How do you know if the individual has any of these:
Stress without intentional enforced harms or without human rights violations. Intentional enforced harms from others. Human rights violations from others?
Ask questions relevant to the issues mentioned.
Verify the findings with questions relevant to issues mentioned.
Stress has more than 180 causes.
Some of the causes of stress are intentional enforced harms and human rights violations.
Not all causes of stress are intentional enforced harms or human rights violations.
Intentional enforced harms can be civil and criminal issues.
Basic human rights violations are criminal issues.
Answers to these questions are essential.
Questions relevant to stress.
Symptoms Signs of stress may be cognitive, emotional, physical, or behavioral.
Existing stressors.
Do you have any of these symptoms?
Aches and pains
Agitation, inability to relax
Anxious or racing thoughts
Avoidance behaviour
Back pain
Blaming others
Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
Churning stomach
Constant worrying
Decreased/increased sexuality
Depressed/Anxious thinking
Depression or general unhappiness
Diarrhea or constipation
Difficulty relaxing
Difficulty with relationships
Dry mouth
Eating fast
Eating more or less
Eating too much or not at all
Eating too much/too little
Excess guilt
Excess perspiration
Excess worries over health
Feeling a failure
Feeling like you have no control
Feeling overwhelmed
Feeling unable to cope
Feelings of fear
Frequent colds
Heart problems
High blood pressure
Higher risk of asthma and arthritis flare-ups
Hostile behavior
Hypercritical of self/others
Inability to concentrate
Inability to delegate
Increased alcohol
Increased caffeine
Increased colds/flu
Increased heart rate
Increased sick days
Increased smoking
Increased worrying
Irritability or short temper
Irritable bowel syndrome
Isolating oneself from others
Lack of concentration
Lack of energy
Lack of focus
Less sexual desire
Losing temper
Loss of confidence
Loss of sex drive
Lower self-esteem
Making mistakes
Memory problems
Mind in a whirl
Mood swings
Motor vehicle collision
Nail biting
Nausea, dizziness
Neck and/or back pain
Needing to have too much control
Negative thinking
Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
Not eating or eating too much
Outbursts of anger
Persistent lateness
Pessimistic approach or thoughts
Pessimistic thinking
Poor decision making
Poor eye contact
Poor interaction with colleagues
Poor judgment
Poor self-esteem
Poor time management
Poorer personal hygiene
Pre Menstrual Syndrome
Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
Reduced work performance
Risk taking
Sense of heart pounding
Sense of loneliness and isolation
Sensitivity to criticism
Shallow breathing
Short temper
Skin problems, like hives
Sleeping problems
Sleeping too much or too little
Stomach bloating
Stomach cramping
Stressful thinking
Substance abuse
Talking fast
Tension headaches
Tingling in hands/legs
Tremor in hands/legs
Trouble getting things done
Trouble sleeping
Upset stomach
Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
Walking fast
Weight gain or loss
Weight loss/gain
Withdrawal from activities
Withdrawal from relationships
Worker absenteeism and presenteeism
Worrying a lot
Past stressors or acquired harms.
Did you face any of the following in the past 30 years?
___ Yes ___ No Assault
___ Yes ___ No Hitting
___ Yes ___ No Kicking
___ Yes ___ No Biting
___ Yes ___ No Shoving
___ Yes ___ No Restraining
___ Yes ___ No Slapping
___ Yes ___ No Throwing objects
___ Yes ___ No Stalking
___ Yes ___ No Punching
___ Yes ___ No Choking
___ Yes ___ No Pushing
___ Yes ___ No Burning
___ Yes ___ No Being a victim denied medical care
___ Yes ___ No Sleep deprivation
___ Yes ___ No Being a victim forced into drug/alcohol use
___ Yes ___ No Being restrained from calling or communicating with a brother,
sister, father, or mother.
___ Yes ___ No Being restrained from calling or communicating with a specific
person. Who did you try to call or communicate with? Who tried to restrain
___ Yes ___ No Being pointed at with a sharp object, gun, weapon, utensil, or other
object with intent to harm or intimidate.
___ Yes ___ No Suffering any word or gesture that inflicted intentional emotional
___ Yes ___ No Any inappropriate touch by others that made you feel bad.
___ Yes ___ No Any situation that made you feel bad.
___ Yes ___ No Other types of contact or manipulation that resulted in physical or
psychological injury/harms.
___ Yes ___ No Rape, forced sexual activity, intimidated, tricked, or drugged to have sex.
___ Yes ___ No Maliciously impregnated.
___ Yes ___ No Intimidated.
___ Yes ___ No Being hit with an object.
___ Yes ___ No Being forced to persuade a victim to commit activities uncomfortable
or distressful.
___ Yes ___ No Other (any activity that makes you feel distressed)
___ Yes ___ No Deprivation of any right.
___ Yes ___ No Verbal abuse
___ Yes ___ No Accidents.
___ Yes ___ No Any type of trauma.
___ Yes ___ No Any type of harm. Building collapse.
___ Yes ___ No Child abuse or captivity.
___ Yes ___ No Childbirth.
___ Yes ___ No Death of a loved one.
___ Yes ___ No Domestic violence.
___ Yes ___ No Fall.
___ Yes ___ No Fire.
___ Yes ___ No Genocide.
___ Yes ___ No Natural disaster (hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis).
___ Yes ___ No Neglect of a child leading to a serious harms.
___ Yes ___ No Nutritional deficiency.
___ Yes ___ No Road traffic crash.
___ Yes ___ No Rape.
___ Yes ___ No Shooting.
___ Yes ___ No Torture.
If yes, what are the details?
If any of the above describes your situation, what are the details of the
If any other traumatic, stressful, harmful, or horrifying event, give more
What were the day, date, time, location, circumstances, and persons
involved in any of these occurrences?
How old were you at that point?
How old were the others?
What exactly happened on the day, date, time, and location?
If there was any other situation, what are the details?
How often has this been happening?
If yes, what are the details?
If any of the above describes your situation, what are the details of the incident/incidents?
If any other traumatic, stressful, harmful, or horrifying event, give more details.
What were the day, date, time, location, circumstances, and persons involved in any of these occurrences?
How old were you at that point?
How old were the others?
What exactly happened on the day, date, time, and location?
Has there ever been a time in the past when you were suicidal?
If there was any other situation, what are the details?
How often has this been happening?
Every day in a year.
Every month in a year.
Once in a year.
Only on the mentioned day, date and location.
Are you living alone or is someone else in the household?
Who all are in your household?
How long have you lived alone?
How long have you lived with a person of the opposite gender not related to you by birth or in the family?
How long have you lived together at a specific location in the same bedroom?
More than 10 years.
5-10 years.
1-5 years.
Less than a year.
Less than a month.
A few hours.
If there is a failure to provide necessities, the state has to provide basic survival necessities.
If the state provided necessities and any individual or individuals are deprived the rights, it is a criminal offense.
What individual deprived you of your rights?
How did he or she deprive you of your rights?
Here are various scenarios.
There is no food for you while the state has issued food for the person.
You cannot eat at the same table or location while the person is in the same household.
If there is emotional neglect or not having intercourse between male and female spouses, that is a violation of fidelity and conjugal rights.
In one scenario, a fraudulently placed administration involved in various harms and crimes creates lies under the pretext of domestic violence to harm the opposition. There was no domestic violence.
This is a criminal conspiracy/conspiracies.
Did you face any emergency from your birth until now?
How are you feeling today?
Angry (Agitated, Irritated, Resentful, Miffed, Upset, Mad, Furious, Raging)
Excited (Ecstatic, Energetic, Aroused, Bouncy, Nervous, pericy, Antsy)
Happy (Fulfilled, Contented, Glad, Complete, Satisfied, Optimistic, Pleased)
Loving (Intimate, Love, Warm-Hearted, Tender, Sympathetic, Touched, Kind,
Sad (Down, Blue, Mopey, Grieved, Dejected, Depressed, Heartbroken)
Scared (Tense, Nervous, Ancious, Jittery, Frightened, Panic-Stricken,
Surprised (Surprise Amazement, surprise, astonishment)
Causes of Stress
What are various life stressors a human being can experience?
Arguments with children
Alcohol misuse
Addition to family
Bureaucracy/red tape
Being fired at work
Beginning or ceasing formal schooling
Business readjustment
Birth of a baby (Normal)
Birth of a baby (Conspiracy)
Birth of a grandchild
Change in living conditions
Change in resources
Change in number of arguments with spouse
Change to a different line of work
Change in eating habits
Changes in residence
Changing to a new school
Change in number of family gatherings
Career change
Change in eating habits
Change in number of marital arguments
Change in work responsibilities
Change in work hours, conditions
Change in mosque, church activities
Change in social activities
Change in recreational habits
Change in residence
Change in family member’s health
Change in schools
Change in sleeping habits
Change in the health/behavior of a family member
Change in nature of work
Children leaving home
Caring for a chronically ill relative
Conflicts with colleagues
Car breakdown
Chronic pain
Daily hassles.
Daily inconveniences
Death of close friend
Damp conditions
Drug misuse
Difficult neighbours
Death of close family member
Divorce(Relevant to type of relationship)
Detention in jail or other institution
Death of spouse
Death of close family member
Delegation problems
Difficult relationship with children
Difficult relationship with parents
Distressed relationships
Excess noise
Excessive self criticism
Excessive worrying
Excess pessimism
Excess anger
Excess cold
Excessive Exercise
Excess/to little exercise
Excess heat
Excess caffeine
Fear of crime
Food, housing problems
Fired from job
Family member left home
Gaining a new family member(ie.,birth,adoption)
Giving talks/presentations
Health worries
Human rights violations from others.
Inconsiderate people
Increased care for elderly or ill person
Individual influences
Intentional enforced harms from others.
Jail term
Job dissatisfaction
Lack of sleep
Legal problems.
Locus of control
Low assertion
Low self esteem
Lifecycle Disruption
Lack of relaxation
Low self esteem
Late hours
Low levels of assertion
Living in an urban area
Low social support
Major change in number of family get-togethers
Major change in sleeping habits (a lot more or a lot less than usual)
Major change in social activities (________)
Major change in usual type and/or amount of recreation
Major change in mosque, church or temple activity (i.e.. a lot more or less than usual)
Major changes in working hours or conditions
Major change in living condition
Major change in responsibilities at work
Misplacing keys
Marital reconciliation
Marriage (Describe)
Marital separation
Major business readjustment
Marital reconciliation with mate
Marital Separation from mate
Meal Preparation
Major house renovation
Made redundant
Nutritional Deficiencies
Noise Pollution
Negative self talk
Older adult moving in
Office Politics
Personal injury or illness
People pleasing
Poor diet
Personal injury or illness
Problems with children
People pleasing
Poor support/supervision
Poor Diet
Poor housing
Partner with health problems
Partner with alcohol/drug problems
Problem neighbours
Problems with relatives
Problems with friends/neighbours
Pet-related problems
Retirement from work
Repeated conspiracies
Revision of personal habits (dress manners, associations, quitting smoking)
Role ambiguity
Relationship difficulties
Rude, aggressive, unhelpful people
Rigid thinking style
Racial harassment
Racism And Discrimination
Separation from loved one
Sleep Deprivation
Surgical operation experienced by family member or relative
Surgical operation on yourself
Spouse stressor (An unaffectionate spouse
Unforgiving attitude of a spouse
Lack of proper communication between spouses
Unable to find quality time for each other
Extramarital relationships
Step children
Dealing with in-laws
Repeated conpiracies (See conspiracies in detail)
Son or daughter leaving home
Spouse begins or ceases working
Starting or finishing school
Sexual Difficulties)
Sleep Problems
Temperature Extremes
Toxic Exposures
Trouble with in-laws
Trouble with boss
Taking on a _________ (car,etc.,)
Traffic jams
Time pressures
Trouble with boss
Threat of redundancy
Unrealistic beliefs
Unrealistic expectations
Victim of crime
Work overload.
Work-related problems
Boring work
Bullying behavior by colleagues
Changes to duties
Changes within the organisation
_______ takeovers
Conflicts with colleagues
Conflicts with colleagues or supervisors
Crisis incidents, such as an armed hold-up or workplace death.
Delegation problems
Excess working hours
Feeling undervalued
Few promotional opportunities
Frustration with the working environment
Having to take on other people's work
Having to work long hours
Heavy workload
Inadequate working environment
Insufficient skills for the job
Job insecurity
Lack of autonomy
Lack of control over the working day
Lack of equipment
Lack of job satisfaction
Lack of proper resources
Lack of support from colleagues
Lack of work recognition
Lack of clear direction at work
Lack of proper resources, equipment or training
Long hours
Poor relationships with colleagues or bosses
Poor support/supervision
Remuneration issues(Low pay)
Role ambiguity
Tight deadlines
Time pressures
Traumatic Incident Stress
Type of work people have to do
Workplace bullying
How stressed are you?
What's stressful for you?
What is troubling you at present?
What is troubling you from the past or about the future?
Do you have stress?
If you are over-stressed, your mind and body will give you warning signs. Take this simple test to see if you have symptoms of too much stress:
Do you feel like you are not yourself?
Do you feel overwhelmed?
Do you feel unable to cope with the workload that you are usually able to handle?
Do you often feel anxious, angry, irritable or tense?
Do you get headaches or stiffness/tension in your muscles, jaw or back?
Do you feel unable to concentrate or to remember things as well?
Do you frequently have upset stomach, skin rashes, racing heartbeat, or sweaty palms?
Are you more tired or have a lower energy level than usual?
Do you lack interest in things that normally used to interest you?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Are you using alcohol or drugs to escape problems you may have?
If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, you may be feeling signs of stress overload. When you have stress overload, you may become forgetful or have difficulty concentrating. The quality of your work may decline and you may feel alone or isolated from the people around you.
I have done considerable research on this topic.
I have elaborated this topic in 50 different questions and answers.
What do you know about stress?
Are you experiencing any life stressors?
What life stressors are you experiencing?
What life stressors can a human being experience?
What types of stressors have you faced up to now?
What types of stressors do you think others have faced?
How many life stressors do you know?
How have you managed each life stressor at various points?
Do you feel upset about anything?
If yes, you are having stress.
Does stress affect your everyday life and relationships with people?
Is this a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or long-term stressor?
Is this a mild, moderate, severe, extreme, or catastrophic stressor?
Do you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day?
Do you feel like everything around you moves too slow?
Do your days seem long and boring?
When you relax do you feel like you should be doing something?
When you relax do you think about work or problems?
Is it a struggle to go to work each morning?
Ever have difficulty sleeping?
Do you feel like people take advantage of you?
Do you feel like everything around you moves too fast?
If you are doing something important do you miss meals?
Did you know that 90% of doctor visits are for stress related symptoms?
What is stress anyway? Do you know?
Do you find yourself becoming easily confused?
Have you lost your physical fitness?
Is it common for you to lose your temper?
Are you drinking too much alcohol?
Do you find yourself finishing other peoples sentences?
Do you get frequent aches and pains in the neck and shoulders?
Are you easily depressed?
Do you feel like something is missing in your life?
Do you bite your nails?
Do you sometimes feel unhappy even when your life is ok?
Do you sometimes feel like you'd like to hit someone?
Do you get blinding headaches for no apparent reason?
Do you get angry frequently?
Is it sometimes difficult to make decisions?
Are avoiding contact with people as much as possible?
Is it difficult to make and keep friends?
Are you suffering from frequent indigestion?
Are you finding that you are breathing fast?
Are getting coughs, colds and other minor infections?
Do you have dreams that you know will never come true?
Do you have sexual problems that you never used to have?
Are you secretive?
Are your muscles frequently feeling tight and tense?
Do you wake up from sleep and still feel tired?
Are you putting things off until the last possible moment?
Did you know that the emotional and physical responses you have to stress are set in motion by a series of chemical releases and reactions?
What do you know about various life stressors?
What should you know about various life stressors?
How do you screen a person for past, present, and future life stressors in his or her life?
Do you have any past or acquired harms/stressors?
Do you have any stressors at this point?
Do you have any concerns or stressors relevant to the future?
What are the details of your past stressors or acquired harms, existing stressors, and future stressors?
What best describes past, present, and future life stressors in your life?
Questions relevant to intentional enforced harms from others.
Who has harmed you in the past or present or is likely to harm you in the future?
Did you experience any one of these that has troubled you since the day you were born?
Child abuse or captivity.
Death of a loved one.
Natural disaster (hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis).
Road traffic crash.
Building collapse.
Neglect of a child leading to a serious harms.
Domestic violence.
If yes, what are the details?
If any other traumatic, stressful, harmful, or horrifying event, give more details.
Questions relevant to human rights violations from others.
Do you know what basic human rights are?
What best describes your human rights violations from others?
Do you have enough of these resources from the state?
Health care
Consumer goods
Do you need any of these resources to be enhanced?
What is troubling you?