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2023 in the United States: What was the budget situation?
Central or federal government: $1.7 trillion
State government (for example, Illinois): $50.6 billion
County government (for example, Cook County): $8.75 billion
City government (for example, Chicago): $16 billion

Can you verify these facts?

Who is responsible for verifying these facts?

What did each department get from this budget?

How did each department utilize this budget?

Who verified the performance of executives relevant to the executive job?

How did you verify the performance of executives relevant to the executive job?

Who has the duty and responsibility to answer?

How much will Dr. Asif Qureshi get at the executive level (at least program director) to enhance and manage this program?


How much will Dr. Asif Qureshi get at the executive level (at least program director) to enhance and manage these programs?

What is your answer?

Who has the answer?

Who is willing to answer?

Who has the duty and responsibility to answer?

What will be the situation for the North American central or federal government budget?

2023 in the United Nations: What was the budget situation?

How was this money from the United Nations spent in 2023?

Did the United Nations swindle these resources?

What must the reformed United Nations budget look like?

Who must supervise the reformed United Nations budget after December 1, 2023?

Performance review of heads of departments

Why is a performance review of heads of government departments essential?

These examples will make you understand.

If a medical emergency managed by a medical emergency physician is given to an accountant: What will happen?
See the deaths from January 1, 2022, until January 1, 2023.
They falsely gave viral infections as the cause of all these deaths.
Not all of these deaths were due to viral infections.
All auditors must know that there are at least 47 causes of coma that need proper treatment.

If a human resources problem managed by the director of human resources of the government is given to an unskilled person, what will happen?
Pain, suffering, harms, disputes, and conflicts

Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html

What must be the budget situation for Kashmir on or after January 1, 2024?
Kashmir government: $50.6 billion (1 dollar = 1 rupee)
Central or federal government: $1.7 trillion
County or district government and city issues are debatable. The system is not similar to the system in the United States.

Who has the duty and responsibility to answer?

Who must be assigned these responsibilities?
U.S. Federal Government Employee Lookup
Illinois / Employee Search
Why are both the economy and a budget important?
Take a look at this.
Read these facts and the issues will be clear.

Questions that need to be discussed publicly.

What is an essential commodities act?
What is an essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?
What items cannot be deleted from the essential commodities act list?
What items need to be added to the essential commodities act list?
What do you know about the public distribution system or ration system?
What farms, public distribution systems, or ration systems can function without minimum support price from the government?
What farms, public distribution systems, or ration systems cannot function without minimum support price from the government?
How do you resolve a problem?
If a person who has been fraudulently or genuinely elected does not have problem-solving abilities: Is this justified?
What is research?
What is quantitative research?
What is qualitative research?
Who must be assigned these responsibilities on or after November 10, 2021?
Who all must go to prison with further punishments for fraudulently transferring money from America to Asia?

Last Updated: November 9, 2021