asif Qureshi is an example of a legal resident of a state under color of state law. Name of the state: Illinois, North America. From 1999 until April 5, 2017—more than 17 years—Doctor Asif Qureshi remained a resident of Illinois, North America. All other states endorse this in American states. Doctor Asif Qureshi is eligible for state programs including jobs, compensations, damages, restorative justice retroactively, housing, telephone and Internet service, dependents who live with him, healthcare, air travel, resident services, one guest staying for the night at home, many guests staying with him in a hotel room (preferably extended hotel), and other resources in American states. How do you adjust an individual legal resident of state under color of state law? A case manager is assigned to the individual. The individual is profiled by the case manager. The state’s department of human services approves the survival needs for the individual. Based on professional guidelines, the person can approve remuneration, income, and/or compensation for the individual. Regular follow-up occurs to monitor the progress of the individual indefinitely. What is a lawmaker? Knowledge of state criminal law, international law, essential departments inside and outside the state, and staff of these departments as well as essential abilities is essential for a lawmaker. What have been truthful findings about fraudulent lawmakers? Nowadays, criminals with finance, banking, and tourism tricks are fraudulently installed as fraudulent lawmakers. This is not justified. Fraudulent elections or elections without confidence are not necessary. Lawmakers’ competency is essential. What are other names or terms for a lawmaker? Politician Legislator What are examples of lawmakers? Doctor Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University, is an example of a genuine lawmaker. Doctor Asif Qureshi is a lawmaker of the North American states, Asia, Africa, Latin American states, and their dependencies, totaling more than 330 states. Issues that need further investigation. What issues need further investigation? Let’s examine this. What has happened? 21,362 immigrants reported being taken into custody for deportation proceedings in Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, San Antonio, and New York from January through mid-March 2017. Questions that need to be answered. Where is the list of 21,362 immigrants taken into custody for deportation proceedings from January to mid-March 2017? How do Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents know that immigration issues do not require consultation with USCIS, INS, Homeland Security, Department of State or similar departments? |
What state or location has the responsibility to take care of this person among the states listed at ? What best describes government in this state at this point? Helpful findings Civilized Fair Responsive Public service oriented Adverse findings Harmful Partially helpful because of a monopoly, discrimination, or other reasons Uncivilized Corrupt Fraudulently placed government Unfair Harmful Maintaining criminal silence Apparently a monarchy is actually harmful Apparently elected individuals are actually fraudulent or harmful The need to be replaced with public service oriented executives in administration. |
On April 26, 2018, Mr. Michael Richard Pompeo (born December 30, 1963) was appointed U.S. Secretary of State. On July 22, 2018, a reminder was forwarded relevant to these issues. What happened? On July 17, 2018, at 9 AM, two officers at Northside Family Community Resource Center, 6200 N. Hiawatha, 5th Floor, Chicago, IL 60646, did not know what an Illinois citizen is. I do not want the two officers and others supervising them to lose their jobs. You will learn from these questions and answers from Doctor Asif Qureshi. How do you proceed in this situation with an interview? Start with elaborate questions. All officers must be educated with these questions and answers. Are you an Illinois citizen? Is there a state citizen entity? Yes. What is an Illinois citizen? A person who abides by the Illinois constitution, Illinois compiled statutes, and international law and who plans to stay in Illinois and has a residence/home in Illinois. What is the proof of this issue? The Constitution of Illinois Article I Bill of Rights Section 24 identifies the rights retained. The enumeration in this Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the individual citizens of the state. This vividly mentions individual citizens of the state. Let me make you understand. If there is an incident in Illinois, the Illinois constitution is applicable. The system will first look at Illinois compiled statutes Chapter 720. If a person abides by state laws and declares that he abides by the Illinois constitution, this makes him a state citizen. You need to update your records. I am an Illinois citizen. I abide by the Constitution of Illinois, Illinois compiled statutes, and international law. This makes me an Illinois citizen. I have lived in Illinois for more than 19 years. I do not have any felony or misdemeanor incidents as of July 19, 2018, for more than 19 years. What is the Constitution of Illinois? The Constitution of Illinois is the governing document of Illinois. What are the compiled statutes of Illinois? The Compiled Statutes of Illinois (ILCS) are a cumulative organization of public acts. Is there a difference between the Constitution of Illinois and the compiled statutes of Illinois? Yes. What is the difference between the Constitution of Illinois and the compiled statutes of Illinois? The compiled statutes of Illinois have more facts. If you do not find issues elaborated in the Constitution of Illinois, more facts are provided in the compiled statutes of Illinois. How many chapters are there in the compiled statutes of Illinois? At least 820 as of July 17, 2018. If a person abides by the state constitution, the compiled statutes of a state, and international law, then the person should get a travel document. All other travel documents circulated fraudulently, including all diplomatic passports and diplomatic visas circulated on or before July 19, 2018, should be cancelled. Education of officers relevant to these issues. What do various government officers have to do? Learn and find more facts about the mentioned entities. What should everyone know? I follow the Illinois Constitution, Illinois compiled statutes, and international law. An immediate response from you is required so that the same can be forwarded to officers about these issues. Where are the guidelines for executives for this government department for public services from Doctor Asif Qureshi? Here are further guidelines. What jobs am I eligible and qualified for as of July 22, 2018? Specialist of disabilities Doctor Asif Qureshi University of Illinois at Chicago chancellor University of Illinois at Chicago president Forensic psychiatrist professor Vice chancellor of a public university Chancellor of a public university Guide for the 921 mentioned professions Airport executive management (for example, at LAX in Los Angeles, California) English language professor Governor of California Doctor Asif Qureshi President of the University of California Doctor Asif Qureshi Guide for governors of 330 states worldwide Doctor Asif Qureshi Universities like the University of Illinois at Chicago provide a guide to chancellors Doctor Asif Qureshi is founder of the United Continents of World, United States of World, with 331 member states. Where are guidelines for at least 921 professions from Doctor Asif Qureshi? What is my mailing address? Doctor Asif Qureshi 5042 N. Winthrop Ave. #237 Chicago, Illinois 60640. Phone:(773)561-6102 Fax:(773)337-9107 This was my mailing address from August 10, 1999, to July 22, 2018. This has remained my home office. Who is responsible for educating officers inside/outside the state directly and indirectly linked to immigration about these issues? Is this possible that those who uphold the Illinois Constitution, Illinois compiled statutes, and international law are asked not to do so? What do officers know about these entities? State citizen Qualified immigrant Permanently residing under color of law (PRUCOL). The state and county do not need any documents or verification from INS, USCIS, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, or similar entities. The category was created by courts in the state. This makes a person eligible for all justified human services. Outstanding Americans by choice. Exceptions and accommodations. Recognized American institutions of research What did you understand after reading these facts? What resources do I deserve? What compensation do I deserve? How do you plan to resolve these issues? How soon should I expect a response from you? |