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  1. What are the diseases of malnutrition or inadequate diet according to Dr. Asif Qureshi? Answer

  2. How could this be prevented? Answer

  3. Why are both the economy and a budget important? Answer

  4. What United States government department executive officers are required on or after March 22, 2024, according to Dr. Asif Qureshi? Answer

  5. What departments have been found to be in shambles and need to be improved on or after November 22, 2023? Answer

  6. 2023 in the United States: What was the budget situation? Answer

  7. What executive legislations has Dr. Asif Qureshi circulated in the United States and worldwide? Answer

  8. What must you know about one million, one billion, and one trillion? Answer

  9. How many digits are in one million, one billion, and one trillion? Answer

  10. In 2023 in the United States: What was the budget situation? Answer

  11. How do you write 1.7 trillion in numbers? Answer

  12. How do you write 50.6 billion in numbers? Answer

  13. Where is the list of various government departments and agencies in the United States? Answer

  14. Office of Management and Budget of the United States Answer

  15. Executives of the Illinois and United States governments: What do you have to do relevant to these issues? Answer

  16. Office of Management and Budget Illinois https://budget.illinois.gov/ Answer

  17. Why are Illinois compiled statutes important in this situation? Answer

  18. Cook County Government Budget and Management Services https://www.cookcountyil.gov/agencies Answer

  19. Office of Budget and Management City of Chicago https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/obm.html Answer

  20. Funding the United Nations: How much does the United States pay? Answer

  21. What was the total budget of the UN in 2022? Answer

  22. How many executive employees were budgeted at the UN in 2022? Answer

  23. Guidelines, Constitutions, Statutes, and Codes: What is on the list? Answer

  24. Dr. Asif Qureshi for judge in the United States: What do you have to do? Answer

What are the diseases of malnutrition or inadequate diet according to Dr. Asif Qureshi?
Macro nutrients deficiency
1. Marasmus is caused by deficiencies in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
2. Kwashiorkor is caused by protein deficiencies.
Dietary minerals
3. A calcium deficiency causes osteoporosis, osteopenia, and hypocalcemia.
4. A calcium and vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, which is the result of a vitamin D deficiency with inadequate calcification. The diagnosis is generally based on blood tests indicating low calcium, low phosphorus, and high alkaline phosphatase.
5. Low levels of calcium cause tetany. Magnesium, potassium, and too much alkalosis can cause tetany.
6. An iodine deficiency causes goiter.
7. A selenium deficiency causes Keshan disease.
8. An iron deficiency causes iron-deficiency anemia.
9. An iron deficiency causes growth retardation. Early postnatal iron deficiency sets the stage for the risk of developing neurodevelopmental disorders. Iron deficiency acquired at later ages aggravates pre-existing neurodevelopmental disorders. Treatment: Iron supplementation for pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders. Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are a leading cause of morbidity in children.
10. A zinc deficiency causes growth retardation.
Dietary vitamins
11. A thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency causes Beriberi or Wernicke encephalopathy.
12. A niacin (vitamin B3) deficiency causes pellagra.
13. Cobalamin (vitamin B12)/vitamin B12 deficiency causes anemia and irreversible neurological changes.
14. A vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy.
15. A vitamin D deficiency causes osteoporosis.
16. A vitamin D deficiency causes rickets.
17. A vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness.
18. A vitamin K deficiency causes hemophilia.
19. Drinking water deficiency: Dehydration issues
20. There are many more.

Fluoride deficiency: There are other entities that are not considered to be essential nutrients.
Fluorine is not considered to be an essential nutrient.
Common dietary sources of fluoride include tea, grape juice, wine, raisins, some seafood, coffee, and tap water that has been fluoridated. Fluorine is not considered to be an essential nutrient, but the importance of fluorides for preventing tooth decay is well recognized. A fluoride or fluorine deficiency is a disorder that may cause increased dental caries and possibly osteoporosis.

How could this be prevented?
Food and supplies government department

Questions that need to be discussed publicly.

What is an essential commodities act?
What is an essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?
What items cannot be deleted from the essential commodities act list?
What items need to be added to the essential commodities act list?
What do you know about the public distribution system or ration system?
What farms, public distribution systems, or ration systems can function without minimum support price from the government?
What farms, public distribution systems, or ration systems cannot function without minimum support price from the government?
How do you resolve a problem?
If a person who has been fraudulently or genuinely elected does not have problem-solving abilities: Is this justified?
What is research?
What is quantitative research?
What is qualitative research?
Who must be assigned these responsibilities on or after November 10, 2021?

Economy and Budget
Why are both the economy and a budget important?
Take a look at this.
Read these facts and the issues will be clear.

Questions that need to be discussed publicly.

What is an essential commodities act?
What is an essential services maintenance act?
What are basic human rights?
What items cannot be deleted from the essential commodities act list?
What items need to be added to the essential commodities act list?
What do you know about the public distribution system or ration system?
What farms, public distribution systems, or ration systems can function without minimum support price from the government?
What farms, public distribution systems, or ration systems cannot function without minimum support price from the government?
How do you resolve a problem?
If a person who has been fraudulently or genuinely elected does not have problem-solving abilities: Is this justified?
What is research?
What is quantitative research?
What is qualitative research?
Who must be assigned these responsibilities on or after November 10, 2021?
Who all must go to prison with further punishments for fraudulently transferring money from America to Asia?

What executive legislations has Dr. Asif Qureshi circulated in the United States and worldwide?
1. Appropriations and budget
2. Aviation
3. Agriculture
4. Broadcasting/Telecommunications
5. Corrections
6. Department of aging
7. Education
8. Food and supplies from government
9. Guardianship & Advocacy Commission
10. Healthcare
11. Housing
12. Immigration
13. Law enforcement
14. Legislative services
15. Military
16. News media
17. Oceans adjacent to various coastal states
18. Product manufacturing
19. Professional licensing including that of specific physicians and lawyers
20. Public administration regulations relevant to executives of government departments
21. Roads and buildings
22. Transportation
23. Taxes
24. Many more similar entities. See the list.
Various executive legislative recommendations from Dr. Asif Qureshi are here.
Most senior lawmakers in the United States had a deficiency of skills and knowledge relevant to these issues on or before April 3, 2024. If a person is elected fraudulently or genuinely, it does not mean the person has the skills and knowledge of a lawmaker. He or she must show skills and knowledge of a lawmaker via the internet.

Who is responsible for forwarding executive remuneration and income for Dr. Asia Qureshi for these executive public services?
1. United States government
2. Illinois government
3. Various state governments
4. UN

What must everyone know?
Not all lawmakers need to be elected.
You need to have lawmaking skills. Dr. Asif Qureshi can teach you.
If the need arises, declare Dr. Asif Qureshi as being elected unopposed as a senior lawmaker to the state and central government or federal government.

Appropriations and Budget

Who authored these professional questions and answers in English?
These professional questions and answers were authored by Dr. Asif Qureshi.

What are the sources of these guidelines?
1. Executive experiences of Dr. Asif Qureshi
2. Aaron Jones served as the director of Congressional Relations at the Wilson Center until September 2022.
3. https://www.house.gov/the-house-explained/open-government/statement-of-disbursements/glossary-of-terms
4. Various state governments

What questions must every executive be able to answer when overseeing these issues?
Answer the questions displayed here.

Why are the food and supplies government department and its administrative structure essential?
Take a look at this: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/usdf.html
Take a look at this: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/food.html

What are the appropriations according to the United States House of Representatives?

What was the role of Aaron Jones in appropriations and budget?
Aaron Jones served as the director of Congressional Relations at the Wilson Center until September 2022.

What is the Wilson Center?
Chartered by Congress, the Wilson Center provides nonpartisan counsel and insights on global issues to policymakers through executive research, impartial analysis, and independent scholarship.

One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20004-3027

What about the United States Senate Committee on the Budget?
Senate Budget Committee
624 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-0642
Fax: (202) 224-4835

What are examples of 12 appropriations subcommittees in the United States?

What is the schedule like for the appropriations process?
February 1 Congressional process
March 23 next continued resolution
June appropriations committee. Where is the money going to go? The money is going to go here. The Committee on Appropriations can elaborate.
September 30 end of fiscal year.

What prevents a government shutdown?
March 23 next continued resolution

Committee on Appropriations: What is it?

Committee on Appropriations | Room S-128, The Capitol, Washington, D.C. 20510 | (202) 224-7363

What new members need to be nominated among lawmakers in the United States and worldwide?
Whom do you nominate?

Economy and Budget Issues in Illinois

Annual Budget for Illinois
What issues, as of June 30, 2016, were relevant for Illinois budget talks?
Proper preparation was not done.
Questions were not answered ahead of time to fix issues.
Budget was allocated to a few educational resources and universities that do not enhance education.
50 essential departments in Illinois were not mentioned.

What are the essential departments in every state?
Here are further guidelines.

What was the budget of Illinois in 2022?
The 2022 Illinois budget was $46.5B.

How do we improve this budget?
Assess taxes on a sliding scale. More income equates to more taxes. Lower income equates to lower taxes. Side-by-side enhancement of essential commodities, essential services maintenance, and human rights acts.

Food and supply issues in Illinois

Food and supply issues in Illinois: What needs to be accomplished?
Matters related to the appointment of a director of food and supplies in Illinois and the United States along with staff.

Housing issues in Illinois according to Chapter 310 Housing of the Illinois Compiled Statutes: What did you understand?

What needs to be accomplished?
Any housing issue in Illinois must be mentioned in Chapter 310 Housing of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.

Healthcare issues in Illinois

Job appointment at the executive level for various departments in Illinois

Licensing entities for various professions in Illinois, particularly for specific physicians

What needs to be accomplished?
Placement of a new executive who has problem-solving skills relevant to the job.

Public Safety

Public safety: What need to be accomplished?
Illinois state police investigators must be placed in all police stations throughout Illinois, including police stations in Chicago. All other states must have similar investigators for every police station. A regional head of the Chicago police has to be nominated and confirmed by Illinois State Police for Chicago police stations. Everyday updates through the internet must be a requirement of the executive position to identify public safety issues and prevent public safety harms. At the end, this question must be answered relevant to every incident: How could this have been prevented?

Illinois budget 2021

What was the budget of Illinois in 2020?

On June 6, 2020, the Illinois budget was $40.6 billion.

When is the budget of Illinois updated?
Each fiscal year starts on July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following year. According to the Constitution of Illinois, the governor is required to submit a balanced budget proposal for the next fiscal year to the Illinois General Assembly.

Which department gets what resources from this Illinois budget each year?
Who is responsible for monitoring the performance of each government department in Illinois?
Can you provide the budget of the United States for each of the past 30 years?
Can you provide what each department or entity got from the budget of United States for each of the past 30 years?
Can you provide names and job titles of each executive in the Illinois Department of Human Resources?
What is their answer to mentioned questions?

What is the budget of Illinois?
On June 6, 2020, the Illinois budget was $40.6 billion.

What more needs to be accomplished relevant to the budget of Illinois in the future?
All government executives in the future must be asked to answer the mentioned questions. Things will be much better.

How do I plan to improve the human resources department of the government of Illinois at the executive level?
See the facts already forwarded to the government of Illinois.

What other questions do the executive officers in the human resources department of the government of Illinois need to answer or learn from Dr. Asif Qureshi?
What is your answer to the mentioned questions?

What are various harms of executives who get large salaries not having the relevant skills and knowledge?
Refer to the harms and negligence of others from January 1, 2019, until March 8, 2023. Healthcare executive did not have the skills and knowledge of a human being in a coma despite at least 6,806,029 individuals going into comas and dying between January 1, 2019, and March 8, 2023. Refer to the deaths from January 1, 2019, until March 8, 2023. They falsely gave viral infections as the cause of all these deaths. Not all of these deaths were due to viral infections. All auditors must know that there are at least 47 causes of comas that need proper treatment. Who all must be punished for these harms while they were responsible for these patients?

What needs to happen at the executive level of the World Health Organization (WHO) on or after December 11, 2023?
1. Replace most executives for not having the skills and knowledge relevant to their executive jobs.
2. Provide worldwide medical education programs for specific medical doctors and healthcare administrators, displaying the guidelines, questions, and answers from Dr. Asif Qureshi.
3. Standardize essential medicines list in detailed questions and answers the way Dr. Asif Qureshi has done at www.qureshiuniversity.com/essentialmedicines.html.
4. Provide executive education relevant to universal healthcare worldwide, including the United States.
5. Replace most of the healthcare administrators at the executive level in Illinois and the United States for not having the skills and knowledge relevant to their executive jobs.
At least 6,806,029 individuals went into a coma and died between January 1, 2019, and March 8, 2023. Healthcare administrators falsely gave viral infections as the cause of all these deaths. Not all of these deaths were due to viral infections. All auditors must know that there are at least 47 causes of comas that need proper treatment. Who all must be punished for these harms while they were responsible for these patients?
Who all did not have the skills and knowledge about a human being in a coma on or before March 6, 2023, and needed to be replaced on or after March 6, 2023?
1. United States Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra media@hhs.gov https://www.hhs.gov/about/index.html
2. Director-General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
https://www.who.int/director-general/ mediainquiries@who.int harrism@who.int
3. American Medical Association President Jack Resneck, Jr., MD
4. U.S. Surgeon General, Department of Health and Human Services Vivek H. Murthy
5. Executive of critical care at Covenant Healthcare Chicago, Illinois. https://www.covenanthealthcare.com/ch/physicianopportunities.
6. Executives of critical care at Advocate Health Chicago, Illinois.
7. Executive of administration and critical care at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio.
8. Executives of administration and critical care at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. https://www.mayoclinic.org
9. Executive of administration and critical care at Northwestern Hospital, Chicago, Illinois.
10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH
11. The University of Illinois at Chicago, 1200 West Harrison St., Chicago, Illinois 60607 Phone: 312-996-7000
Vice Chancellor of Health rbarish@uic.edu mrosenbl@uic.edu
12. The University of Chicago Human Resources Executive, 6054 S. Drexel Ave., Chicago, IL 60637
https://humanresources.uchicago.edu/department/contact/staff.shtml soconnell1@uchicago.edu lizwalls@uchicago.edu
13. Illinois Department of Public Health, Director of Public Health Sameer Vohra, https://dph.illinois.gov/, DPH.CCR@illinois.gov
14. President of the American Board of Emergency Medicine, 3000 Coolidge Road, East Lansing, MI 48823-6319 https://www.abms.org/member-boards/
15. Governors: The work performance of various governors and their problem-solving relevant to their jobs on or before March 11, 2023, are not good.
16. Similar other entities in the United States and worldwide.

Coma-Related Skills and Knowledge
Where are further guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi?
Here are further guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi: https://qureshiuniversity.com/coma.html


What must you know about one million, one billion, and one trillion?
United States budget issues: What is on the list?
Illinois budget issues: What is on the list?
Cook County budget issues: What is on the list?
City of Chicago budget issues: What is on the list?
United Nations budget issues: What is on the list?
Specified locations mentioned in worldwide budget issues: What is on the list?

How many digits are in one million, one billion, and one trillion?
One million dollars ($1,000,000)
One hundred million dollars ($100,000,000)
One billion dollars ($1,000,000,000)
One trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000)
One hundred dollars ($100)
Ten thousand dollars ($10,000)

In 2023 in the United States: What was the budget situation?
Central or federal government: $1.7 trillion
State government (for example, Illinois): $50.6 billion
County government (for example, Cook County): $8.75 billion
City government (for example, Chicago): $16 billion

How do you write 1.7 trillion in numbers?
1.7 trillion in numbers = 1,700,000,000,000

How do you write 50.6 billion in numbers?
Fifty billion six hundred million in numbers = 50,600,000,000

Where is the list of various government departments and agencies in the United States?
A-Z index of U.S. government departments and agencies

Office of Management and Budget of the United States

Who was one of the executives of the department?
On April 8, 2024, Shalanda Young was the director of the Office of Management and Budget of the United States.

Office of Management and Budget of the United States
725 17th St., NW
Washington, DC 20503

Questions you need to answer.

What questions do you need to answer?
How many employees worked at the executive level in this department in 2023?
Where is their profile?
What was their executive salary?
How was their performance monitored?
How did they monitor the performance of others who received the resources?
Central or federal government of the United States: In 2023, there was a $1.7 trillion budget: Is that correct?
Who received what from this amount?
How much was given to each department, agency, or individual?
How was this amount spent in 2023?
Treasury https://home.treasury.gov: Departmental Offices Salaries and Expenses: How did you verify their problem solving relevant to their responsibilities?
Can you give the details of who received this amount and how did he or she enhance public services?
Do you know that most executives in healthcare did not know the causes or management of comas, so many died because of their negligence (
see the findings)?
How do you plan to manage this situation?
Do you know so many departments at the executive level have harmed and are intentionally harming others?
How do you plan to resolve these issues?
Is there a need to confiscate the assets of former and current executives of departments with further proceedings because of harms?
How did they monitor the performance of others who received the resources?
How are their guidelines better than those online at www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html?
Where have they displayed professional questions and answers better than those online at www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html?

Executives of the Illinois and United States governments: What do you have to do relevant to these issues?
Employer of Dr. Asif Qureshi: Illinois and United States governments
Job title: Director of Human Resources or program director or Central Intelligence Agency director or chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions or the equivalent or better is a relevant job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi.
Dr. Asif Qureshi has developed guidelines for at least 150 government departments. Take a look at this: www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html. Provide earned income for Dr. Asif Qureshi.
Provide an executive job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi, such as program director or executive administrator, or the equivalent, relevant to his abilities, experience, and research (see the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi).
Provide retroactive credits that will count toward his retirement. Provide reimbursement.
Provide retroactive relief.
Develop a plan of action for the future.
Salary: $7,176 - $10,602 per month or better
The profile or biodata of Dr. Asif Qureshi is available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html.

Office of Management and Budget Illinois

Who was one of the executives of the department?

Office of Management and Budget
401 South Spring
603 Stratton Building
Springfield, IL 62706
Main Phone line: 217-782-4521
Fax: 217-524-4876

555 W. Monroe
Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60661
Main Phone line: 312-814-0023
Email: GOMB@illinois.gov

Office of Management and Budget
ATTN: Personnel
603 Stratton Building
Springfield, IL 62706
Fax: 217-524-4876
Email: OMB.Jobs@illinois.gov



Why are Illinois compiled statutes important in this situation?
October 2023 Report to the Legislative Budget Oversight Commission
In accordance with 25 ILCS 10/20. This is an Illinois compiled statute.

Questions you need to answer.

What questions do you need to answer?
How many employees worked at the executive level in this department in 2023?
What was their executive salary?
How was their performance monitored?
How did they monitor the performance of others who received the resources?
2023 Illinois government: $50.6 billion budget: Is that correct?
Who received what from this amount?
How much was given to Healthcare and Family Services?
Who exactly received this amount at this department?
How did they spend this amount to enhance public services?
How did they spend this amount for the medical education of specific physicians?
How are their guidelines better than those online at www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html?
How did they spend this amount to enhance universal healthcare?
How much was given to the State Board of Education?
Who exactly received this amount at this department?
How did they spend this amount?
How did they spend this amount to enhance public services?
Where is their research displayed in professional questions and answers online?
How is their professional research better than that published online at www.qureshiuniversity.com/schoolworld.html?
How much was given to retirement systems?
How much was given to Chicago Teacher's Pension System?
How much was given to the Department of Human Services?
How much was given to the Department on Aging?
How much was given to the Department of Corrections?
How much was given to Group Insurance (CMS)?
How much was given to higher education?
How much was given to other agencies?
Where have they displayed professional questions and answers better than those online at www.qureshiuniersity.com/departments.html?

Cook County Government
Budget and Management Services
How many employees worked at the executive level in this department in 2023?

Office of Budget and Management
City of Chicago
How many employees worked at the executive level in this department in 2023?

2023 UN Budget

How much money was donated from each member state in 2023?
How much total was collected by the UN in 2023?
How was this amount spent?
How were the specific problem-solving efforts verified and documented?
Funding the United Nations: How much does the United States pay?
How must reforms at the United Nations proceed under President Dr. Asif Qureshi?
How will Dr. Asif Qureshi receive executive remuneration, income, and salary?

Funding the United Nations: How much does the United States pay?
The United States remains the largest donor to the United Nations. It contributed more than $18 billion in 2022, accounting for one-third of all funding for the body’s collective budget.

Is that correct?
What was the total budget of the UN in 2022?

How many executive employees were budgeted at the UN in 2022?

Guidelines, Constitutions, Statutes, and Codes: What is on the list?
1. Departments & People from Dr. Asif Qureshi
2. Illinois Compiled Statutes
https://www.lawserver.com/law/state/illinois/il-statutes/illinois-statutes | https://law.justia.com/codes/illinois/2023/
3. State Codes and Statutes
4. United States Code
5. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
6. Foreign & International Law Resources Database 2
7. International Law
8. The Law of Treaties
9. Sources of law
10. Other

Last Updated: April 10, 2024