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Media Law
What media law should you know?
Here are further guidelines.

What should happen if media, including newspapers, circulate a statement by any person who does not know and practice basics of good character, good behavior, insight of rights, state economy, state budget, state planning and development, and tries to get involved in public issues in or outside the state?
Any media, including newspapers, trying to glorify these criminals will face punishment. Closure of media or newspapers or replacement of editor, director, or producer is one option.

What should police, military, and lawyers include in the charges?
Reinforcing people involved in various harms.

What questions are you required to answer?
What did you understand after reading these facts?

How do you define state economy?
How do you define a state budget?
What are the basic human rights?
How would you rate your English language skills on a scale of 1-10?
Do you know about state planning and development?
What do you know about state planning and development?
Where is it displayed?
What is good human character?
What is good human behavior?
What are your skills and knowledge?
What are the essential ingredients of an economy?
What aren't essential ingredients of the economy?
Do we need products and services in essential ingredients of the economy or financial criminals?
What is the Essential Commodities Act?
What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act?

What media are burdens on the budget, rights, the economy, and people and should be closed?
Chicago Tribune
Chicago Sun-Times