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Doctor of Professional Counseling | ||
1 | What have been various findings on or before August 30, 2020 in America? | Answer |
2 | Doctor of professional counseling: What do you have to do? | Answer |
3 | For whom did Doctor Asif Qureshi develop these guidelines? | Answer |
4 | Who is recipient of these facts? | Answer |
5 | What are the issues? | Answer |
6 | How can Doctor Asif Qureshi help them? | Answer |
7 | What should you know about this profession? | Answer |
8 | What are other names for this profession? | Answer |
9 | What is the role of a stress counselor in decreasing stress of an individual? | Answer |
10 | How does the program work? | Answer |
11 | What is Psychology? | Answer |
12 | What is Human Behavior? | Answer |
13 | Why should counseling be done under the supervision of a competent medical doctor? | Answer |
14 |
What will happen if counseling is done without the supervision of a competent medical doctor? |
Answer |
15 | What questions should a medical doctor be able to answer in the context of recommendations for counseling? | Answer |
16 | What are the different types of counseling? | Answer |
17 | How are life stressors public health issues? | Answer |
18 | How should intake screening for counseling go ahead? | Answer |
19 | What are the advantages of discussion? | Answer |
20 | What are unhealthy coping skills? | Answer |
21 | What are healthy coping skills? | Answer |
22 | What academic degrees are available in counseling at these resources? | Answer |
23 | What about accreditation and recognition of the doctor of counseling training programs displayed here? | Answer |
24 | What is the curriculum for the Doctor of Counseling program? | Answer |
25 | What will your Doctor of Professional Counseling degree look like upon completion? | Answer |
26 | Where must government grants be forwarded to enhance these programs? | Answer |
Q: What are the duties and responsibilities of a counselor? Before starting counseling, a counselor should be able to answer the following questions. Q: Who needs counseling? Q: Why does he/she need counseling? Q: What should be the end result? Q: What kind of counseling will you need? | ||||||||||
Counseling Skills
| ||||||||||
Counseling guidelines for counselors | ||||||||||
Community counseling centers | ||||||||||
Counseling Resources |
Please fill in the information below and bring it with you to your first session. Please note: information provided on this form is protected as confidential information. Where is the profile of the person? ________________________________________________ What is the profile of the person? ________________________________________________ What are the issues? ________________________________________________ Personal Information Name:________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Parent/Legal Guardian (if under 18): ___________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ___ _______________________________ May we leave a message? ? Yes ? No Cell/Work/Other Phone: _________________________ May we leave a message? ? Yes ? No Email: ________________________________________ May we leave a message? ? Yes ? No *Please note: Email correspondence is not considered to be a confidential medium of communication. DOB: ______________________________ Age: _______ Gender: ________________ Are you experiencing any life stressors? ______________________________ What life stressors are you experiencing? ______________________________ Life stressors can be good stressors or bad stressors. If bad life stressors are not managed properly or appropriate help is not obtained, bad life stressors can lead to various harms. A medical doctor can experience life stressors. A counselor can experience life stressors. Stressors can be good or bad. Do you have any problem? If yes, what is the problem? Do you get anger spells? Do you talk to yourself? Do you make any gestures while thinking alone? Do you quarrel? Did you quarrel with anyone in the last month? Do you have sleep problems? Do you feel upset? If yes, these are symptoms and signs of severe stress. What types of stress are you having? You need to see a competent medical doctor who is able to answer relevant questions. Do you have any other problem? ______________________________ Do you know anyone with these symptoms and signs? ______________________________ He or she needs to see a competent medical doctor who is able to answer relevant questions. If you or anyone else has issues or problems, bring them to a medical doctor who is able to answer relevant questions. Relationship status What is your relationship status? ______________________________ Referred By (if any): ________________________________________________________________ History Have you previously received any type of mental health services (psychotherapy, psychiatric services, etc.)? No Yes, previous therapist/practitioner: _________________________________________ Are you currently taking any prescription medication? Yes No If yes, please list: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been prescribed psychiatric medication? Yes No If yes, please list and provide dates: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ General and Mental Health Information How would you rate your current physical health? (Please circle one) Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very good Please list any specific health problems you are currently experiencing: _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ How would you rate your current sleeping habits? (Please circle one) Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very good Please list any specific sleep problems you are currently experiencing: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ How many times per week do you generally exercise? ___________________________________ What types of exercise do you participate in? ____________________________________________ Please list any difficulties you experience with your appetite or eating problems: _______________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently experiencing overwhelming sadness, grief or depression? No Yes If yes, for approximately how long?___________________________________________________ Are you currently experiencing anxiety, panics attacks or have any phobias? No Yes If yes, when did you begin experiencing this? ___________________________________________ Are you currently experiencing any chronic pain? No Yes If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________ Do you drink alcohol more than once a week? No Yes How often do you engage in recreational drug use? Daily Weekly Monthly Infrequently Never Are you currently in a romantic relationship? No Yes If yes, for how long? _______________________________________________________________ On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being poor and 10 being exceptional), how would you rate your relationship? ______________________________________________________________________________ What significant life changes or stressful events have you experienced recently? ______________________________________________________________________________ Family Mental Health History In the section below, identify if there is a family history of any of the following. If yes, please indicate the family member’s relationship to you in the space provided (e.g. father, grandmother, uncle, etc.) Please Circle List Family Member Alcohol/Substance Abuse yes / no _______________________ Anxiety yes / no _______________________ Depression yes / no _______________________ Domestic Violence yes / no _______________________ Eating Disorders yes / no _______________________ Obesity yes / no _______________________ Obsessive Compulsive Behavior yes / no _______________________ Schizophrenia yes / no _______________________ Suicide Attempts yes / no _______________________ Additional Information Are you currently employed? No Yes If yes, what is your current employment situation? __________________________________________________________________________________ Do you enjoy your work? Is there anything stressful about your current work? __________________________________________________________________________________ Do you consider yourself to be spiritual or religious? ? No ? Yes If yes, describe your faith or belief: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ What do you consider to be some of your strengths? __________________________________________________________________________________ What do you consider to be some of your weaknesses? __________________________________________________________________________________ What would you like to accomplish out of your time in therapy? __________________________________________________________________________________ What questions should a medical doctor be able to answer in the context of recommendations for counseling? The medical doctor has to answer these questions. How long should the counseling last? __________________________________________________________________________________ How many sessions should there be per week and what should be the duration of sessions? __________________________________________________________________________________ What is the diagnosis? __________________________________________________________________________________ How did the doctor reach this diagnosis? __________________________________________________________________________________ What type of counseling does this person need? __________________________________________________________________________________ What is the plan of action? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ |
History of Psychology |
Famous Psychologists & Philosophers |
English for Psychologists, muftis, Imams and priests.
Q) How do you continue a lecture? Q) How do you close a lecture? Q) For example: Do you have any questions related to this subject and topic? Please put them in writing. |
The Globalization of Psychology
Before starting counseling, a counselor should be able to answer the following questions. Q) Who needs counseling? Q) Why does he/she need counseling? Q) What should be the end result? Q) Will anyone object to the end results? Q) If so, who? Q) What will be the consequences of the end results? Q) Who should be held responsible for deficiency of services? Q) Will the end results enhance safety, security, needs, interests, values and rights? Q) Will the end results address the harms inflicted? Q) Who has the duty and responsibility to address these deficiencies? Q) How does counseling work? Q) What lead to recommendations for counseling? Q) Why does an employee or head of an organization need counseling? Q) When should an employee or head of the organization seek counseling? Q) What kind of counseling does the employee or head of the organization need? Q) What happens to the information about the client? Q) Does the counselor understand the claims and the background of the claims? Q) What leads to recommendations for counseling for an employee or head of an organization? Q) What kind of counseling will you need? |
Would you like to add anything? Do you have any recommendations? Would you like to have my advice? Would you like to have my services? |
Coaching & Counseling for Outstanding Job Performance Performance counseling Q) Why do you need counseling? |
Q) What will the counselor do?
Take a look at this. Q) Who needs counseling? |
Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct |
Legal and ethical principles involved in the practice of counseling.
Q) Can a psychologist do health care counseling? Q) What type of cases can a medical doctor refer to a psychologist? Q) What type of counseling can a medical doctor do himself/herself? |
Counseling Skills |
Intervention programs designed to prevent harms. |
Structure of needs, and abilities and how each can be assessed, major sources of occupational information; how to apply experience and research to problems of career choice-making, work/job finding, and work adjustment.
Q) What work is available? Q) How is performance measured? Q) In case work is available, please specify. Q) What is expected of you? Q) Can you enhance my income? How? Q) What kind of education and training are you offering beyond that which is available at or Particularly for Women. Job allurements, conspiracies, tricks, traps, offers, administration, organizations and companies. Any advertisement of job opening or work order. Make sure the following questions are answered before you proceed. Make sure the following details accompany the advertisement. There are lots of Mafia-driven activities within America. Q) What is expected of you? Q) How is performance measured? Make sure this is posted with advertisement. Q) Where else has the advertisement been posted? Q) Who among the regulators are involved? Q) How many have been appointed from the same vicinity and ethnicity? Q) Who is the head of the regulatory organization? Q) Who was the previous head of the regulatory organization? Q) What did you understand? |
Understanding of the conceptual underpinnings of reliability, validity, and the use of norms and score transformations and how these apply to the professional and ethical use of assessment information in counseling.
If you have any questions or don't understand something, please let me know. This process isn't fair. You acquire grants from various sources, under various pretexts ranging from employment, education, and training to other services without helping people in any way in regards to increasing their income or procuring their products and services. Q) Can you make me wiser? How? Q) Can you enhance my income? How? Q) What did you understand? |
Dr. Qureshi's Nikkah Counseling. Q) What is your name? Q) What is your real, birth name? Q) Where and when were you born? Q) Where did you go to high school? Q) Where did you go to college? Q) What's your political affiliation? Q) How important is religion? Q) Nikkah/Nikkahnama and marriage certificate - What's the difference? Q) What is fidelity? Q) What are conjugal rights? Q) What is Talaq? Q) Talaq and Divorce - What's the difference? Q) What is Mehr? Q) What is the population of the world today? Q) Do we know exactly how many people live in the world today? Today the population of the world is more than six billion. Q) What is the total population of all of North America? The population of North America is Less than 600 million. Conspiracies, Politically motivated Criminal wrong doing. Q) What is RAW?
Q) Is there a Nikkahnama? Q) Did they see a counselor who is a Muslim? Q) Did they see a counselor who knows what Nikkahnama is? Q) Did they see a Non-Muslim counselor who knows what Nikkahnama is? Q) Is the counselor fully trained in handling such cases? Q) Do you have Muslim counselors? Q) Do you need to get them from abroad? Q) Is the counselor fully experienced to overcome, or at least have the courage to report, sabotage that has been done in the process of counseling? Q) Does the counselor know what fidelity is? Q) Does the counselor know what conjugal rights are? Q) Does counselor know the difference between a Nikkahnama and marriage certificate? Q) Under which scenarios is the legal concept of Talaq applicable? Q) How are Talaq proceedings different from divorce proceedings? Q) Why is Talaq rare? Q) Under what scenarios is the legal concept of divorce applicable? Q) Under what scenarios is the legal concept of criminal wrongdoing applicable? Q) In this scenario, which legal concept is applicable and why? |
Application to conducting group counseling in various settings. Transferance and Countertransferance-Can Healing Harm the Healer? |
Community counseling, psychology of oppression, prevention and outreach, and supervision. |
Psychological theories in relation to the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of addiction. |
Defining Insane, Conscious, Unconscious, Mental disability, Partial disability, Partial permanent disability, Complete disability, Complete permanent disability, Physical disability, Enforced disability, defamatory, excessively violent, harassing, inappropriate, indecent, lascivious, lewd, obscene, profane, racist, unlawful, or otherwise objectionable. |
Psychological theories in relation to the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of medical conditions relevant to psychology. |
Major neuropsychological assessment tools and their application to the assessment of neuropsychological conditions.
Psychological torture Physical torture Corruption in politics of regulations Racism Deprivations of rights under the color of law Political abuse Discrimination Disruption Exclusion Q) What punishments do they deserve? Q) How can you make sure that what you state other people understand? Q) How do you make sure that others will understand what you say? You ask questions. You ask questions of them like the following questions. What did you understand? What didn't you understand? |
This course covers several techniques of research appropriate to the solution of educational and psychological problems of different types. |
How do you punish the Mafia? How do you detect the Mafia within the administration? Take a look at this |
Medical Computer Science |
Defining normality, identifying abnormal behaviors, and understanding current diagnostic categories. Several questions remain to be answered: |
Human Anatomy |
Current professional, legal, and ethical issues in counseling psychology. |
Q) Forensic Medicine and Forensic Psychology: What's the difference? Q) What is Forensic Psychology?
Q) Who were the judges in Florida who handled case of George Bush in 2001? Q) How did they evaluate his character? Q) Who was the governor of Florida at the time? Q) Who recalled the governor of California? Why? Q) What is criminal wrong doing? Q) George Bush abducts Judge holderman's spouse: Is that criminal wrong doing? Q) George Bush rapes Judge holderman's spouse: Is that criminal wrong doing? Q) George Bush kills Judge holderman's spouse: Is that criminal wrong doing? Q) What do you do when a crime occurs in the White House? Q) What do you do when a crime originates in the White House? Q) What do you do when conspiracies originate from and/or are enhanced in the White House, leading to justice being cheated? Q) What do you do when the governor of California is involved in crimes and conspiracies? Q) What do you do when the mayor is involved in crimes and conspiracies? Q) What do you do when federal prosecutors are involved in crimes and conspiracies? Q) What do you do as a criminal investigator when federal prosecutors are involved in a crime? Q) People involved in crimes and conspiracies have no immunity. If justice is cheated under any flawed pretext, excuse, or trick, is the result justified? Q) What are your duties and responsibilities? Q) What do you do when crimes involving white males occur and you, who are white, are pressured not to investigate or to remain inactive? Q) What do you do when a reported crime involves a criminal in the White House? Q) What do you do when a reported crime involves a criminal in the White House who tricks you and redirects your investigation? Q) What do you do when federal prosecutors pressure you not to investigate a reported crime? Q) How do you deal with a corrupt judge? Q) How do you deal with an incompetent judge? Q) What do you do when systems collapse? Q) What do you do when new systems emerge? Q) Who else was involved in the sabotage and conspiracies?
Q) Where is their office? Q) What's their ethnicity? Q) Do you know the head of the office? Q) Who are their friends? Q) Where do they hang out? Q) Where are their bank accounts? Q) Who among the regulators were involved? Q) Who among the medical doctors were involved? Q) Who among the psychologists and social workers were involved? Q) What airlines were involved? Q) What ground transportations were involved? Q) What places were involved? Q) Who among the regulators were involved in tampering with the documents to enhance the harm? Q) In addition to the names mentioned, what other businesses were involved in these harmful activities? Q) In addition to the names mentioned, what other people were involved in these harmful activities? Q) What punishments do they deserve? Q) How do you detect when you are dealing with harmful culprits?
I don't want to go into these details. I don't know. The answer to this question varies, depending on the situation. Respondent maintains criminal silence. Respondent refers you to the wrong venue. Respondent inflicts further harm. |
Q: What have you done that merits a PhD? Q: What is the difference between a masters and a PhD? Q: What is the curriculum? |
Recommendations: In America there are so called Interventional Psychologists. They work with so called Executives, their Intervention leads to more harms in America and abroad than benefits.
Most of their licenses should be cancelled, and others who lead to comparatively less harms put on supervision. With continuining upgrade of their skills, Counseling in a culturally-diverse society. What punishments do they deserve? Would you like to print Dr. Qureshi's Counseling? Do you want to educate people via your print media? Who may utilize these courses? Existing psychologists, new psychologists, medical doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Courts, Therapist, Counselor, Case managers, Community Counseling Centers, Colleges, Universities, Police, Prisons, monks, muftis, Imams and priests. Would you like to have my advice? Would you like to have my services? What are your requirements? |
Psychology |
Are life stressors public health issues?
Yes. How are life stressors public health issues? Research by Dr. Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party has revealed that there are more than 180 causes of stress. Proper stress management can prevent various human medical conditions or diseases. A counselors professional goals should be stress counseling. There is only one best doctor on this planet. His name: Dr. Asif Qureshi. His focus: The planet. His concern: Public health. His Profile: Take a look at this, What is his concern about you? Do you have stress? Dr. Asif Qureshi’s research has revealed that there are 180 causes of stress that can harm an individual. He tries to solve them at the public health level. Certain situations may require Dr. Asif Qureshi's individualized consultation. What are various life stressors a human being can experience? There are more than 180 life stressors. A human being can experience one or more life stressors at any given point. Life stressors can be good stressors or bad stressors. If bad life stressors are not managed properly or appropriate help is not obtained, bad life stressors can lead to various harms. A medical doctor can experience life stressors. A counselor can experience life stressors. Stressors can be good or bad. Do you have any problem? If yes, what is the problem? Do you get anger spells? Do you talk to yourself? Do you make any gestures while thinking alone? Do you quarrel? Did you quarrel with anyone in the last month? Do you have sleep problems? Do you feel upset? If yes, these are symptoms and signs of severe stress. What types of stress are you having? You need to see a competent medical doctor who is able to answer relevant questions. Do you have any other problem? Do you know anyone with these symptoms and signs? He or she needs to see a competent medical doctor who is able to answer relevant questions. If you or anyone else has issues or problems, bring them to a medical doctor who is able to answer relevant questions. Do you need access to more health care resources? What should a patient and his or her relatives or well wishers be careful about? Do not get tricked by big names in health care without getting answers to relevant questions. You have the right to free quality health care in the state in which you reside. You can get referred to this resource: |
Stress can affect virtually any organ system of the human body. How many medical conditions are caused by stress? More than 100 medical conditions are the result of stress. These are the most common medical conditions. Why is there a need to elaborate on life stressors? Life stressors are most common cause of various common medical conditions. This is applicable to specific discussion. This is applicable to stress discussion. What are the advantages of discussion? Discussion is a method of education. Discussion is a method of counseling. Discussion helps to identify stressors. Discussion helps to decrease stress. Discussion helps to cope with stress. Discussion helps to generate new ideas to solve problems. Discussion about stress relieves stress. Discussions with competent persons can be helpful. Discussions with incompetent persons can be harmful. E-mailing helps to detect competent and incompetent persons. E-mailing helps to decrease and cope with stress. E-mailing details of specific topic is a method of counseling. We need to discuss. We need to discuss stress. Do you feel upset about anything? If yes, you are having stress. Does stress affect your everyday life and relationships with people? Is this a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or long-term stressor? Is this a mild, moderate, severe, extreme, or catastrophic stressor? What are advantages of organizing health care discussions? Discussion relevant to stress decreases stress. What do you know about various life stressors? What should you know about various life stressors? How do you screen a person for past, present, and future life stressors in his or her life? Are you experiencing any life stressors? What life stressors are you experiencing? What types of stressors have you faced up to now? What types of stressors do you think others have faced? How many life stressors do you know? How have you managed each life stressor at various points? What life stressors can a human being experience? Here are further guidelines. |
Unhealthy coping strategies What are unhealthy coping skills? What are unhealthy coping strategies? Alcohol or drug use. Overeating. Procrastination (Delaying issues). Sleeping too much or too little. Social withdrawal. Self-harm. Aggression What are healthy coping skills? What are healthy coping strategies? Identify the causes of stress relevant to you. If you do not know what they are, search for them. Talk about the issue. Seek professional help. Search for problem-/complaint-solving techniques relevant to the causes of my stress. Use social support. Exercise. Eat healthy foods. Practice relaxation techniques. Treat the underlying cause. Fix the underlying cause. Fix the underlying causes. If you do not fix the underlying causes, the complaint/problem will not be resolved. Best ways to manage stress
What academic degrees are available in counseling at these resources? Doctor of Professional Counseling Master's Degree in Counseling Bachelor's Degree in Counseling Associate Degree in Counseling Doctor of Professional Counseling What about accreditation and recognition of the doctor of counseling training programs displayed here? National Board for Certified Counselorsv 3 Terrace Way Greensboro, North Carolina 27403 Telephone: +336-547-0607 Fax: +336-547-0017 Email: This entity received accreditation and recognition of the doctor of counseling training programs displayed here. The last communication was on September 18, 2020. Take a look at this. What are the facts? Demonstrated competence of Doctor Asif Qureshi. What is the curriculum for the Doctor of Counseling program?
What will your Doctor of Professional Counseling degree look like upon completion? Here is an example. Global University This is in recognition of successful completion of the requisite course of study. Amy Derringer, born March 1, 1967, in recognition of the satisfactory fulfillment of the prescribed requirements, is awarded the degree of Doctor of Counseling on January 1, 2024. President of the University. Doctor Asif Qureshi Chairman of the board of trustees. Optional ![]() This is what your Doctor of Counseling Degree will look like. This was accomplished under the guidance and supervision of Doctor Asif Qureshi, founder Global University. Where must government grants be forwarded to enhance these programs? Doctor Asif Qureshi 5042 N. Winthrop Ave. #237 Chicago, Illinois 60640 |