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Death Investigations
  1. Public law: Professional questions and answers that medical examiners and supervisors and law enforcement departments must display via the internet on or after May 22, 2024: What did you understand? Answer

  2. What are various harms of executives who get large salaries not having the relevant skills and knowledge? Answer

  3. What are case diaries and progress reports of criminal investigations inside and outside the state? Answer

  4. Chicago Police homicide investigation charge releases: How does Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborate on these issues? Answer

  5. Aviation

  6. Alphabetical listing of criminal offenses

  7. Chicago

  8. Death Investigation

  9. Homicide investigating units of state police.

  10. Death investigation of a human.

  11. Death Certificates

  12. Death Row Population Size and Characteristics

Case diaries and progress reports of criminal investigations inside and outside the state.
What are case diaries and progress reports of criminal investigations inside and outside the state?
Maintaining case diaries is an essential component of the code of criminal procedure inside and outside the state.

What needs to be accomplished relevant to case diaries inside and outside the state?
Computerization of case diaries.

How should police inside and outside the state maintain case diaries?
Take a look at this.
  1. America

  2. Africa

  3. Asia

  4. Australia

  5. South America

Homicide investigating units of state police.
What should happen if sudden, premature, unexpected death occurs?
Homicide investigating units of state police goes ahead.

Who are included in homicide investigating units of state police?
State police patrolling officers.
State police detectives.
Forensic pathologists.
Forensic psychiatrists.
Military police.
Prosecutors office, state attorneys office.
Judge in a state
State department of corrections office that includes jail/prison warden.

Where are the guidelines for homicide investigation units of state police?
Here are further guidelines.

Here are further guidelines. Here are further guidelines.

Here are further guidelines.

Criminal Investigation
What is known about this case?
What questions need to be answered relevant to this case?

Last Updated: June 8, 2017

Individuals Involved

What questions needs to be answered?
When, where, and what has happened?
Why did this happen?
How did this happen?
Who all are involved?
Who reported or complained about the incident?
Is this one incident or many incidents with many criminals involved that makes this a criminal conspiracy?
Who witnessed the incident?
What medium of communications was utilized?
What other facts are relevant to the incident?
What statements were issued?


Who has filed this complaint?
What is the profile of the individual with first name, last name, home address, work address, phone, email?

Alleged Offender(s):

Who are the alleged offenders?
What is the profile of the alleged Offender or offenders?
Was the alleged offender on duty, duty related, or off duty?
Was the alleged offender one person, many people, department in the state or outside the state, company or any other entity involved?
What concept of felony/felonies or misdemeanor/s is applicable to the situation?
When, where, how, what best describes the harms from offenders?
What punishments do they deserve?
What questions remain unanswered?

Death investigation of a human.
What should those who conduct the death scene investigation be careful of?
Do not lie.
Do not misinterpret the facts.
Do not lie and make murder a natural death.
Many investigators are investigating from a distance. These include a forensic psychiatrist, forensic pathologist, police investigators from a distance, and other investigators.
More than 50 years later, an investigator can charge a suspect even if the investigator was not present at the murder scene.
You must know there are other investigators investigating from a distance.
Suspicious premature death is murder unless proven otherwise.

How should investigators seek facts from the public?
Various communication methods are utilized.
Any individual or individuals who have any facts about this murder are required to report them as soon as possible. You can forward facts directly or indirectly.

Why is the announcement of a human death publicly and to the community within 24 hours of the death essential?
Intentionally hiding a human death beyond 24 hours is a criminal offense.

Are further investigations required in this human death?
Further investigations are required.
This was a sudden, premature, and unexpected death.
Circumstance of death was a criminal wrongdoing felony by others


What is known about this case?


What questions need to be answered relevant to this case?


What was the person's age at the time of death?


Who was the person that died? (identification)


What was the profile of the person that died?


When did the person die? (date and time)


Where did the person die?


Did any other person die at the same location on the same date and time? If yes, what is that person's profile?


Did any other person get harmed at the same location on the same date and time?


What was the manner of this death?
Old age (more than 90 years)
Pending investigations
All apparent suicides and accidents proven to be intentional harm by others.


Circumstances of death


What were the circumstances surrounding the cause of death in this case?
  1. Air crash/Incident death

  2. Asphyxiation intentional

  3. Alcohol-related death / How does alcohol cause death?

  4. Bombing

  5. Burns intentional

  6. Criminal conspiracies death (many individuals, many locations involved)

  7. Death involving intentional deprivation of rights in community or hospital

  8. Death due to assault

  9. Death due to Medical Negligence

  10. Death at home due to sabotage, criminal conspiracies

  11. Deprivation of rights under color of law

  12. Drowning intentional

  13. Electrocution intentional

  14. Explosion

  15. Fire

  16. Gunshot wound death

  17. Gunshot wound death by police or military as a standard operating procedure violation.

  18. Hanging
      Accidental Hanging
      Suicidal Hanging
      Homicidal Hanging
      Judicial Hanging
      Postmortem Hanging

  19. Hospital death involving professional negligence

  20. Hospital death/murder in a hospital

  21. Justified judicial death penalty

  22. Judicial death penalty death

  23. On the spot death due to professional negligence or intentional

  24. Parachute failure

  25. Police custody or police contact death intentional

  26. Pregnancy-Related Death / Why do so many women still die in pregnancy or childbirth?

  27. Prison death intentional

  28. Poisoning death intentional

  29. Pushed or thrown from a high altitude

  30. Road traffic crash

  31. Stab wound death

  32. Strangulation

  33. Skier Death

  34. Starvation

  35. Unjustified judicial death penalty

  36. Unnatural cause of death/under investigation

What should be elaborated on in circumstances of death?

Where, when, how, who, why, what, which, whose, whom, how much/many, how long, how often, how far, and what kinds of circumstances must be elaborated.


Parachute failure

Questions that need to be answered in this situation.

Who was the manufacturer of this equipment?
How was the safety of this equipment verified?

Gunshot wound death by police or military as a standard operating procedure violation.

Questions that need to be answered in this situation.

Who was the manufacturer of the gun?
How did the gun manufacturer and state government location of manufacturer verify that the police and/or military are public service oriented?
Who had the responsibility to supervise and ensure the safety of those involved in the harm?

What was the immediate cause of death?
The immediate cause of death can be a medical emergency diagnosis.
Select from the list of possible immediate causes of death.


What was the underlying cause of death?
The underlying cause of death can be a non-emergency medical diagnosis.
Select from the list of possibilities.


What was the mechanism of this death?
Alterations in physiology and biochemistry
Cardiac arrhythmia
Congestive cardiac failure
Disseminated intramuscular coagulation
Hepatic failure
Anoxic encephalopathy


Mechanism of death and immediate cause of death can be used interchangeably.

What was the approximate interval between the immediate cause of death and the underlying cause of death?
Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years (10, 15 years or more).


Was an autopsy performed?


Were autopsy findings available to complete cause, mechanism, and circumstances of death?
An assault mark or cut wound on a dead body proves assault circumstances of death.


What other significant conditions contributed to, but did not result in, the underlying cause?


Old age death (older than 90).

What do I remember about this individual?


How did this individual enhance public services?


Questions that need to be answered if the deceased is female:
What best describes the female at the time of death?
Child bearing age/not child bearing age.
Not pregnant within past year.
Pregnant at the time of death.
Not pregnant, but pregnant within 42 days of death.
Not pregnant, but pregnant 43 days to 1 year before death.
Unknown if pregnant within the past year.


Did any tobacco use contribute to the death?


Identify Unidentified Dead Individual.


Here are further guidelines.

Murder Investigation

Here are further guidelines.

Medical examiner and relevance to investigations inside the state and outside the state.
Annotation or definition.
Cause, Manner, and Mechanism of Death
Competence of the medical examiner
Circumstances of death
Death Certificates
Forensic Pathologist Guidelines
Manner of Death
Mechanism of death
Murder Investigations
Murder Cases
Annotation or definition.

What is another word or term for medical examiner?
Forensic pathologist
Physician Forensic Pathology

What is a Forensic Pathologist?
A forensic pathologist is a physician who investigates sudden, premature or unexpected deaths.

What is the difference between a forensic psychiatrist and forensic pathologist?
A forensic psychiatrist has more abilities and knowledge than a forensic pathologist.
A forensic pathologist is a physician who investigates sudden, premature or unexpected deaths. A forensic psychiatrist is a physician who investigates sudden, premature or unexpected deaths and possible criminal offences.

Physician forensic psychiatry
Here are further guidelines.

Physician Forensic Pathology
Here are further guidelines.

Competence of the medical examiner

If a person claims to be a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Illinois or another state in North America and be certified by the American Board of Pathology or a similar entity, does that mean this individual can competently uphold the relevant professional title?

What is the proof that a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Illinois or another state and claiming to also be certified by the American Board of Pathology is incompetent?
An individual claiming to be a medical examiner was not able to answer relevant questions publicly through the media, at least through Internet News.

They are not able to answer relevant questions publicly through the media.
They are not able to answer questions submitted to them via telephone or fax.
They do not have any sense of duty towards the public, so that they cannot help in public services relevant to their profession.

What must others know about Dr. Asif Qureshi's professional expertise relevant to these investigations?
Dr. Asif Qureshi is analyzing sudden, premature, unexpected, deaths around the world in at least 327 states. States must be mentioned with the answers to the questions being elaborated.

All truthful findings after investigations must be made public as soon as possible.

What should you keep in mind during these investigations?
Lying is not an option.
Misinterpretation of the facts is not an option.
No questions can remain unanswered.
Verification of the facts is essential.

Where are the guidelines for existing medical examiner and forensic pathology students?
Here are further guidelines.

Death Certificates

Forensic Pathologist Guidelines

Murder Investigations

Murder Investigations

Cause, Manner, and Mechanism of Death

What should sudden, premature, or unexpected death reports include?

What should be included in the initial reports of sudden, premature, or unexpected deaths?

Death investigation questions that must be answered in sudden, premature, or unexpected deaths:

Circumstances of death

What were the circumstances of the death?
Select from criminal offenses if circumstances of death are due to any criminal offenses.

Circumstances of death

Air crash/Incident death
Asphyxiation intentional
Burns intentional
Criminal conspiracies death (many individuals, many locations involved)
Death involving intentional deprivation of rights in community or hospital
Death due to assault
Death at home due to sabotage, criminal conspiracies
Drowning intentional
Electrocution intentional
Gunshot wound death
On the spot death due to professional negligence or intentional
Justified judicial death penalty
Judicial death penalty death
Hospital death involving professional negligence
Hospital death/murder in a hospital
Police custody or police contact death intentional
Prison death intentional
Poisoning death intentional
Pushed or thrown from a high altitude
Road traffic crash
Unjustified judicial death penalty
Unnatural cause of death/under investigation
Stab wound death

What should be elaborated on in circumstances of death?
Where, when, how, who, why, what, which, whose, whom, how much/many, how long, how often, how far, and what kinds of circumstances must be elaborated.

Individuals Involved

What questions needs to be answered?
When, where, and what has happened?
Why did this happen?
How did this happen?
Who all are involved?
Who reported or complained about the incident?
Is this one incident or many incidents with many criminals involved that makes this a criminal conspiracy?
Who witnessed the incident?
What medium of communications was utilized?
What other facts are relevant to the incident?
What statements were issued?


Who has filed this complaint?
What is the profile of the individual with first name, last name, home address, work address, phone, email?

Alleged Offender(s):

Who are the alleged offenders?
What is the profile of the alleged Offender or offenders?
Was the alleged offender on duty, duty related, or off duty?
Was the alleged offender one person, many people, department in the state or outside the state, company or any other entity involved?
What concept of felony/felonies or misdemeanor/s is applicable to the situation?
When, where, how, what best describes the harms from offenders?
What punishments do they deserve?
What questions remain unanswered?

What was the person's age at the time of death?
Who was the person that died? (identification)
What was the profile of the person that died?
When did the person die? (date and time)
Where did the person die?
Did any other person die at the same location on the same date and time?
If yes, what is that person's profile?
Did any other person get harmed at the same location on the same date and time?
What was the manner of death?
What was the cause of the murder?
What was the mechanism of the murder?
What was the motive of the murder?
In which state or at what postal address or location did this incidence of death happen?
What was the day, date, time, and circumstances when the death was apparently first reported?
Who first reported this sudden, premature, or unexpected death?
What is the identity or profile of the deceased?
What were the apparent circumstances of death?
Who verified these apparent circumstances of death?
What is the name of the medical examiner for this case in the state?
What is the name of homicide investigator for this case from the police in the state?
Who is on the team of investigators for this case inside the state and outside the state?
Who specifically examined the deceased from the medical examiner's office?
What is profile and seniority of individual from the medical examiner's office relevant to this case?
What were the findings of at least two person from the medical examiner's office?
What were truthful findings after the investigation of this sudden, premature, and unexpected death?
Who verified the truthful findings after the investigations of this death?

We stop this here. After we get answers to these questions, we will proceed again.
Here are further guidelines.

Mechanism of death

This term describes the altered physiology by which a disease or injury produces death (e.g., arrhythmia, hypoventilatory hypoxia, exsanguination).

Manner of Death

What was the manner of this death?

Old age (more than 90 years)
Pending investigations
All apparent suicides and accidents proven to be intentional harm by others.

Death investigation of a human.
Circumstances of death
November 30, 2012, case scenario of Aswell Selmon.
On July 3, 2011, Ken Devoney
How do you do a death audit?
August 11, 2008.
Crimes, investigations, punishments, and relief relevant to Kashmir, 1967 to 2018.
Death Investigation

What are various harms of executives who get large salaries not having the relevant skills and knowledge?
Refer to the harms and negligence of others from January 1, 2019, until March 8, 2023. Healthcare executive did not have the skills and knowledge of a human being in a coma despite at least 6,806,029 individuals going into comas and dying between January 1, 2019, and March 8, 2023. Refer to the deaths from January 1, 2019, until March 8, 2023. They falsely gave viral infections as the cause of all these deaths. Not all of these deaths were due to viral infections. All auditors must know that there are at least 47 causes of comas that need proper treatment. Who all must be punished for these harms while they were responsible for these patients?

What needs to happen at the executive level of the World Health Organization (WHO) on or after December 11, 2023?
1. Replace most executives for not having the skills and knowledge relevant to their executive jobs.
2. Provide worldwide medical education programs for specific medical doctors and healthcare administrators, displaying the guidelines, questions, and answers from Dr. Asif Qureshi.
3. Standardize essential medicines list in detailed questions and answers the way Dr. Asif Qureshi has done at
4. Provide executive education relevant to universal healthcare worldwide, including the United States.
5. Replace most of the healthcare administrators at the executive level in Illinois and the United States for not having the skills and knowledge relevant to their executive jobs.
At least 6,806,029 individuals went into a coma and died between January 1, 2019, and March 8, 2023. Healthcare administrators falsely gave viral infections as the cause of all these deaths. Not all of these deaths were due to viral infections. All auditors must know that there are at least 47 causes of comas that need proper treatment. Who all must be punished for these harms while they were responsible for these patients?
Who all did not have the skills and knowledge about a human being in a coma on or before March 6, 2023, and needed to be replaced on or after March 6, 2023?
1. United States Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra
2. Director-General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
3. American Medical Association President Jack Resneck, Jr., MD
4. U.S. Surgeon General, Department of Health and Human Services Vivek H. Murthy
5. Executive of critical care at Covenant Healthcare Chicago, Illinois.
6. Executives of critical care at Advocate Health Chicago, Illinois.
7. Executive of administration and critical care at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio.
8. Executives of administration and critical care at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.
9. Executive of administration and critical care at Northwestern Hospital, Chicago, Illinois.
10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH
11. The University of Illinois at Chicago, 1200 West Harrison St., Chicago, Illinois 60607 Phone: 312-996-7000
Vice Chancellor of Health
12. The University of Chicago Human Resources Executive, 6054 S. Drexel Ave., Chicago, IL 60637
13. Illinois Department of Public Health, Director of Public Health Sameer Vohra,,
14. President of the American Board of Emergency Medicine, 3000 Coolidge Road, East Lansing, MI 48823-6319
15. Governors: The work performance of various governors and their problem-solving relevant to their jobs on or before March 11, 2023, are not good.
16. Similar other entities in the United States and worldwide.

Coma-Related Skills and Knowledge
Where are further guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi?
Here are further guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi:

Porter County
Who received these facts?

Porter County Sheriff's Office

Jeffrey A. Balon

Capt. Eric Jones

Ellen Denton
Police Social Worker
(219) 477-3117

Prevention & Recovery Specialist
(219) 477-3119

When did they receive these facts?
July 6, 2024

What did they receive?

What happened?
Circumstances: Inmate found dead at Porter County Jail in Indiana, United States
Day, date of death: Thursday, July 4, 2024
Day, date circulated publicly: Friday, July 5, 2024
Death day, date, time: Death on Thursday, July 4, 2024, at 8:10 PM
Location of death: On Thursday, July 4, 2024, he was found dead at a jail in northwest Indiana.
Sources: Sheriff, ABC7 Chicago Digital Team

What is known about this issue?
The circumstances of the issue included a sudden premature unexpected death. The consequences of the issue included a death investigation. The issue happened at 8:10 PM on Thursday, July 4, 2024. The issue happened at the Porter County Jail in Indiana, United States.

Authorities responded to a call of an unconscious inmate who was not breathing at around 8:10 PM at the Porter County Jail in Indiana, as the Porter County Sheriff's Office circulated via the media. The inmate was pronounced dead after EMS arrived on the scene, as the Porter County Sheriff's Office circulated via the media. The inmate's age and identity have not been announced. A death investigation is active. No further information was immediately available.

When was the person pronounced dead?
Thursday, July 4, 2024, at 8:10 PM in Porter County Jail in northwest Indiana

What is the profile of the deceased?

Questions that need to be answered.

What questions need to be answered relevant to this issue?
Who talked to the deceased last?
When exactly did the last person talk to the deceased?
What exactly did they say?
What is the profile of the deceased?
Who verified the findings?
What were the reasons the person was in jail?
Who was in charge of the jail at the point of the individual’s death and what is their response?
What is the conclusion of the death investigators in this situation?
Does this death investigation need professional questions and answers only, professional questions and answers with an external examination, a partial autopsy, or a full autopsy?
Was there any abuse, neglect, deprivation of rights, or criminal conspiracy?
What were the causes and circumstances of this death?
Was there any sabotage within the system?
How could this have been prevented?

If Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborates on these investigations from another location, who forwards the executive salary and executive compensation for Dr. Asif Qureshi for these forensic investigations?

Chicago Police Department
Who received these facts?
Chicago Police Department
Executives of the Illinois and United States governments

James M. Baier, Commander
5400 North Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
Phone: 312-742-8714, 312-742-8715
Fax: 312-742-8803

When did they receive these facts?
May 26, 2024
June 26, 2024

What did they receive?

Death investigation of a human.
November 30, 2012, case scenario of Aswell Selmon.
This happened after 1999 and before 2004.
New Immigrants in United States
Alphabetical listing of criminal offenses
Circumstances of death
On July 3, 2011, Ken Devoney
How do you do a death audit?
August 11, 2008.
Death Investigation

New migrants in the United States: How do you manage new migrants in the United States on or after November 9, 2023?
Crimes, investigations, punishments, and relief relevant to Kashmir, 1967 to 2018.

Chicago Police Homicide Investigations
Chicago Police homicide investigation charge releases: How does Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborate on these issues?
Chicago Police Department charge releases: What is on the list?
Place homicide issues in a separate category.
Place crimes that are not homicides in a separate category.
The focus must be zero homicides weekly, zero homicides monthly, and zero homicides yearly.
Weekly, monthly, and yearly reports must be available via the internet.

What questions related to the charge release, particularly homicide, are necessary according to Dr. Asif Qureshi

What were the causes and circumstances of this homicide?

Was there any sabotage involved within the system?

How could this have been prevented?

What is the record of the assailant over the past 5 years (for example, January 1, 2019, to May 10, 2024)?

1. No felonies or misdemeanors in the past 5 years in the record of the assailant.
2. Felonies or misdemeanors in which this person is involved are elaborated (January 1, 2019, to May 10, 2024)
Alert everyone that a false report is a Class 4 felony. Do not lie. Do not lie on or off the record. Truth with sound reasoning is justified.

What has been the mailing address of the assailant from birth until now?

Was there any sabotage within the system?

Why was there a need to elaborate on this issue?

This example will make you understand.

When did this happen?
This happened in Chicago between 1999 and 2004. A person prevented medical attention for another person. “We do not need a doctor,” he said.

What did the medical doctor reply?
“Make sure you place this on the record. You mentioned that we do not need a doctor,” the doctor in Chicago replied.

What happened then?
One among them landed in a hospital. Later on, a police officer said that a monitor showed a cardiac rhythm. This means the person was alive. The police revealed that the doctor was infiltrated and gave the person an injection until the rhythm flatlined. The doctor who had been infiltrated gave a lethal injection to this person. The name of this doctor starts with J and the last name ends with a Z. Many executives from the government were charged, including some from the White House in Washington, DC. This happened after 1999 and before 2004. Criminal responsibility is both with the friend of the person and the doctor who gave a lethal injection, whose name started with J and ended with Z, as well as others who created these issues. This is an example of sabotage within the system.

What must the goals of the Chicago Police be?
The focus must be zero homicides weekly, zero homicides monthly, and zero homicides yearly.
Weekly, monthly, and yearly reports must be available via the internet.
Weekly and monthly homicide statistics, with answers to the mentioned questions from Dr. Asif Qureshi, need to be displayed at

What questions have been answered relevant to this issue?
What questions need to be answered relevant to this issue?

Dr. Asif Qureshi asks, where is my executive income with retroactive credits?

  1. Who received these facts? Answer

  2. When did they receive these facts? Answer

  3. What did they receive? Answer

  4. New migrants in the United States: How do you manage new migrants in the United States on or after November 9, 2023? Answer
Who received these facts?

The President

Governor of the state

Cook County Board President


When did they receive these facts?
November 18, 2023

What did they receive?

New Immigrants in United States

New migrants in the United States: How do you manage new migrants in the United States on or after November 9, 2023?
The answer to this question depends on the exact location.

How do you manage new migrants in Chicago on or after November 9, 2023?
On November 9, 2023, this was circulated: Pilot program launching in Chicago to help migrants apply for work permits. This is applicable to individuals from Venezuela. Those from Venezuela and Ukraine who were in Chicago in the year before August 1, 2023, were eligible.

What are the responsibilities of the Illinois Secretary of State in this situation on or after November 22, 2023?
Monitor the total number of residents in Illinois.
The total number of residents in Illinois should have an upper limit of 13 million.
If there are more than 13 million residents in Illinois, relocate the new immigrants to other states.

Here is a situation: How do you manage this situation?
Here is a situation.
This happened in 2018. It can happen now or later.
On November 16, 2023, 3 migrants landed in Chicago.
They reached New York via Washington, DC, before landing in Chicago.
They are from one location in Asia.
They are in the United States for less than 1 month.
They plan to live in the United States (specifically, Chicago) for the rest of their life.
How was this situation in Chicago managed on November 16, 2018?
How must this situation in Chicago be managed on or after November 16, 2023?
How do you manage them as new immigrants in the next 24 hours?
How do you manage them as new immigrants in the next 48 hours?
How do you manage them as new immigrants in the next 7 days?
What must be the plan of action for them?
What is the exact email, fax, and mailing address of their profiles that must be submitted as new immigrants?

What questions need to be further debated and answered?

Questions that need to be answered.


On November 11, 2023, people from Venezuela were found to be eligible to work in Chicago. Who determined that they are eligible in Chicago and how?
What must be communicated from Venezuela relevant to these individuals?
What questions must be asked relevant to this situation?
Who must provide food and housing for these individuals in the first 24 hours, the next 7 days, and for 1 year?
How must the plan of action for each individual be elaborated?
Who must display progress relevant to these issues in Illinois and United States?
New immigrants to the United States in the last 365 days: How will you manage on or after November 11, 2023?
Who among lawmakers in the United States must be updated relevant to issues related to new immigrants in the United States?
What is their profile, email, fax, and mailing address?
What are the duties and responsibilities of Department of State executives in this situation?

Jobs for new migrants

Who will provide jobs for new migrants?
What kind of jobs will they be provided given their limited English language skills?

Housing for new migrants

Who will provide housing for new migrants?
What is the location of the housing for new migrants?
Where must the communication be forwarded if new migrants have a problem in the United States?

What directive must be forwarded to the comptrollers of Illinois and the United States?

Illinois and United States government executives: What do you have to do relevant to these issues?

Employer of Dr. Asif Qureshi: Illinois and United States governments
Job title: Program director or better.
Central Intelligence Agency director or the equivalent or better is a relevant job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi.
Dr. Asif Qureshi has developed guidelines for at least 150 government departments.
Take a look at this:
Provide earned income for Dr. Asif Qureshi.
Provide an executive job title for me as a program director or executive administrator, or the equivalent, relevant to my abilities, experience, and research (see the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi).
Provide retroactive credits that will count toward my retirement.
Provide reimbursement.
Provide retroactive relief.
Develop a plan of action for the future.
Job title: Program director or the equivalent
Salary: $7,176 - $10,602 per month or better
My profile or biodata is available at

My address: Dr. Asif Qureshi, 5042 North Winthrop Ave. Unit 237, Chicago, Illinois 60640.
Telephone: 773-561-6102
New migrants in the United States: How do you manage new migrants in the United States on or after November 9, 2023?
Solutions to the Issues
Law Enforcement: Police, Sheriff, Military Solutions

Law enforcement: police, sheriff, and military solutions: What are the solutions?
There are many solutions.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6

Option 1

What is one of the solutions to these issues on or after January 1, 2024?
New immigrants go and sleep inside his residence on the South Side of Chicago.

What is the name of the person?
Barrack Obama
Convert this location into a new immigrant shelter.

Where will this person Barrack Obama go?
Imprisonment with Class 1 felonies and consequences in the prison in San Bernardino, California. See at least the 5 counts of Class 1 felonies Barrack Obama has done. Many more harms are unfolding from him. All police, sheriffs, and military personnel must coordinate and cooperate in this situation. Police, sheriff, and military offices should manage Barrack Obama like any Class 1 felon who has more than 5 counts of Class 1 felonies. Police, sheriff, and military offices should not get corrupted.

If Barrack Obama continues to live in Chicago, Illinois, the harms will likely increase. Various irreparable harms are unfolding in which Barrack Obama and those associated with Barrack Obama are involved in irreparable harms. Auction all assets of Barrack Obama and give the proceeds to victims. The individual abusing the skills and influence of tis country entrusted him by harming others. A book released by a professor in the United States claimed that his elections were a fraud. An intelligence report revealed he was given two options, resign or get fucked, to continue as president. Barrack Obama got fucked and continued as president. This is not justified.

How is this person involved in 5 counts of Class 1 felonies?
1. On December 2, 2015, a terrorist attack, consisting of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing, occurred at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California. The perpetrators, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married couple living in the city of Redlands, targeted a San Bernardino County Department of Public Health training event and Christmas party attended by about 80 employees in a rented banquet room. Fourteen people were killed, and 22 others were seriously injured.

Who authorized the immigration and provided material resources to Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik (Green Card), enabling them to kill so many people in San Bernardino, California.
Barrack Obama and similar entities associated with him.
Imran Khan, who was also involved, was in Adiala Prison on January 2, 2024, due to various felonies.

What punishments does Barrack Obama deserve?
Class 1 felony consequences.
Anyone reinforcing this Class 1 felon should have similar consequences.

2. Barrack Obama directed others to take Nazia to a location in Washington, DC, and rape her. She was raped in Washington, DC, following the directive of Barrack Obama. This is a Class 1 felony crime.
Barrack Obama must face Class 1 felony consequences.

3. Barrack Obama directed the downing of Air Asia, which killed many people. He implicated Admiral Kennedy and others. This is under investigation. It is a Class 1 felony crime.

4. Barrack Obama got resources and a visa for an Iraqi and utilized him for terrorist activities, including the murder of a white woman near the intersection of Argyl and Sheridan in Chicago. The Iraqi declared Barrack Obama was with them; if investigations continue, he will have to consume a cyanide capsule and die.
This Iraqi, Hussain, later died.

5. Barrack Obama worked with others to get cyanide infiltrated into the Clerk of Cook County office with the intent to murder Dr. Asif Qureshi. Dr. Asif Qureshi refused to consume the cyanide. This incident was discussed with Dennirica Brooks and other lawyers during a meeting in 2014 in Chicago.

6. This is what 2 white intelligence officials told me in Chicago. "Hussain with royal intelligence has come to America. They think Hussain is Saddam Hussain. He is not Saddam Hussain. He is some other person from Medina Munawara. He came with royal intelligence and royal intelligence asked Barrack Obama to resign. Barrack Obama was given two options. Either resign or get fucked. Barrack Obama accepted to be fucked and continued as president of the United States." Later on, Barrack Obama resigned on the record. There is a video recording also.

7. Many more harms are unfolding from Barrack Obama.

Section 3 states that someone isn't eligible for future office if, while they were previously in office, they took an oath to support the Constitution but then "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or [gave] aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," unless they are granted amnesty by a two-thirds vote of Congress.

New immigrants in South Side Chicago must go to the house of Barrack Obama and sleep inside and around the house. At least 25,000 of them are there.

Who received these facts?

Sheriff’s Department

Cook County Sheriff's Office

Sheriff's Department - San Bernardino County



When did they receive these facts?
January 5, 2024

What did they receive?
Take a look at this.
Last Updated: July 6, 2024