Who received these facts? Parliament Rajya Sabha When did they receive these facts? February 3, 2021 February 5, 2021 What did they receive? My name is Asif Qureshi. I am the founder of Qureshi University. I am a qualified medical doctor. I am also a forensic psychiatrist. My biodata/profile is available at http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html I am an educator, researcher, and administrator (inside and outside the state). I have more than seven years of hospital experience as a practicing physician. I have 17 years of research experience in Chicago, Illinois. My research is available at www.qureshiuniversity.com. I have written more than 40 nonfiction books. My published works are relevant to professional education. I can guide 600 professions, including governors (inside and outside the state). These professions include teachers, lawyers, engineers, and physicians. I can guide 19 specific types of aspiring and existing physicians (inside and outside the state). I can guide 147 essential departments (inside and outside the state). What types of guidelines has Dr. Asif Qureshi established for residents and professionals? 1. Abilities/Skills: Guidelines for 650 human abilities. https://qureshiuniversity.com/abilitiesworld.html 2. Departments: Guidelines for 132 essential departments inside and outside the state. https://qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html 3. Occupations: Guidelines for 1000 occupations, including teachers, lawyers, engineers, and physicians. https://qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html 4. Products: Guidelines for 130 products, including computers, road vehicles, and aircraft. https://qureshiuniversity.com/productsworld.html 5. States: Guidelines for 330 states in the world. https://qureshiuniversity.com/states.html 6. Subjects: Guidelines for 150 subjects, including English, math, science, social studies, and forensic medicine. https://qureshiuniversity.com/subjects.html 7. Public service programs. https://qureshiuniversity.com/programs.html If any specific program needs to be added, let me know. Farm legislative bill issues from Kashmir to Kerala and beyond worldwide. What laws cannot be enacted? Any initiative that is against human rights or civilized individual rights cannot be enacted. What do you have to do? Cancel 3 unilateral farm bills from Kashmir to Kerala and beyond on or after February 4, 2021. From November 26, 2020, until February 4, 2021, general protests and strikes involving approximately 250 million (250,000,000) people took place to bring attention to these issues. At least 170 deaths resulted. The focus of the protests was anti-farmer legislative bills. If a farmer or any other similar entity gets a one-time payout of 2000 in the local currency, it will not resolve their problems. Problems have to be resolved through a public distribution system or government ration system for the rest of their lives, with the expectation that they will live to be at least 90 years old if not longer. In addition, people in Jiangsu or Eastern and adjacent locations, Sindh and adjacent locations, northern Asia, western Asia, and worldwide should discuss and debate these issues. What must happen next? Doctor Asif Qureshi, the founder of Global University www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html, will help you rewrite the farm bill in English language in a question-and-answer format. Remuneration for Doctor Asif Qureshi is also essential. Debate these questions with farmers, the public, and administrators worldwide. Slowly expand the farm bill document. This will take a long time—at least several months. Public debate should be sought via the news media. What farms, public distribution systems, or ration systems have functioned without a minimum support price—more precisely, no price—for the public distribution system or ration system and quota per person? For example: Srinagar’s public distribution system or ration system in 1975. This is how the system worked. Farmers were asked to give all of their farm products to the government. Farmers would get food from the public distribution system or ration system, essential services, education, and all other justified human rights allotted based on a per-person quota. This included all people in the community. Farm Laws Questions that need to be addressed in any farm bill worldwide. What is the essential commodities act? What items cannot be deleted from the essential commodities act list? What items need to be added to the essential commodities act list? What is the essential services maintenance act? What are basic human rights? What do you know about the public distribution system or ration system? What farms, public distribution systems, or ration systems can function without minimum support price from the government? What farms, public distribution systems, or ration systems cannot function without minimum support price from the government? How do you resolve a problem? If a person who has been fraudulently or genuinely elected does not have problem-solving abilities: Is this justified? What is a legislative bill? What is research? What is quantitative research? What is qualitative research? How must a justified legislative bill proceed via the existing Internet worldwide? Who must be assigned these responsibilities on or after February 4, 2021? What must happen next? On or after February 4, 2021, there should be review of progress every 2 weeks. Who is forwarding these issues? Asif Qureshi, MD 5042 N. Winthrop Ave., Unit 237 Chicago, IL 60640 Telephone: 773-561-6102 Fax: 773-337-9107 Email: admin@qureshiuniversity.com Internet: www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html Guide for 19 specific types of physicians. This is in addition to other executive professionals. |
Who received these facts? Clerk's Office - Springfield Supreme Court Building 200 E. Capitol Springfield, IL 62701 (217) 782-2035 http://illinoiscourts.gov/SupremeCourt/supportstaff.asp Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts 222 N. LaSalle St, 13th floor Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 793-3250 (312) 793-1335 (fax) Clerk's Office - Chicago Michael A. Bilandic 160 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 793-1332 Continental 1st Air Force/Continental afnorthpa@tyndall.af.mil Eastern Air Defense Sector 1 (315) 334-6536 DSN: 587-6536 Western Air Defense Sector (253) 982-4549/4372 WADSPA@WADS.mcchord.af.mil Office of Inspector General Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220 Telephone: (202) 622-2000 Fax: (202) 622-6415 Senate Budget Committee - Main Office 624 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-0642 Fax: (202) 228-4835 All media entities must get these facts. When did they receive these facts? January 18, 2021 What did they receive? Emergency What will happen on or after January 20, 2021? There are speculations. There is uncertainty. There were issues of voter fraud and violence in DC on January 6, 2021, leaving 4 dead. Lawmakers fear more violence will occur on or after January 20, 2021. Others are predicting that a civil war or military offensive will break out. Some options are to cancel all events relevant to these issues. Administrative skills: What are various examples? Accuracy Problem solving There are at least 111 administrative skills an executive must have. How do you manage this situation? Joe Biden or any person in his Cabinet or on his team should not circulate any executive order that can harm individual rights. If any flawed or harmful executive order has been circulated previously or while he was vice president, solutions, remedies, and fixes for the harms must proceed. They have to explain how they will fix these issues. If a complaint unfolds www.nazianazirqazi.org that Joe Biden or any of his family members, Kamala Harris, or any of the administration's Cabinet members or team members, previously or currently nominated, were or are involved in harms and they maintained criminal silence, Joe Biden’s presidency, his Cabinet and team nominees, and Kamala Harris should be nullified and disqualified due to these harms on or after January 21, 2021. Who is forwarding these issues? Your future director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Doctor Asif Qureshi. I will be covering and supervising both nonmilitary and military issues in America and worldwide. Here are my guidelines for 127 essential government departments. https://qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html How long did it take to establish these resources? It has taken 21 years of research in Chicago, Illinois. It has required 1232 academic projects to establish these executive guidelines from 1999 until 2021 in Chicago, Illinois, www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html. All Senate committees must preserve these guidelines. This is in addition to all offices of governors. Remind all government departments that Doctor Asif Qureshi has been installed relevant to this program since 2004 in Chicago, Illinois, as a citizen with modification to the oath of allegiance section 337. Illinois compiled statutes, international law, and relevant federal statutes that do not conflict with Illinois compiled statutes and international law are applicable. Dual citizenship or global citizen entity is debatable.
What compensation do I deserve? What income do I deserve? Who has the answer? Who is willing to answer? Who has the duty and responsibility to answer? What must happen to United States Treasury https://home.treasury.gov/ on or after January 21, 2021? Supervision of the United States Treasury from the offices of the 50 American governors. International supervision for the United States Treasury https://home.treasury.gov/ on or after January 21, 2021. No transaction must take place without due process through the offices of various governors. The United States Treasury at 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220 has been looted and misused from time to time for so many years repeatedly under the heading of the new White House Cabinet team. Those nominated for federal office do not have problem-solving skills. They have greed and are targeting the Treasury. That must stop. People have been nominated for a federal office with a focus on salary from the Treasury, not problem-solving or public service skills. These are findings from the last 21 years in America. We need problem solvers. They do not have problem-solving skills. Those nominated for federal office must serve without salary. First, exhaust all existing resources and assets. All resources from the Treasury https://oig.treasury.gov/ must be mobilized to offices of various governors. What must happen next? Internally, all state compiled statutes, such as the Illinois compiled statutes, Illinois Supreme Court, California compiled statutes, New York compiled statutes, and similar state compiled statutes and equivalent, must prevail. Externally only Title 10 of constitution admiralty law and the equivalent. Title 5 U.S. Code, Chapter 9-executive reorganization (§§ 901 - 913) must prevail in coordination with international law. Admirals must reinforce the offices of various governors of America. Adjutant generals of various states and offices of the governor. Public debate should be sought from various executives of offices of governors regarding these issues. Your immediate thoughts on these issues are required. What did you understand after reading these facts? What did you understand from complaint at http://www.nazianazirqazi.org/ facts? How should the parallel civil and criminal proceedings - Nazia Qazi www.nazianazirqazi.org harms see enclosure 1, guilty enlisted class 1 felony punishments - go ahead? How do you plan to resolve these issues? |
![]() What is known so far? Name: Ram Vilas Paswan Age at the time of death: 74 Type of surgery: Heart surgery. Further facts required. Time of death: 6:30 PM on Thursday, October 8, 2020. Location of death: Fortis Escort Heart Institute, Delhi. Funeral: Saturday, October 10, 2020, in Patna, Bihar. Questions that need to be answered from medical and administrative fraternity. What exactly were the chronology of causes and circumstances of his death? Where are all his forensic medical reports? Who is responsible for answering these questions? After his death, public services should not be disrupted, particularly the government’s public distribution system for food and supplies. For the sake of public services, these questions must be answered through the government website of every public distribution system for food and supplies in every state on or after October 9, 2020, as circulated by Doctor Asif Qureshi. Why are these issues essential? These issues will affect your health and wellbeing. Your lives. Your livelihoods. Questions that need to be answered from public services view relevant to directors and secretaries of public distribution of food and supplies in every state. Has every director and secretary of government distribution of food and supplies in every state displayed the number of ration cards, inventory accounting for every product available through the public distribution system, number of employees, number and address of public distribution locations, and upgrades of the computer system network and departmental websites? What is been accomplished for public debate on the essential commodities act, essential services maintenance act, and human rights through media, preferably in English language and translated into other local languages? What is an essential commodities act? What is an essential services maintenance act? What are the basic human rights? Has every state listed the origin of the products in the inventory accounting distributed through the government distribution of food and supplies in the state through their departments’ websites? How do you monitor, alert, control, and reverse any harmful and/or unjustified legislative and administrative directives or outside implications that can harm essential commodities act, essential services maintenance act, and human rights act related to the public distribution of food and supplies via government departments? Who is on the list of individuals with leadership abilities relevant to these issues? Who is on the list of individuals with managerial abilities relevant to these issues? Who is on the list of transferring and posting of directors and secretaries of the public distribution of food and supplies in specific states? What is on the list of complaints from the public and/or employees in every state relevant to the public distribution of food and supplies in every state that must be displayed through the relevant government department websites? |
United States of the World, with 333 member states: http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/states.html
On September 12, 2020, the Secretary General of the UN said: "It calls on states to ensure the right of women and girls to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health, including sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights." For women and girls, the highest attainable standard of health is justified. At the same time, sexual and reproductive issues have well-defined rules in almost all communities worldwide. Can you violate others’ fidelity and conjugal rights? No. Do you or others have the right to violate the rights of others? No. Is it clear that you do not know anything about fidelity, conjugal rights, and various compiled state statutes? Yes. These are enough grounds to replace the existing UN Secretary General and President of the UN on or after September 12, 2020. Either reform the UN according to these states (www.qureshiuniversity.com/states.html) with respect for compiled statutes of every state or dissolve the UN on or after September 12, 2020. The United States of the World, with 333 member states (www.qureshiuniversity.com/states.html) as of September 12, 2020, is the best organization. Nominate the president, general secretary, treasurer, and state executive for each state for the United States of the World and physical locations for deliberations and postal mail. Stop all resources for United Nations due to various irreparable harms. |
Alex Azar, the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Eric D. Hargan, the United States Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services, must resign on or after August 17, 2020. They, along with other previous similar entities, will likely face imprisonment with further punishments. These are some of the examples that justify their punishments: www.nazianazirqazi.org What else must be written in their termination letters? Failure to understand the complaint regarding gross misconduct and irreparable harms. Incompetent. Failure to understand their responsibilities. Failure to bring about solutions and remedies. Only concerned about their salaries. The United States Treasury can face some kind of new controls due to various criminal activities. All directors of state public health departments in the United States and around the world. What must every director of a state department of public health answer? What are examples of gross misconduct? What are punishments for gross misconduct? How many health care laws are there in the state? What are examples of various healthcare laws in the state? Those who cannot answer these questions through their official website on or before August 22, 2020, must resign so a competent person can be placed in the position of director of public health in the state. What else must happen? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris must fix their previous harms on or before August 22, 2020, and before the elections. The Election Commission in America has been reminded that those who have inflicted irreparable harms on others are disqualified from running for election. Even if they are fraudulently elected, they will not be accepted by others within the United States or outside the United States. |
On or after March 19, 2020, schools (kindergarten through 12th grade) closed to classroom instruction statewide. Which states closed school buildings for classroom instruction statewide on or before March 19, 2020? On or before March 19, 2020, at least 39 states in America closed school buildings for classroom instruction for at least the rest of this academic year. Some closed for few months and then will review the situation. Online education will still go on. Here are continuous learning plans relevant to your situation from Doctor Asif Qureshi.. Preschool: What is the curriculum? Kindergarten: What is the curriculum? First Grade: What is the curriculum? Second Grade: What is the curriculum? Third Grade: What is the curriculum? Fourth Grade: What is the curriculum? Fifth Grade: What is the curriculum? Sixth Grade: What is the curriculum? Seventh Grade: What is the curriculum? Eighth Grade: What is the curriculum? Ninth Grade: What is the curriculum? Tenth Grade: What is the curriculum? Eleventh Grade: What is the curriculum? Twelfth Grade: What is the curriculum? Here are further guidelines. www.qureshiuniversity.com/schoolworld.html Where should you forward emergency government grants and government checks for these resources and further research? Doctor Asif Qureshi 5042 N. Winthrop Ave. #237 Chicago, Illinois 60640 |
On or before March 3, 2020, videos about coronavirus were circulated. Some questions about the coronavirus have been answered. CDC CNN Anderson Cooper Full Circle Full Episodes (21 Videos) Asian media These questions have not been answered. How do you know it is coronavirus? Who verified that the causes and circumstances of these deaths were due to coronavirus? How did they verify that the causes and circumstances of these deaths were due to coronavirus? Who must be the head of the World Health Organization, Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, and leader of state departments of public health on or after March 5, 2020? On March 15, 2020, Anthony Stephen Fauci was the chosen member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force to address the coronavirus pandemic of 2019–2020. He was the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Mr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, you are required to answer these questions on or before March 17, 2020. Doctor Asif Qureshi has answers to these questions. The public, healthcare professionals, administrators, and legislators should know the answers to these questions. What are examples of infectious agents (pathogens)? What is a pathogen virus? What is the difference between a pathogen virus and a computer virus? Who was the first medical doctor or scientist to detect the coronavirus? How did they detect the coronavirus? How did you verify that what they discovered was accurate? How will you prove that the symptoms of a patient are due to an influenza virus rather than the coronavirus that you are reporting? How do you know it is coronavirus? Who verified that the causes and circumstances of these deaths were due to coronavirus? How did they verify that the causes and circumstances of these deaths were due to coronavirus? What tests have you or the department approved for the coronavirus? Who were the team members who approved this test? What process was utilized to approve this test? What is a false positive? What is a false negative? What is a true positive (sensitivity)? What is a true negative (specificity)? Was it part of your earned income responsibilities to display these questions and answers at least through your website on or before March 17, 2020? On or before March 15, 2020, the US Department of Health & Human Services’ budget was $1.020 trillion while the executives were unable to answer these questions, reflecting their incompetence: Is their continued employment justified? Who must be the head of the World Health Organization, Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, and leader of state departments of public health on or after March 17, 2020? Whose grants should be stopped for failing to answer these questions at least through the internet in a timely manner on or before March 17, 2020? Who should get grants (for example, www.qureshiouniveristy.com/physicians.html) to circulate these relevant questions at least through the internet in a timely manner on or before March 17, 2020? Infections: What should a specific physician, a public health officer, and/or the head of the state know? Where should you forward emergency government grants and government checks for these resources and further research? Doctor Asif Qureshi 5042 N. Winthrop Ave. #237 Chicago, Illinois 60640 |
What is on the list of emergency directives for public safety? Issue Number 1 relevant to these issues. International intervention of Navy, Air Force, armed forces, police, and communities is required to enhance public safety. What happened when and where?
What should the consequences of these harms be? On or after March 3, 2020, in the interest of public safety, the services of Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Ram Nath Kovind, Rajnath Singh, Nirmala Sitharaman, Ravi Shankar Prasad, Kapil Misra, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, and all foreign or external affair entities, including all ambassadors, connected to these entities should be forcibly terminated with public safety proceedings and further punishments.. On or before March 3, 2020, the approved or signed contracts, documents, and directives of all named individuals will be invalid in the interest of public safety. Public safety proceedings mean these individuals cannot make any decision, remain in the community, have any official residence, remain in any other residence, access finances for the identified banned entities, circulate their publications, engage in family conversations, or collect a salary. In addition, their assets are confiscated, with further punishments. Their detention with further proceedings must be supervised by those who will not get corrupted or frightened by their tricks. No confidence. Irreparable harms to others justify their termination with further proceedings. This is an organized gang harming others. |