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Health Issues
What are the priority focuses as circulated by Dr. Asif Qureshi?
1. Heart disease diagnosis and prevention
2. Women's health: Cancer, particularly breast cancer in women and lung cancer diagnosis and prevention
3. Infectious diseases: Statistics need to be updated. See the findings.
4. Trauma: Statistics need to be updated.
5. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
6. Chronic lower respiratory diseases
7. Alzheimer’s disease
8. Diabetes
9. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
10. Renal issues: Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis
11. Poisoning diagnosis and treatment
12. Substance use disorders (SUDs)
13. Alcohol use disorder
Why are these priority focuses as circulated by Dr. Asif Qureshi?
These were the leading causes of death in 2021, 2022, and 2023 in the United States and worldwide.

Why are these priority focuses as circulated by Dr. Asif Qureshi?
1. Heart disease diagnosis and prevention: 695,547 deaths in the United States in 2021.
2. Cancer, particularly breast cancer in women and lung cancer diagnosis and prevention: 605,213 deaths in the United States in 2021.
3. Infectious diseases: Statistics need to be updated. See the findings.
4. Trauma: Statistics need to be updated.
5. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 162,890 deaths in the United States in 2021.
6. Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,342 deaths in the United States in 2021.
7. Alzheimer’s disease: 119,399 deaths in the United States in 2021.
8. Diabetes: 103,294 deaths in the United States in 2021.
9. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: 56,585 deaths in the United States in 2021.
10. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 54,358 deaths in the United States in 2021.
11. Poisoning diagnosis and treatment: In 2019, 70,630 deaths from the toxic effects of drug poisoning (drug overdose) occurred in the United States. 12. Substance use disorders (SUDs)
13. Alcohol use disorder: Excessive alcohol use was responsible for more than 140,000 deaths in the United States each year from 2015 to 2019, averaging more than 380 deaths per day.

See 11 medical issues that need on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment.

What problems, complaints, incidents, and issues need on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment?
1. Burns
2. Cardiopulmonary arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Make sure you know everything about comas and reversible causes of cardiac arrest.
3. Drowning
4. Feelings of committing suicide or murder. A person has a feeling of harming others or you: How will you manage the situation? The person feels you have intentionally inflicted harms and then maintained criminal silence.
5. Human pregnancy emergencies, maliciously impregnated (medico-legal case that needs emergency contraception), and spontaneous vaginal delivery
6. Seizures
7. Sudden unconsciousness at home.
8. Survival needs
9. Swallowing a poisonous substance
10. Trauma
11. Unconsciousness at a public location
Here are further guidelines.

Heart disease diagnosis and prevention
Why was there need to elaborate particularly on heart disease diagnosis and prevention?
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, people over the age of 45, and more.

What do the statistics reveal?
Deaths due to heart diseases in United States: 695,547 in 2021

How can heart diseases be prevented?
1. Control of high blood pressure
2. Control of high cholesterol
3. Cessation of smoking
4. Obesity control
6. Lifestyle modifications for better health

Where are further facts about heart diseases?

1. Control of high blood pressure


2. Women's health: Cancer, particularly breast cancer in women and lung cancer diagnosis and prevention
Cancer diagnosis and prevention, particularly breast cancer in women

What do the statistics reveal?
In 2008, breast cancer caused 458,503 deaths worldwide (13.7% of cancer deaths in women and 6.0% of all cancer deaths for men and women together). Lung cancer, the second most-common cause of cancer-related deaths in women, caused 12.8% of cancer deaths in women (18.2% of all cancer deaths for men and women together).


Last Updated: February 1, 2024