How should healthcare in schools be established?
Every school needs to have a healthcare dispensary. A doctor and nurse are placed in the dispensary of a school. The school gets yearly health assessments of students. This is in addition to their local residential yearly health screening. What does a school dispensary look like? Here is a sample of my high school dispensary, Srinagar, Kashmir. What records should state schools maintain relevant to healthcare of a child? STUDENT INFORMATION Please Print Legibly First Name Last Name Middle Name Gender: Male Female Date of Birth: Student’s Physician: Phone Number: MEDICAL HISTORY Does your child have any medical conditions that we should be aware of? __________________________________________________________________ Is your child receiving any medication on a continuous basis? If so, please list names, reason for medication, dose and when the medication is to be administered. __________________________________________________________________ Does your child have any allergies? (Including insect bites, medication, food, animals, plants, dust, etc.) __________________________________________________________________ What counter–measures need to be taken if a reaction occurs? __________________________________________________________________ Does your child have asthma? If yes, is it severe? __________________________________________________________________ Can your child participate in physical activities during the school hours? (PE, recess) __________________________________________________________________ During the course of the school year, we often find it necessary to use certain medications in the treatment of minor injuries or illnesses. The products we use are listed below. If you do not want your child to receive a product listed below, please cross out that medication. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Benadryl Spray Ibuprofen ˝ % Hydrocortisone Cream Neosporin Ointment Benadryl Hydrogen Peroxide Visine Eye Drops Cough Syrup __________________________________________________________________ I hereby give my permission for my child _________________________ to receive any of the medications listed above while attending _______. MEDICAL EMERGENCIES - If a student becomes ill while at school, parents must pick the child up or arrange for transportation. - In the event of an emergency involving my child and the school is unable to reach me or the emergency contact person which I have listed in writing, I hereby grant _______ or any member of its staff the permission to call another physician, call an ambulance or have the child taken to an emergency room in the care of a staff member, as you deem appropriate at the time. - Under no circumstances is a child allowed to keep medication in their backpacks, with the exception of emergency inhalers. Any medication that needs to be administered should be sent to the office. Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ |