What questions must be answered by an individual who initiates any new law in the state, outside the state, or any location in the world? What do you know about scientific laws? How is a new law going to enhance human rights around the world? What are the basic human rights? What is good human character? What is good human behavior? How do you define state economy? How do you define a state budget? What are the essential ingredients of an economy? What aren't essential ingredients of the economy? What is the Essential Commodities Act? What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act? Do you know about state planning and development? What do you know about state planning and development? Where is it displayed? Do you understand english language? What standard and reference of the English language do you follow? Where is this standard and reference of the English language displayed? How would you rate your English language ability on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best? What is your political affiliation? What are the parameters that determine the elements of effective case management with regard to a human being? What will happen if these questions are not answered by an individual before initiating a new law? Conflicts will arise. Disputes will arise. The new law can be declared invalid. The new law can harm others. The new law may not be acceptable to others. Other harms can occur. Conflict of law What is conflict of law? How do you manage conflict of law? Is there such a thing as law of choice while violating human rights of others? No. How do you prevent conflict of law? Go through human rights, essential commodities act, essential services maintenance acts, good character, good behavior. Conflict of law can be prevented. Always be aware of criminal networks and criminal lobbies. Here are further guidelines. |