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How are you feeling today?
Angry (Agitated, Irritated, Resentful, Miffed, Upset, Mad, Furious, Raging)

Excited (Ecstatic, Energetic, Aroused, Bouncy, Nervous, pericy, Antsy)

Happy (Fulfilled, Contented, Glad, Complete, Satisfied, Optimistic, Pleased)

Loving (Intimate, Love, Warm-Hearted, Tender, Sympathetic, Touched, Kind, Soft)

Sad (Down, Blue, Mopey, Grieved, Dejected, Depressed, Heartbroken)

Scared (Tense, Nervous, Ancious, Jittery, Frightened, Panic-Stricken, Terrified)

Surprised (Surprise Amazement, surprise, astonishment)

Self-harm thoughts. Harm to others thoughts.
Do you have any problems today?
Is there any difference between levels of consciousness and levels of emotions?
Yes, there is.

What is the difference between levels of consciousness and levels of emotions?
What are the levels of human consciousness?
What are the levels of human emotions?
What is emotion?
What Are Emotions – Feelings?
The word emotion includes a wide range of observable behaviors, expressed feelings, and changes in the body state.

What are various emotions?
There are at least 48 different emotions.
Emotions are broadly divided into nine categories: agitated, excited, happy, loving, sad, scared, and surprised, Self-harm thoughts, Harm to others thoughts.

What emotions are signs of a medical emergency?
Self-harm thoughts.
Harm to others thoughts.
Positive Human Emotions
Negative Human Emotions
Emotional Health for Parents
What Causes Emotions?
What Causes Emotional Problems
Healing Emotional and Psychological Trauma
Symptoms, Treatment, and Recovery
Self Harm
Harm to Others

Temperament is associated with your personality.


Moods are shorter-term emotional states, typically lasting hours, although they can last for days or longer.

Emotions also tend to be more extreme than moods and temperament, with higher highs and lower lows. We can become very angry very quickly, though it is difficult to stay very angry and it may subside into a irritable mood or be replaced by another completely different emotions.

Emotions tend to be very specific, triggered by noticeable events and are immediate reactions to these and which drive us to particular actions, for example running away from a snarling dog or going to chat up an attractive other person.

48 emotions
Emotion annotation and representation language">edit] Emotion annotation and representation language

The emotion annotation and representation language (EARL) proposed by the Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion (HUMAINE) classifies 48 emotions.[2]

The Emotion and Feeling List

Admiration Pride/Affection
Affection -strong attachment
Agitation -strong confused feelings
Antagonism Contempt/Anger
Apprehension Fear/Distraction
Ardor -intensity of passion
Belief Affection/Curiosity
Consternation Pathos/Distraction
Cordiality -warmth of manner
Deep sense -strong and intelligent idea
Determination Pride/Desire
Disappointment Fear/Pathos
Disgust Contempt/Hauteur
Dread Shame/Fear
Eagerness -impatient desire to accomplish
Earnestness -deep, resolute desire to accomplish
Ecstasy -extreme delight
Endurance -power to bear pain
Enthusiasm -extraordinary fervor
Embarrassment Shame/Pathos
Experience -something undergone or enjoyed
Fanaticism -extravagant zeal
Ferment -intense excitement
Fervor -intensity of feeling
Flurry -sudden confused state of mind
Flush -sudden elation or excitement
Fluster -confused state of mind
Fullness of the heart -generosity
Furore -overmastering passion for
Glow -fervency of intensity of felling
Gusto -keen enjoyment; relish
Heartiness -earnestness and sincerity
Hectic -a habitual flush
Hope Desire/Affection
Indignation Anger/Hauteur
Impression -the effect produced on the mind
Inspiration -divine influence; elevating influence of genius or occasion
Interest Desire/Curiosity
Passion -overpowering feeling
Pathos -tender or sorrowful feeling
Perturbation -agitation of the mind
Pother -continued confusion
Pulsation -a beating or throbbing of the heart
Response -act or feeling as a result of an appeal
Ruffle -state of slight vexation
Scorn Contempt/Disdain
Sensation -an impression made on the mind through the senses
Sincerity Pride/Curiosity
Shock -starting emotion; violence to the feelings
Stew -a state of agitating excitement
Sex -body feelings (warm tickles)
Sufferance -experience of pain or evil
Suffering -severe pain
Supportance -assistance to an ill person
Suspicion Hauteur/Disdain
Sympathy - fellow feeling for one in pain or trouble
Thrill -a tremor of feeling or excitement
Tolerance -allowing what is not altogether approved
Turn -a shock, as from an alarm
Unction -that quality in language or address which excites emotions
Regret Shame/Distraction
Vehemence Anger/Disdain -strength or impetuosity of feeling or passion
Verve -the enthusiasm of a poet or artist
Warmth -slight passion
Zeal -enthusiastic devotion

Primary emotion

Secondary emotion

Tertiary emotions

Love Affection Adoration, affection, love, fondness, liking, attraction, caring, tenderness, compassion, sentimentality
Lust Arousal, desire, lust, passion, infatuation
Longing Longing
Joy Cheerfulness Amusement, bliss, cheerfulness, gaiety, glee, jolliness, joviality, joy, delight, enjoyment, gladness, happiness, jubilation, elation, satisfaction, ecstasy, euphoria
Zest Enthusiasm, zeal, zest, excitement, thrill, exhilaration
Contentment Contentment, pleasure
Pride Pride, triumph
Optimism Eagerness, hope, optimism
Enthrallment Enthrallment, rapture
Relief Relief
Surprise Surprise Amazement, surprise, astonishment
Anger Irritation Aggravation, irritation, agitation, annoyance, grouchiness, grumpiness
Exasperation Exasperation, frustration
Rage Anger, rage, outrage, fury, wrath, hostility, ferocity, bitterness, hate, loathing, scorn, spite, vengefulness, dislike, resentment
Disgust Disgust, revulsion, contempt
Envy Envy, jealousy
Torment Torment
Sadness Suffering Agony, suffering, hurt, anguish
Sadness Depression, despair, hopelessness, gloom, glumness, sadness, unhappiness, grief, sorrow, woe, misery, melancholy
Disappointment Dismay, disappointment, displeasure
Shame Guilt, shame, regret, remorse
Neglect Alienation, isolation, neglect, loneliness, rejection, homesickness, defeat, dejection, insecurity, embarrassment, humiliation, insult
Sympathy Pity, sympathy
Fear Horror Alarm, shock, fear, fright, horror, terror, panic, hysteria, mortification
Nervousness Anxiety, nervousness, tenseness, uneasiness, apprehension, worry, distress, dread