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Social issues
Acquired harms
How is your health in general?
Excellent ___ Very Good ___ Good ___ Fair ___ Poor ___

What doctors do you currently see?

How often do you see your doctor?

Do you have any physical or medical problems?

YES ____ NO ____ If so, what? ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Is there anything that makes it better?

Is there anything that makes it worse?

Do you find it difficult to accomplish daily tasks like vacuuming, driving or cooking?

YES ____ NO ____

Does your health keep you from doing the things you want to do?

YES ____ NO ____

Have you ever been treated by a psychiatrist or counselor?

YES ____ NO ____
If so, do you feel it helped you?

How has your mood been?

Have you felt very sad or down in the past three months?

YES ____ NO ____
A. Excited or hyper? YES ____ NO ____ B. Anxious or afraid?

How many hours a night do you sleep?

A. Is that normal for you? YES ____ NO ____

How many hours a day do you sleep?

A. Is that normal for you? YES ____ NO ____

How are your eating habits?

A. Is that normal for you? YES ____ NO ____

Have you been very nervous or worrying a lot?
YES ____ NO ____

What do you worry about?

Are there some choices you’ve made in your life that turned out to make things harder for yourself or your family?

YES ____ NO ____
A. If so, explain __________________________________________________________

Have you felt troubled or irritable lately?

YES ____ NO ____

How long has this been a problem?

Has this ever been a problem in the past?

YES ____ NO ____

What helped the problem?

Please tell me what medications you take?

Do you take any over the counter medication?

YES ____ NO ____
A. If yes, what?

Do you take any vitamins or supplements? YES ____ NO ____
A. If yes, what? __________________________________________________________

Do you have any problems with your teeth?

YES ____ NO ____

How often do you go to the Dentist?

Have you had surgery in the past?

YES ____ NO ____
A. If yes, for what and when did it occur? ____________________________________ _____________________________________________


How many live births have you given up to today?

How many still births have you given up to today?

How many miscarriages, abortions, dilatation and curettage have you gone through up to today?

How is your child/children’s health?

Does your child/children take any medications?
YES ____ NO ____ A. If yes, for what? ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
How often do you take your child/children to the doctor?

Medication How often? Who prescribed? For what?

Do you have any family responsibilities or problems that are keeping you from making changes or improvements that would make your life better?

YES ____ NO ____
A. If yes, please describe

Have you or anyone in your household ever been arrested or been involved with the police?

YES ____ NO ____
A. If yes, please explain

What services have you received from other offices, organizations or agencies within the last two years?

A. Please list Agencies and Services received __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ B. What helped and what didn’t? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ C. For those that didn’t help, please explain why you think they didn’t help


How often do you currently drink beer, wine, or liquor?

Never 1-2 times weekly Once a month 3-4 times weekly Twice a month Everyday Other

How much beer, wine, or liquor do you usually drink at one time?

Don’t drink 4-5 drinks One drink only 6 drinks or more 2-3 drinks

In the past year, for which of the following reasons have you drank alcohol or used drugs?

To get high To escape problems To relax To socialize To have fun To fit in with the crowd

Do you think that you use too much drugs or alcohol?

YES ____ NO ____

Have you ever felt the need to quit or cut down on your drug or alcohol use?

YES ____ NO ____

Has anyone ever expressed concern about your drug or alcohol use?

YES ____ NO ____

Have you felt badly or guilty about your drug or alcohol use?

YES ____ NO ____

Do you ever take a drink or a drug in the morning to feel better?

YES ____ NO ____

Has your drug or alcohol use caused family, job, or legal problems?

YES ____ NO ____

Do you get angry or lose your temper when using drugs or alcohol?

YES ____ NO ____

Do you use more drugs or alcohol to get the effect you want?

Do you think you have a drug or alcohol problem now?

YES ____ NO ____

Do any family members have a drug or alcohol problem?

YES ____ NO ____

May I refer you to someone that can get you help?

(Education, Self-Help, Treatment)

Are you able to get public transportation?


What job would you like to try if you could?

Do you have family and/or friends who can help you in meeting your goal?

YES ____ NO ____ A. If yes, please tell us whom? ________________________________________________

Do you have any problems finding child care?

YES ____ NO ____ A. If yes, please explain ______________________________________________________ ___
List three or more things that you like about yourself and/or that you do well. 1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________

What do you want to be doing in two years?

What do you think you need to get there?

What do you want to get out of this program?

How would you like to change or make your life better?

What is keeping you from making those changes?

How can we help you make the changes you would like to make to better your life?

Do you have any other Comments/Information you would like to share with us?

If so, please do so. __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________