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List of Uncountable Nouns
  1. advice

  2. air

  3. art

  4. calm

  5. cash

  6. chaos

  7. content

  8. corruption

  9. courage

  10. currency

  11. damage

  12. darkness

  13. data

  14. electricity

  15. energy

  16. evidence

  17. fire

  18. flour

  19. freedom

  20. fuel

  21. fun

  22. furniture

  23. gas

  24. gold

  25. hair

  26. happiness

  27. harm

  28. health

  29. help

  30. honesty

  31. information

  32. juice

  33. labor

  34. love

  35. luck

  36. magic

  37. money

  38. music

  39. nature

  40. news

  41. oil

  42. paper

  43. power

  44. pride

  45. progress

  46. racism

  47. respect

  48. rice

  49. salt

  50. sand

  51. scenery

  52. smoke

  53. snow

  54. stress

  55. sugar

  56. water

  57. wine

Examples of Uncountable Nouns in Sentences

Uncountable Noun Examples in Sentences 

  1. Freedom is the most important thing in life. 
  2. He makes good content
  3. We can stop corruption in our country.
  4. Child labour is a huge problem. 
  5. You need the courage to win against Australia. 
  6. I have evidence
  7. I need some cash
  8. I love drinking apple juice
  9. Can you make a cake from flour
  10. I am losing my energy
  11. He has faced a bad fire recently. 
  12. This data is not legit. 
  13. I need paper and a pen to write. 
  14. You have made good progress in your study. 
  15. Gold is better than money because it’s risk-free. 
  16. You need to take care of your health
  17. Don’t harm anyone. 
  18. Fuel price is on a hike now. 
  19. Luck favors the braves. 
  20. I need some serious help
  21. This is a fun fact. 
  22. I have long hair
  23. Honesty is the best policy. 
  24. He had to get over his wounded pride.
  25. I am out of stress now. 
  26. Smoke is all over the backyard. 
  27. I hate racism
  28. We need salt in our toothpaste. 
  29. Snow is beautiful. 
  30. I don’t know any magic
  31. Air pollution is a big issue in the world. 
  32. The cow is a calm domestic animal. 
  33. They have faced some serious damage
  34. This chaos will destroy everything. 
  35. I hate darkness
  36. I love to listen to music
  37. My first love was Jebin. 
  38. Happiness is everywhere in my home. 
  39. This news is boring. 
  40. I love that information
  41. I will take your advice seriously. 
  42. Furniture is important at my house. 
  43. I can cook rice
  44. Give me a cup of tea without sugar
  45. Water is life. 
  46. Oil is important to cook food. 
  47. The invention of electricity has changed civilization. 
  48. You should not use your power here. 
  49. Money can’t buy happiness
  50. This currency is not valid anymore. 
  51. This art is mind-blowing. 
  52. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas
  53. The love this beach for sand
  54. This scenery is amazing. 
  55. Wine is a popular drink in Italy. 
  56. Respect your elders. 
  57. Nature is beautiful here. 
Last Updated: December 17, 2021