Most police patrol officers have nonexempt duty. This means you have to report for specific hours of duty each day in a week and be off for one day or two days. Once you become more experienced, you can get exempt duty while guiding others from a distance. A police patrol officer is normally assigned a specific area of service in the state. A police patrol officer should identify with state police. How should you upload weekly report of your area of service in the state? What is the name of state and exact area of your service in the state? How many patrolling officers are assigned to your area of service in the state? Is your area of service safe in the state? What more needs to be done to make your area of service safe in the state? What are the profiles of harmful individuals in the community in the state? Are there any monopolists in the community of your area of service in the state? Is there any company that has not gotten permission from relevant department in the state? For example a management company in Illinois that has not gotten permission from the Illinois housing and development department and other relevant departments in Illinois. Does every resident in your area of service have enough survival resources in the state? What is the profile of a resident who needs more resources in your area of service in the state? What more resources does the resident need in your area of service in the state? What specific issues would you like to place on record in your area of service in the state? |
1. Police Patrol Officers | ||
2. Duties | ||
3. Tasks Activities | ||
4. Skills | ||
5. Abilities | ||
6. Knowledge / Experience | ||
Job Description for: "Police Patrol Officer"
man woman Patrol assigned area to enforce laws and ordinances, regulate traffic, control crowds, prevent crime, and arrest violators.
Are you sure that being an "Police Patrol Officer" is the best career for you? Do you want help with your career? Have you tried Career Coaching yet? Job Tasks for: "Police Patrol Officer" Provide for public safety by maintaining order, responding to emergencies, protecting people and property, enforcing motor vehicle and criminal laws, and promoting good community relations. Identify, pursue, and arrest suspects and perpetrators of criminal acts. Record facts to prepare reports that document incidents and activities. Review facts of incidents to determine if criminal act or statute violations were involved. Render aid to accident victims and other persons requiring first aid for physical injuries. Testify in court to present evidence or act as witness in traffic and criminal cases. Evaluate complaint and emergency-request information to determine response requirements. Patrol specific area on foot, horseback, or motorized conveyance, responding promptly to calls for assistance. Monitor, note, report, and investigate suspicious persons and situations, safety hazards, and unusual or illegal activity in patrol area. Investigate traffic accidents and other accidents to determine causes and to determine if a crime has been committed. Photograph or draw of crime or accident scenes and interview principals and eyewitnesses. Monitor traffic to ensure motorists observe traffic regulations and exhibit safe driving procedures. Relay complaint and emergency-request information to appropriate agency dispatchers. Issue citations or warnings to violators of motor vehicle ordinances. Direct traffic flow and reroute traffic in case of emergencies. Inform citizens of community services and recommend options to facilitate longer-term problem resolution. Provide road information to assist motorists. Process prisoners, and prepare and maintain records of prisoner bookings and prisoner status during booking and pre-trial process. Inspect public establishments to ensure compliance with rules and regulations. Act as official escorts, such as when leading funeral processions or firefighters. Knowledge Requirements for: "Police Patrol Officer" Law and Government -- Knowledge of laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, agency rules, and the democratic political process. Public Safety and Security -- Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective local, state, or national security operations for the protection of people, data, property, and institutions. English Language -- Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar. Customer and Personal Service -- Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction. Education and Training -- Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects. Psychology -- Knowledge of human behavior and performance; individual differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and the assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders. Administration and Management -- Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources. Telecommunications -- Knowledge of transmission, broadcasting, switching, control, and operation of telecommunications systems. Transportation -- Knowledge of principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road, including the relative costs and benefits. See the education requirements for "Police Patrol Officer" Skill Requirements for: "Police Patrol Officer" Judgment and Decision Making -- Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one. Active Listening -- Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times. Critical Thinking -- Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems. Writing -- Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience. Speaking -- Talking to others to convey information effectively. Social Perceptiveness -- Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do. Reading Comprehension -- Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents. Negotiation -- Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences. Persuasion -- Persuading others to change their minds or behavior. Active Learning -- Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making. But did you know that a Career Interest Test and a Personality Test can show you what the right type of work for you is? (It really does work. CareerPlanner has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Fast Company Magazine, and What Color is Your Parachute?. We know what we are doing.) blond girl with smile and glasses Ability Requirements for: "Police Patrol Officer" Inductive Reasoning -- The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events). Oral Comprehension -- The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences. Oral Expression -- The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand. Near Vision -- The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer). Speech Clarity -- The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you. Problem Sensitivity -- The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem. Far Vision -- The ability to see details at a distance. Speech Recognition -- The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person. Deductive Reasoning -- The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense. Reaction Time -- The ability to quickly respond (with the hand, finger, or foot) to a signal (sound, light, picture) when it appears. Job Activities for: "Police Patrol Officer" Getting Information -- Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources. Performing for or Working Directly with the Public -- Performing for people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests. Operating Vehicles, Mechanized Devices, or Equipment -- Running, maneuvering, navigating, or driving vehicles or mechanized equipment, such as forklifts, passenger vehicles, aircraft, or water craft. Resolving Conflicts and Negotiating with Others -- Handling complaints, settling disputes, and resolving grievances and conflicts, or otherwise negotiating with others. Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events -- Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events. Making Decisions and Solving Problems -- Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems. Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates -- Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person. Communicating with Persons Outside Organization -- Communicating with people outside the organization, representing the organization to customers, the public, government, and other external sources. This information can be exchanged in person, in writing, or by telephone or e-mail. Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards -- Using relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards. Documenting/Recording Information -- Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form. POLICE CORPORAL Job Summary Under general supervision, based upon assignment, performs patrol, investigative or administrative duties involving traffic collisions, community relations, prevention of crime, detention of suspects, juvenile crime, narcotics and gambling, training of new officers, coordination of crossing guards; assumes responsible role in area of assignment at level requiring higher degree of discretion and independence than at level of Police Officer. Essential Functions 1. Conducts technical and scientific investigations and research of crimes, crime scenes, traffic collisions, and non-criminal regulated activities. 2. Gathers and processes evidence, classifies fingerprints, and prepares significant reports. 3. Acts as uniformed patrol officer, assuming responsibility for specified patrol area; 4. Performs special assignments in community relations, court liaison, training officer, investigator, or related functions. 5. May be required, in the absence of higher ranking officer, to direct subordinates or to train newly-appointed personnel. 6. Conducts investigations of juvenile crimes and narcotics cases. 7. Performs research functions and prepare reports on findings. 8. Documents results of investigations and arrests. 9. Interacts with community members and groups to promote department programs and facilitate support. 10. Appears in court. QUALIFICATIONS Required Knowledge and Abilities Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of modern police work; laws of evidence, arrest, and criminal law, court procedure, administrative procedure, juvenile procedure, patrol procedure, rights of accused, investigative methods; and understanding of federal, state, and county police agencies and their relationships to City police functions. Ability to perform tasks that require a high degree of judgment, intelligence, initiative, and understanding of human behavior; to analyze situations quickly and objectively, and to determine proper courses of action; to speak and write effectively; to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with subordinates and associates; to work with little supervision, and organize and supervise the work of other police personnel when necessary; to deal with public tactfully; to obtain appropriate information through effective interview and interrogation; and to research data and formulate reliable conclusions. Education: Graduation from high school or equivalent and satisfactory completion of 45 college semester units. Experience: Two years experience as a Police Officer, at least one with The City of West Covina. License: A valid Motor Vehicle Operator's License and satisfactory driving record. Working Conditions Position requires physical strength necessary to restrain, chase, and control combative persons; requires climbing, reading small print, and hearing noises at a normal level What is this job like? Police and detectives enforce laws. They catch criminals. They collect evidence. At times they testify in court. Others patrol set areas to prevent crime. Some patrol and give out traffic tickets. Some police direct traffic. Most police wear uniforms; detectives and special agents work in regular clothes. Most detectives are part of regular police forces. Special agents work for Federal and State agencies. They file reports about what they've done during the day. Most police work on foot or ride in cars. Some, however, ride horses, bikes, or motorcycles. Some work in boats on rivers and in harbors. Some police work with dogs. Most police and detectives work at least 40 hours a week. When they work longer, they get extra pay. Because police work is a 24-hour-a-day job, some police have to work nights and weekends. They have to be ready to go to work at all times. Police may work very long hours on a case. Some have to travel a lot, often on short notice. Some police work outdoors in all kinds of weather. Some take very big risks when they chase criminals in cars or when they make an arrest. The job can be very stressful and dangerous for the police officer. The officer's family may worry a lot. Good training, teamwork, and good equipment reduce the number of injuries and deaths among police officers. How do you get ready? Some local, special, and State police units want recruits to have some college training. All Federal police agencies require a college degree. Many police units encourage new recruits to take college courses in police work. How much does this job pay? The middle half of all police and sheriff's patrol officers earned between $35,600 and $59,880 a year in 2006. The lowest-paid 10 percent earned less than $27,310. The highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $72,450 a year. The middle half of all police and detective supervisors earned between $53,900 and $83,940 a year in 2006. The lowest-paid 10 percent earned less than $41,260. The highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $104,410 a year. The middle half of all detectives and criminal investigators earned between $43,920 and $76,350 a year in 2006. The lowest-paid 10 percent earned less than $34,480. The highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $92,590 a year. Police get paid for overtime. Police also receive paid vacation, sick leave, and medical and life insurance. Often they get money for uniforms. Many retire at half-pay after 25 or 30 years of service. How many jobs are there? There were about 861,000 police and detectives in 2006. About 79 percent worked for local governments. They worked mainly in cities and towns with more than 25,000 people. The rest worked for State or Federal police agencies. What about the future? Employment of police and detectives is expected to increase about as fast as the average for all occupations through 2016. This is because people are concerned about crime and safety. Many people are attracted to police work because it is challenging. There will be a lot of opportunities for people who want to be police officers at local police departments. People who have military experience, college training in police science, or both should have the best chance of getting a job. Are there other jobs like this? Construction and building inspectors Correctional officers Customs inspectors Firefighting occupations (fire marshals) Occupational health and safety specialists and technicians (health inspectors) Private detectives and investigators Security guards, surveillance officers Where can you find more information? Has anyone you know been incarcerated? Is the person incarcerated or missing? Did you declare the situation publicly? How long has he been incarcerated? How old is the person? What language does he speak? What language does he understand? Can he write and read? Which language or languages does he write and read? Do you have information about this issue? Who are the relatives? Who are the friends? Who among your acquaintances are involved in harms? Who among regulators are involved in harms? What is their current mailing address? What is the mailing address of the jail or prison? Did they give you details of the dossier? What are they accusing him of? What has he admitted doing? Does he have counterclaims? What are the counterclaims? What do you think he has done? Do you think incarceration is justified? Do you think incarceration is unjustified? If he is dead, has a death certificate been issued? Who issued the death certificate? Who was head of the federal, state, city, and county administration at that time? Who were the associated employees? When was the complaint lodged? When was the complaint declared publicly? Who declared the criminal wrongdoing? What were the circumstances of death? What was the cause of death? Where did the death occur? What is the location of the place of death? Is there a mailing address of the location of death? Was there a mailing address of the location of death? Was the dead body transferred from another location? What was the location? What is the mailing address of the nearest police station? Are there any witnesses to the death? Who are the witnesses? What was his age at the time of death? Did they answer all of your questions? Who didn't reply to your questions? Who do you think is guilty of criminal wrongdoing? Who else knows this person? How do they know him? What are the sources of this information? Who verified this information? How credible is the information? What can police not do? Police cannot harass, torture, and oppress a witness to lie. Police themselves cannot lie. What will happen if police lie? The head of the police down the hierarchy get punished. What will happen if the military lies? The head of the military down the hierarchy get punished. What happens to those inflicted with harms? What happens to the victims? What should Delhi, Maharashtra, New York, or Illinois police do? Ask so-called criminal politicians or fraudulently elected politicians to stay away from public affairs. How do unscrupulous criminal heads of state and their associates distract attention from a scandal? They create another scandal. They distract attention to another issue and maintain criminal silence. Do they deserve to be there? No. How should police advice the so-called elected official or fraudulently elected officials? If you can't resolve the issues and problems, close down the office. I don't have the duty and responsibility to resolve issues and problems. You have the duty and responsibility to resolve issues and problems. You have accepted the duty and responsibility to resolve issues and problems. What are the consequences of not resolving issues and problems? This can escalate into a large-scale conflict. Do you want that to happen? What should police do if so-called elected or fraudulently elected officials and their associates are involved in crimes and harms? Declare to people that they will cooperate and use all their resources to prosecute them and punish them. What has happened historically if police shield criminal politicians, so-called elected or fraudulently elected officials? Police get targeted for abetting criminals. How many police officials die every year in the line of duty? How could this have been prevented? By following the above guidelines. | ||
Do you know the prerequisites of police, military, professional, and administrative services?
What are the prerequisites of police, military, professional, and administrative services? What are prerequisites for workers of any government agency? You should know and practice good character and good behavior; have insight of rights, economy, budget, state planning, and development with a global perspective; and know the relevant criminal offenses, standard operating procedures, advanced technologies, English language, and one local language. You have to be loyal to these values. Do you have answers to all these relevant issues and values? You cannot be loyal to criminals. You cannot be loyal to criminals even if they are placed as head of the state fraudulently. In one region, being in charge of armed police was considered a luxury. If you ask a criminal or criminals in jail to take care of arms, this will be a dream come true for them. It will take only a few days to train them in arms if they do not know. It takes years and decades to educate a good charactered, well behaved, person or people with insight of rights, economy, budget, state planning, and development with a global perspective of relevant criminal offenses, standard operating procedures, English, and one local language. How are others alerted in the state or outside the state in case a person with responsible public duty in the state is fraudulently, unfairly, or maliciously placed, or is bad charactered, badly behaved, incompetent, or harmful? What is standard operating procedure? Is there a difference between Code of Criminal Procedure and standard operating procedure? What is a fair standard operating procedure? What is an unfair standard operating procedure? Who should decide about standard operating procedure? How can one determine his character, behavior, insight of rights, economy, budget, state planning, and development with global perspective, relevant criminal offenses, standard operating procedure, English, and one local language? In what scenarios are standard operating procedures not applicable? An e-mail, Internet. In what scenarios are standard operating procedures applicable? All other activities. You can not harass, intimidate, harm, misuse official position, or hobnob with bad charactered, badly behaved, or incompetent people involved in various criminal offenses. Where should the most intelligent police officers work? In criminal investigations. What do you have to do to be a very good police criminal investigator? You have to be very good at writing interrogative sentences in the English language. If any state has few such police criminal investigators, I am willing to educate them. If theory is clear, then practice will be successful. Spanish, French, Arabic, Kashmiri, Urdu, Hindi, can be their second language. What is the difference between state military, state army, and state police? Police is the first line of defense. Military coordinates with state army and police as the second line of defense. Ideally, military officers, army officers, and police officers should have education at law college. It is the duty of engineers to manufacture military equipment and police equipment. Military, army, and police equipment is manufactured by mechanical engineers and aerospace engineers. | ||
What is economy? What is budget? How do you define state economy? How do you define a state budget? What is the Essential Commodities Act? What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act? What is the Fair Housing Act? | ||
How many detectives do you need? How many patrolling officers do you need? How many building security officers do you need? How many competent maintenance workers do you need? How many competent correctional officers do you need? | ||
How are those who misuse helicopters in the state punished, disciplined, or replaced? How is misuse of helicopters in the state audited? Who are manufacturers of weapons? How are weapons procured in the state? How did you audit weapon proliferation through the state armory? Who has been punished for these crimes? Who should be punished for these crimes? How many officers are in criminal investigations of police in the state? How many officers are in investigations of vigilance origination in the state? How many computers are with department in the state? How many computers are connected to the Internet in the state? How is backup of server preserved? Do all officers in criminal investigations of police and vigilance know the English language and one local language in the state? Who has the duty and responsibility to educate court staff? | ||
How should police get a complaint? Internet, e-mail, telephone, letter, media, fax, word of mouth, or through other sources. It is not always possible to walk into police station and file a complaint. In various regions of the world, police do not get complaints from someone walking into the police station, nor do police encourage someone walking into the police station to file a complaint. There always should be three to four police officers at various locations to monitor prevention of any exclusion, mishandling, obstruction of justice, or obstruction of fairly investigating harms or complaints. | ||
What do police do? What are some health and safety issues for police? What are some preventive measures for police? What are some good general safe work practices? Where can I get more information? What do police do? Police officers, law enforcement officers, security officers and people in related positions may be called to any number of work environments, and perform a variety of tasks. The main duties of a police officer, among others, are to: * Respond to emergency calls such as crimes, accidents, and natural disasters * Patrol assigned areas to maintain public safety * Enforce laws and regulations * Investigate crimes and accidents * Perform first aid * Educate the public on crime prevention and safety What are some health and safety issues for police? Police work is among the most dangerous and requires special training. The hazards of police work include: * Violent attacks * Exposure to contagious and infectious diseases from people, animals, needles, and other sources * Exposure to various chemical or biological hazards * Pain from physical overexertion, and prolonged or awkward body postures * Exposure to extreme temperatures * Noise * Slips, trips and falls * Fatigue from shift work * Psychological stress or trauma What are some preventive measures for police? * Have extensive safety and skills training. * Exercise regularly to keep fit and reduce the risk of injury. * Wash your hands frequently, to reduce the chance of infection. * Use personal protective equipment or others barriers for the task. * Learn safe lifting techniques. * Always be aware of your surroundings, and on the alert for dangerous people or situations. * Take breaks, as appropriate, from awkward positions or repetitive physical tasks. * Follow a recommended shift work pattern and protect yourself from the hazards associated with shift work. * Follow or establish safety procedures for working alone, or for avoiding working alone wherever possible. * Learn about stress and post-traumatic stress, and consider a debriefing session or counselling after a critical or traumatic event. What are some good general safe work practices? Ensure that you are trained and informed on how to avoid the various health and safety hazards of your job. Read about these: * Chemical hazards and WHMIS * Blood borne diseases * The importance of hand washing * Needlestick injuries * Proper selection, use, maintenance and storage of personal protective equipment * Safe lifting techniques * Preventing slips, trips and falls * Shift work * Working alone Always: * Follow the established safety procedures for your profession. * Know how to report a hazard * Follow good housekeeping procedures. Where can I get more information? | ||
What can police not do? Police cannot harass, torture, and oppress a witness to lie. Police themselves cannot lie. What will happen if police lie? The head of the police down the hierarchy get punished. What will happen if the military lies? The head of the military down the hierarchy get punished. What happens to those inflicted with harms? What happens to the victims? What should Delhi, Maharashtra, New York, or Illinois police do? Ask so-called criminal politicians or fraudulently elected politicians to stay away from public affairs. How do unscrupulous criminal heads of state and their associates distract attention from a scandal? They create another scandal. They distract attention to another issue and maintain criminal silence. Do they deserve to be there? No. How should police advice the so-called elected official or fraudulently elected officials? If you can't resolve the issues and problems, close down the office. I don't have the duty and responsibility to resolve issues and problems. You have the duty and responsibility to resolve issues and problems. You have accepted the duty and responsibility to resolve issues and problems. What are the consequences of not resolving issues and problems? This can escalate into a large-scale conflict. Do you want that to happen? What should police do if so-called elected or fraudulently elected officials and their associates are involved in crimes and harms? Declare to people that they will cooperate and use all their resources to prosecute them and punish them. What has happened historically if police shield criminal politicians, so-called elected or fraudulently elected officials? Police get targeted for abetting criminals. How many police officials die every year in the line of duty? How could this have been prevented? By following the above guidelines. | ||
Police patrol officer interview questions 1. Tell me about yourself? 2. Why did you leave your last job? 3. What are your career goals for Police patrol officer? 4. Why do you want to work here? 5. What is your greatest weakness for Police patrol officer? 6. What do co-workers say about you? 7. What kind of _______ are you looking for Police patrol officer? 8. Why should we hire you as Police patrol officer? Who has the duty and responsibility to screen the quality of police officers? How is an undercover check done to screen the quality of police officers? How many police officers are associated with your location? What is their profile? What is the area of service? Can I have e-mail communication with a few of your officers? What do the police officers know about psychiatry and policing? Where are police officers on duty expected to eat? Can police officers on duty use any restaurant's urinal? What should a police officer do in case his/her patrol car breaks down? Where do police officers fill the patrol car's gas tank? How will you respond if you see a parked police patrol car? How will you respond to another police patrol car on patrol? Will you halt if you see another police patrol car? When will you halt if you see another police patrol car? How long should you limit you conversation? What are some examples of police harassment? What will you do as police officer in case your highest ranking police officer directs you to remain silent about a vivid crime? Inform him clearly that you will tell the truth. How many police officers have been killed due to flawed instructions of judges? If a person or a party knows his genuine rights have been violated, he isn't going to give up his rights on the instructions of any power, however strong. Can you apply wrong concept of law to specific claims, harms? No. You need to verify. Do you belong to the police department? What is your affiliation? Where should the complaint be filed? How should police follow up once a complaint about harms appears on the World Wide Web? How should the suspension of police officers proceed if they lead to inaction about complaints and vivid harms that appear on the World Wide Web? They must be given a chance to clarify that they didn't face pressure from higher ups to remain silent or not to investigate. Where should the most intelligent police officers work? In criminal investigations. Should all police officers and administrative officers know compartments of state planning and development? Yes. Should directives go ahead as per compartments of the state? Yes. Where are they displayed? Should remuneration be displayed or pay scale? Remuneration is a better terminology; it fulfills needs and rights in a better way than pay scale. How many police officers have computer and internet resources? If highest ranked police officers do not have correct answers to specific questions, can juniors have the answer? No. In addition to policing, police should take campaigns of good character, good behavior, rights, economy, and budget. If they are not educated in schools and communities, they must be educated in detention centers. It is better to educate them in schools and communities instead of detention or correction centers. Police and law department must ensure that all schools and communities have a curriculum of good character, good behavior, rights, economy, and budget. Some of the highest ranking police officers do not know about good character, good behavior, rights, economy, and budget. How did they get to the position of highest ranked police officers? Unfair political influence, monopoly, and corruption. Police training There are 209 police stations in Kashmir (J&K) as of August 10, 2010. All of them need to get oriented to state planning and development. All of them need to get oriented to compartments and blocks of the state. There are 97 compartments in Kashmir (J&K); therefore, 97 superintendents of police are required, plus 97 compartment or district judges. Each compartment is divided into blocks. Srinagar has compartment number 1. All officers and workers should know they are in public service. Due to disturbances, genuine Kashmiris (J&K) coming or departing from Kashmir should get police escorts. Entry by road should be 300 miles south of Srinagar. Entry 300 miles east, west, and north is restricted for the time being. There is entry by air at Srinagar International Airport. The state department of immigrations should maintain records of entry and exit. Who can be head of the state department of immigrations? A person who can write and speak good English and Kashmiri. A person who was born, brought up, and educated for at least 12 years in Kashmir (J&K). A person who has answers to questions displayed in the governing council manual. Tourists should be requested to stay away from Kashmir for the time being. Police officers should know if they have enough food, then they can work. Agriculture gets priority. Police or any security officer cannot get involved in harms, intimidation on the instructions of the Indian National Conference, Indian Congress, or similar cults who do not have answers to good character, good behavior, rights, state planning and development, economy, budget, and relevant criminal offenses. The state armory should have retroactive audit. If CID (Criminal Investigation Department) has deficiency of services, GBI (Global Bureau of Investigations) can be enhanced. | ||
Do you know the prerequisites of police, military, professional, and administrative services? What are the prerequisites of police, military, professional, and administrative services? What are prerequisites for workers of any government agency? You should know and practice good character and good behavior; have insight of rights, economy, budget, state planning, and development with a global perspective; and know the relevant criminal offenses, standard operating procedures, advanced technologies, English language, and one local language. You have to be loyal to these values. Do you have answers to all these relevant issues and values? You cannot be loyal to criminals. You cannot be loyal to criminals even if they are placed as head of the state fraudulently. In one region, being in charge of armed police was considered a luxury. If you ask a criminal or criminals in jail to take care of arms, this will be a dream come true for them. It will take only a few days to train them in arms if they do not know. It takes years and decades to educate a good charactered, well behaved, person or people with insight of rights, economy, budget, state planning, and development with a global perspective of relevant criminal offenses, standard operating procedures, English, and one local language. How are others alerted in the state or outside the state in case a person with responsible public duty in the state is fraudulently, unfairly, or maliciously placed, or is bad charactered, badly behaved, incompetent, or harmful? What is standard operating procedure? Is there a difference between Code of Criminal Procedure and standard operating procedure? What is a fair standard operating procedure? What is an unfair standard operating procedure? Who should decide about standard operating procedure? How can one determine his character, behavior, insight of rights, economy, budget, state planning, and development with global perspective, relevant criminal offenses, standard operating procedure, English, and one local language? In what scenarios are standard operating procedures not applicable? An e-mail, Internet. In what scenarios are standard operating procedures applicable? All other activities. You can not harass, intimidate, harm, misuse official position, or hobnob with bad charactered, badly behaved, or incompetent people involved in various criminal offenses. Where should the most intelligent police officers work? In criminal investigations. What do you have to do to be a very good police criminal investigator? You have to be very good at writing interrogative sentences in the English language. If any state has few such police criminal investigators, I am willing to educate them. If theory is clear, then practice will be successful. Spanish, French, Arabic, Kashmiri, Urdu, Hindi, can be their second language. What is the difference between state military, state army, and state police? Police is the first line of defense. Military coordinates with state army and police as the second line of defense. Ideally, military officers, army officers, and police officers should have education at law college. It is the duty of engineers to manufacture military equipment and police equipment. Military, army, and police equipment is manufactured by mechanical engineers and aerospace engineers. | ||
What is economy? What is budget? How do you define state economy? How do you define a state budget? What is the Essential Commodities Act? What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act? What is the Fair Housing Act? | ||
How many detectives do you need? How many patrolling officers do you need? How many building security officers do you need? How many competent maintenance workers do you need? How many competent correctional officers do you need? | ||
How are those who misuse helicopters in the state punished, disciplined, or replaced? How is misuse of helicopters in the state audited? Who are manufacturers of weapons? How are weapons procured in the state? How did you audit weapon proliferation through the state armory? Who has been punished for these crimes? Who should be punished for these crimes? How many officers are in criminal investigations of police in the state? How many officers are in investigations of vigilance origination in the state? How many computers are with department in the state? How many computers are connected to the Internet in the state? How is backup of server preserved? Do all officers in criminal investigations of police and vigilance know the English language and one local language in the state? Who has the duty and responsibility to educate court staff? | ||
Police Patrol Officers Police Detective Police Communications Operator Police Dispatcher Police chief Deputy chief Police captain Police lieutenant Police sergeant Police corporal Q: What is your name? Q: How old are you? Q: What is good human character? Q: What is a bad character? Q: What is good human behavior? Q: What is the difference between good character and good behavior? Q: What is your father?s name? Q: What is your mother?s name? Q: Where and when were they born? Q: Do you have a spouse? Q: Did you have a spouse? Q: What do you understand by spouse? Q: What language do you speak? Q: Do you understand english language? Q: What is your Email address? Q: How do you define education? Q: Why do you want to be a Police Officer? Q: What types of police training would be most effective in reducing racial bias? Q: What does high stress police training teach recruits? Q: What have you done to prepare yourself for the position of Police Officer? Q: What physical training activities are you currently involved in? Q: Are there any height or weight requirements? Q: What is your height? Q: What is your weight? Q: What is the color of your skin? Q: What is the color of your hair? Q: How many children do you have? Q: How many brothers and sisters do you have? Q: Do you have any domestic pets? Q: How do you define a family? Q: What language does your spouse speak? Q: Where did your spouse go to high school? Q: Where did your spouse go to college? Q: What are the different police ranks? Q: Can you name them in ascending order? Q: Can you name them in descending order? Q: What is the lowest rank? Q: What is the highest rank? Q: What are the duties and responsibilities of the lowest ranked police officers? Q: What are the duties and responsibilities of the highest ranked police officers? Q: What's the difference between Western ranks and Eastern ranks?
Q: How do you detect incompetence within the police force? Q: How do you implement remedial measures? Q: Where are there courageous, honest and competent police officers? Q: What is the difference between a Sheriff officer and a police officer? Q: What is a Sheriff? Q: What does a Sheriff do? Q: What gives Sheriffs their authority? Q: How do I contact my local Sheriff? Q: How do I visit someone in jail? Q: How can I get a job as a Sheriff? Q: If I have a complaint about a Sheriff, what do I do? Q: Do I have to work the jail system prior to working the streets? Q: How long will it be before I can work a specialized assignment? Q: What types of questions are on the written test? Q: What will you do as police officer in case your highest ranking police officer directs you to remain silent about a vivid crime? Inform him clearly that you will tell the truth. Q: When were you informed about claims for those posting on the World Wide Web? Take a look at this Q: What did you understand? Q: What punishments do they deserve? Q: Do you have an answer? Q: Do you have a better answer? Q: Does anyone have a better answer? Q: Does anyone else have an answer better than the answers I already have, we have? Q: Would you like to add anything? Q: Can you make me wiser? How? Q: Can you make us wiser? How? Q: Do you have any recommendations? If I have a complaint about a Sheriff, what do I do? Are supplies procured for a year, six months, weekly or daily? Who is the manufacturer? Where are they located? Where are police officers on duty expected to eat? Can police officers on duty use any restaurant's urinal? What should a police officer do in case his/her patrol car breaks down? Where do police officers fill the patrol car's gas tank? How will you respond if you see a parked police patrol car? How will you respond to another police patrol car on patrol? Will you halt if you see another police patrol car? When will you halt if you see another police patrol car? How long should you limit you conversation? What are some examples of police harassment? What will you do as police officer in case your highest ranking police officer directs you to remain silent about a vivid crime? Inform him clearly that you will tell the truth. Where should you report an emergency or crisis? What is the difference between 911 and 311? What is the difference between a control room and a police station? When should you contact 911 or control room? When should you contact 311 or report to a police station? How do you define an emergency? What constitutes an emergency? If they refuse to take your complaint or report, what should you do? If you are harmed due to negligence of 911, 311, control room, or police, what remedies are available? What will you do as patrolling police officer if you are approached with, "excuse me, I have a complaint?" What will you do as a 911 or 311 operator if you are approached with the complaint, "management is misusing police against inhabitants?" What will you do as a public defender if you are approached with the complaint, "management is misusing police against inhabitants? What is the difference between a medical emergency and a crisis? Can a medical emergency lead to a crisis? Can a crisis lead to a medical emergency? Can a crisis lead to another crisis? Can you give examples? How do you manage crisis? How should you manage crisis? To be updated What is the correct answer? A police department serves a specific state. Each state is divided into counties. Each county has police headquarters called a sheriff's offices. The western counties are equal to the eastern district. In eastern regions, the district police headquarters is equal to a western sheriff's office. In some counties, the sheriff's Office gives extra duty and responsibility to city services. That is similar to city police. Can city police be merged with county police? Yes. Should city police be merged with county police? Yes. What situations need city police to be merged with county police? How do interstate police coordinate? How do intercontinental police coordinate? How do you test the integrity, character, competence, courage, and good behavior of a police officer? How can I prepare for the physical agility test? The physical agility test consists of four categories: single bench press, sit-ups, push-ups, and 1.5-mile run. A recommendation is to practice the events in order with only brief rest periods between the events. |
When and how should you circulate roads or streets and sanitation notice? Roads or streets and sanitation notice should be circulated at least a week ahead. Preferably a specific day in a specific area in the state must be identified for roads or streets and sanitation cleaning. Friday from 9 am to 3 pm, there will be roads or streets cleaning in this area. In a specific area of a state, people should know that on Friday from 8 am to 2 pm there will be roads or streets cleaning. Why was there need to elaborate on this issue? If there is no prior notice relevant to this issue, and a notice is placed, say, after 5pm on Thursday and roads and sanitation cleaning is from 8 am to 2 pm the next day, a person who enters one’s home before 5 pm on this day normally will not know before the next morning or after until he or she gets tickets. Such tickets are not justified. A specific day, time, area must be circulated to residents and this must not change, or if it does, proper notice must be given to the residents. How should the parking regulation notice this side look? Take a look at this. ![]() This type of notice is convenient for residents of the area of the state. Take a look at this. ![]() This type of sudden notice creates unjustified parking tickets. For all such parking tickets, notice was not given properly and the ticket must be reversed. |
What are the duties of police patrol officer relevant to courts in the state? In some situations, a police patrol officer has to attend court. You need to remind your supervisor you have to attend court so that a replacement is arranged. If you find at any point that the judge is lying, dishonest, or incompetent with other staff, report it to your supervisor or supervisor of the court in the state. Recognize state courts. What should a judge do if parking ticket is contested due to an improper notice like that displayed? Resident should get a favorable decision. Ticket or tickets need to be dismissed. |
What are some other professions police officers will come across at some point? Physician forensic psychiatrist Physician forensic pathologist State attorney State magistrate Director of state corrections All state police officers, police patrol officers, detectives, up to director general of police should know that a physician forensic psychiatrist, physician forensic pathologist, state attorney, state magistrate, and director of state corrections know more than police officers. Here are further guidelines. |