Crash cart: What must be on a crash cart for medical emergency physicians? |
What is the generic or pharmacological name of the prescription drug? Albuterol Therapeutic use What are the indications? What medical condition(s) is this treatment for? Asthma - Acute Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Acute Bronchitis Bronchospasm Prophylaxis Asthma - Maintenance Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Maintenance Reversible Airways Disease - Maintenance What is the dosage? What is the starting dosage? What is the maximum dose? Usual Adult Dose for: Asthma - Acute Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Acute Bronchitis Bronchospasm Prophylaxis Asthma - Maintenance Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Maintenance Reversible Airways Disease - Maintenance What are the side effects of this medicine? The patient must be updated to report any side effects as soon as possible. Let me explain. Lisinopril has so many listed side effects. A person used Lisinopril for at least 5 years 2018 to 2023. He did not have any side effects. Where do you go for further details? Take a look at this. |
What is the first choice of medicine for hypertension in adults in this situation? Hydrochlorothiazide (oral route) 12.5 mg. Take one tablet by mouth one time daily. What is the maximum oral dose of hydrochlorothiazide per day? The dose is usually not more than 50 mg per day. What are some US brand name for hydrochlorothiazide? Aquazide H Hydrocot Microzide Zide In what format is this medicine dosage available? Capsule Tablet What are the complications? Every 6 months, hypokalemia has to be verified. If hypokalemia is verified, stop hydrochlorothiazide and start lisinopril. Take in the early morning. Monitor renal function, potassium levels, and salt intake. Hypersensitivity reaction may occur in individuals with sulfa allergy. What is the second line of treatment for high blood pressure? lisinopril 20 mg tablet Commonly known as: Zestril Take 1 tablet by mouth daily. Food and habitable housing Make sure food and habitable housing are on the list. You have to give medication to a person with food and habitable housing. |
Metoclopramide oral (taken by mouth) is used for 4 to 12 weeks to treat heartburn caused by gastroesophageal reflux in people who have used other medications without relief. Metoclopramide oral is also used to treat gastroparesis (slow stomach emptying) in people with diabetes, which can cause heartburn and stomach discomfort after meals. Metoclopramide injection is used to treat severe diabetic gastroparesis. The injection is also used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or surgery, or to aid in certain medical procedures involving the stomach or intestines. | Quiz Metformin Counseling Points Metformin Counselling – OSCE Guide |