What do you mean, "behavior disorder"? Can children be screened for these problems? What are some types of behavioral disorders? What causes these disorders? What are some types of behavioral disorders? Boys are more likely than girls to have what behavior disorder? Why are withdrawal disorders not usually identified? What discipline style most often causes behavioral disorders? Identification Characteristics which identify an individual as having a behavior disorders are demonstrated in a variety of settings, with little consideration or understanding of social or cultural rules. Academic characteristics Disrupts classroom activities Impulsive Inattentive, distractible Preoccupied Does not follow or appear to care about classroom rules Poor concentration Resistance to change and transitions in routines Often speaks out with irrelevant information or without regard to turn taking rules Demonstrates aggressive behavior Intimidates and bullies other students Regularly absent from school consistently blames others for their dishonesty Low self esteem Difficulty working in groups Demonstrate self injurious behavior Can not apply social rules related to others personal space and belongings Often manipulative of situations What do you mean, "behavior disorder"? Can children be screened for these problems? What causes these disorders? BIOLOGICAL FACTORS genetic accidents brain damage malnutrition physical illness physical disabilities temperament (inborn behavioral characteristics) FAMILY FACTORS: conflict coercion (abuse, nagging, threats) Relationship issues discipline style- especially when the adult is aloof towards supervision but harsh and inconsistent with punishment parental behavior (discipline, language used, attitudes toward education, school involvement) SCHOOL FACTORS: have awareness of individual diferences hold appropriate expectations consistently manage behavior make relevant instructional connections use proper reinforcement strategies provide models of appropriate behavior What are some types of behavioral disorders? CONDUCT DISORDER: DELINQUENCY AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE: ANXIETY-WITHDRAWAL DISORDERS: ENURESIS AND ENCOPRESIS: PSYCHOSIS: Adult behavioral health problems |