What is included in a mental status exam relevant to age?
1. Affect - current emotional state (full, labile, restricted, flat, inappropriate, suicidal/homicidal) 2. Appearance - overall impression, posture, clothes, grooming, health, apparent age, angry/afraid 3. Attention - concentration, attendance, digit recall 4. Attitude toward examiner - cooperative, hostile, defensive, seductive, evasive, ingratiating 5. Content of thought - preoccupations, obsessions, phobias, rituals, delusions, depersonalization 6. Form of thought - circumstantial, flight ideas, evasiveness, loosening associations, perseverance, blocking Do you ever see/hear/smell/taste/feel things that are not really there? 7. General Behavior - mannerisms, gestures, combative, rigid, twitching, psychomotor retardation 8. Insight - do they realize they are ill 9. Intellectual Functioning- fund of knowledge, calculations, abstraction (proverbs, similarities) 10. Judgment - errors in judgment. What is an error in judgment? A flawed decision 11. Memory - immediate (digit span), recent (three objects at 5 minutes), remote (days to years) 12. Mood - overall emotional state (sad, happy, depressed, elated, anxious, irritable) 13. Orientation - time, person, place, situation. What time, day, month, date, and year is it? Where are you now? What location, building, floor, and room are you in? What location, building, floor, and room were you in on June 1, 2018, and December 1, 2018? What were the issues? What are the issues? 14. Perceptions - misperceptions, illusions, hallucinations 15. Psychomotor Activity - increased, reduced, agitated, abnormal movements 16. Speech/Language - rate (increased, pressured, slow), tone (soft, angry), volume, articulation, language (aphasia). Appropriateness of conversation, rate of speech (more than 100 words per minute is normal, fewer than 50 words per minute is abnormal). Writing and reading appropriate to education level. 17. State of consciousness - alert, drowsy, very drowsy, obtundation, stupor, coma. Conscious means able to hear, see, and talk relevant to age. Is the person conscious and oriented to time, place, person, and situation? Most of such individuals are conscious and oriented to time, place, and person, but not oriented to situation. What are the levels of human consciousness relevant to age? 1. Alert/Normal: the patient opens their eyes spontaneously, looks at you when spoken to in a normal voice, responds appropriately to stimuli, and demonstrates purposeful movements. 2. Lethargic/Drowsy: the patient appears drowsy but opens their eyes to loud verbal stimuli and looks at you, responds to questions, and then falls back asleep. 3. Somnolent/Very drowsy 4. Obtundation: the patient opens their eyes with tactile stimuli and looks at you, but responds to you slowly and may be confused. 5. Stupor: the patient awakens only after painful stimuli are applied (e.g., applying pressure to the nailbed). The patient’s verbal responses are slow or absent. The patient will fall into an unresponsive state when the stimuli stop. 6. Coma: No response to any stimuli. Pulse, respiratory rate, and temperature are evident. The patient is unarousable, and their eyes remain closed. There are no purposeful responses to internal or external stimuli. However, nonpurposeful responses to painful stimuli and brain stem reflexes may still be present. |
What is Psychiatry? Psychiatry is medical specialty dealing with the diagnosis and management of psychiatric disorders and enhancing normal human behavior. What is forensic psychiatry? Forensic Psychiatry is a specialized branch of psychiatry where the medical and the legal worlds overlap. It is a fascinating sub-specialty that involves the application of medical psychiatric expertise in legal contexts. Forensic psychiatry is a branch of medicine which focuses on the interface of law and mental health. It may include psychiatric consultation in a wide variety of legal matters (sometimes with expert testimony), as well as clinical work with perpetrators and victims. What is a Psychiatrist? A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with additional experience and knowledge of psychiatric disorders and normal human behavior. If you know what is normal, then you can diagnose and manage abnormal medical conditions. Psychiatrists are trained in the medical, psychological, and social components of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders and utilize a broad range of treatment modalities, including diagnostic tests, prescribing medications, psychotherapy, and helping patients and their families cope with stress and crises. Psychiatrists increasingly work in integrated settings and often lead or participate on treatment teams and provide consultation to primary care physicians and other medical specialties. What is forensic pathology? A forensic pathologist is a physician who investigates sudden, premature or unexpected deaths. A forensic psychiatrist is a physician who investigates sudden, premature or unexpected deaths and possible criminal offences. Forensic pathology is a subspecialty of medicine, employing specially-trained physicians who focus on the medicolegal investigation of sudden, premature or unexpected deaths. A forensic pathologist must be both a doctor and a lawyer. Some consider forensic pathology a subspecialty of pathology when it is in fact a subspecialty of medicine. What is a forensic psychiatrist? A forensic psychiatrist is a physician who investigates sudden, premature or unexpected deaths and possible criminal offences. A forensic psychiatrist is a psychiatrist who has additional training and/or experience related to the various interfaces of mental health (or mental illness) with the law. Is a forensic psychiatrist the same thing as a forensic psychologist? No. Psychiatrists are physicians with specialty training in the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders. What is the difference between a doctor of medicine and a psychiatrist? A psychiatrist is a doctor of medicine with additional abilities of a psychiatrist. You need to have abilities of doctor of medicine with additional abilities of a specific specialty to deserve to be called a specialist. What is a doctor of medicine? A doctor of medicine is a human being: 1. Able to reach a correct diagnosis and treatment of a human being in various healthcare settings. 2. Able to answer relevant questions of human healthcare. 3. Able to offer Internet human healthcare. 4. Able to offer public health advice. 5. Able to offer patient education guidelines. 6. Able to offer administrative issues guidelines. If a doctor of medicine can guide new medical students and postgraduates, he or she can be designated a professor or guide. What additional abilities should a psychiatrist have compared to a doctor of medicine? Ability to deal with stress and intentional enforced harms. Human rights violations knowledge. Psychiatric disorder knowledge. Medicolegal cases knowledge. Forensic psychiatry knowledge. Vast knowledge of psychiatric medications. What does a forensic psychiatrist do? A forensic psychiatrist’s expertise is required on more than 111 issues. What is the most important duty of a forensic psychiatrist? Fitness for duty evaluation is one of the duties of a forensic psychiatrist. What is mental health? Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. If a harmful, lying, badly behaved, incompetent individual and his or her associates are fraudulently placed in administration, what will happen to the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of an individual or individuals? The emotional, psychological, and social well-being of an individual or individuals will get harmed. A prerequisite for the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of an individual or individuals in the state or outside the state is to have truthful, well behaved, competent, public service-oriented administrators and associates in the state and outside the state. What is mental illness? Mental illness is a term used for a group of psychiatric disorders. You should not diagnose anyone with mental illness unless you verify that the person is not having stress, intentional enforced harms from others, and human rights violations from others. The boundary between mental distress and mental illness is clear if you know everything about stress, intentional enforced harms from others, human rights violations from others, and psychiatric disorders. What is human behavior? Human behavior is the sum of what people think, feel, and do. Normal and abnormal variations. Who is more knowledgeable, a forensic psychiatrist or a judge without knowledge of forensic psychiatry? A forensic psychiatrist is more knowledgeable than a judge without knowledge of forensic psychiatry. Who is more knowledgeable, a forensic psychiatrist or a forensic psychologist without knowledge of forensic psychiatry? A forensic psychiatrist is more knowledgeable than a forensic psychologist. A forensic psychiatrist is basically a doctor of medicine with additional abilities of general psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. What type of forensic psychiatrist evaluation is required? |
Can you quote examples of class 1 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 2 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 3 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 4 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 5 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 6 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 1 misdemeanors? Can you quote examples of class 2 misdemeanors? Can you quote examples of class 3 misdemeanors? Can you quote examples of class 4 misdemeanors? What do you know about the essential commodities act in the state or outside the state? What do you know about the essential services maintenance act in the state or outside the state? What do you know about human rights in the state and outside the state? What are various essential departments in the state and outside the state? What do you know about various service rules in the state and outside the state? What do you know about good character, good behavior, fidelity, conjugal rights, and criminal conspiracies? I have answers to my questions. What is your answer? |
Forensic Psychiatry: Criminal Areas: Criminal Conspiracies Criminal Responsibility/Sanity Evaluations Civil Commitments Eligibility for release from incarceration Expert Witness/Testifying Dangerous or Long Term Offender Applications Fitness to Stand Trial Correctional psychiatry Fitness for a Witness Injury Juvenile justice Malingering Ethics and human rights Guardianships Psychic injury Probation and Parole Review Boards Sexual Behavior/Sexually Disordered Offenders Substance Abuse Suicide Risk Assessments Sentencing Evaluations Testamentary Capacity Violence Risk Assessments Workman's Compensation Boards Workplace Violence Clinical Criminology Developmental Delay Issues within the forensic mental health framework Impulse Control Disorders Interpersonal Violence Major mental illness within the forensic framework (psychosis, schizophrenia, mood disorders, etc) Paraphilias & Sex Offending Personality Disorders with the forensic mental health framework Psychopathy Substance Abuse within the forensic mental health framework Risk Assessment & Risk Management Treatment Programming within the forensic mental health framework Psychiatry & Law Capacity: to consent to treatment, to manage property, to consent to emergency treatment, etc. Community Treatment Orders Consent - informed, consent to treatment, etc. Consent & Capacity Board Confidentiality of Patient Records Duty of Care Duty To Warn Involuntary Hospitalization Mental Health Act, in general Patient Rights under the Mental Health Act Substitute Decision Making How is forensic psychiatry useful to the legal process? Here are further facts. http://www.nazianazirqazi.org/ |
How should you investigate a case of reported domestic violence? How did you verify it is not a lie? Is it a lie? Did you apply the proper concept of law to this case scenario? Is it a criminal conspiracy, domestic violence, or something else? Is it a criminal conspiracy under false pretext? If it is a lie, a complainant who lies with or without others is the offender and the person who has been falsely accused is the victim. Further investigation is required. If the complainant truthfully reveals who instigated her lie, that individual or individuals become the offenders. If a female was asked to lie under the pretext of domestic violence by fraudulently placed administrators involved in various harms, what is it? Criminal conspiracy. Intentional harms. A lie/lies can create public disorder. A lie/lies lead to irreparable harms in the life of others. Who instigated the female to lie? Who else is involved in asking her to lie? They are the offenders. Community alert: You are dealing with a liar or liars. You should spend six months to two years in jail, and further punishment depending on harms. Profile all involved in detention for public safety and community wellness. Conditional release if she/he/they will not lie further. Punishment of those involved in criminal conspiracies. Is reported domestic violence always true? No. What causes a female to lie about being a victim of domestic violence? Politically motivated criminal conspiracy. Personality disorder. Instigation by others to file a false report. Report under duress. Material gain. Other causes. What causes a male to perpetuate verified domestic violence? Illiteracy. Gang member. Other causes. How do you define domestic violence? One definition of domestic violence is physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, social manifestations. You have to be precise in your definition of domestic violence. What exactly happened that makes you think this is domestic violence? Did you verify other causes that usually lead to false reports of domestic violence? Are there differences among protest, agitation, and violence? Yes. What have been findings of various reported domestic violence? Politically motivated criminal conspiracy to do harm. Misinterpretation of facts. Monopoly harming an individual under the pretext of domestic violence. Lies for vested motives. What questions should be asked in case of reported domestic violence? Questions that need to be answered Is anyone utilizing this female to report domestic violence for vested interests? How are the character, behavior, and competence of the female? Is this a case of domestic violence? How did you verify that this is a case of domestic violence? What should happen in case of intentional misinterpretation of facts under the pretext of domestic violence? What is not domestic violence? A false report. What are the consequences of a false report? There can be charges of misdemeanor for filing a false report, even by a female. Penalty can be one year in jail at least. There can be further punishments depending on the harms caused by a false report. There should be relief to the victim of false report. How can false reports of domestic violence be prevented? Females should be educated about what is really domestic violence and what is not domestic violence. Police, lawyers, judges, and counselors should be made aware of the existence of false reports of domestic violence. How can verified domestic violence be prevented? There should be education of all regarding what is domestic violence and what is not domestic violence. There should be awareness of consequences of false reports of domestic violence. Here are further guidelines. http://www.qureshiuniversity.org/domesticviolence.html |
What should those who claim to be forensic psychiatrist know? The abilities, knowledge, and skills of forensic psychiatrists are essential. You should be able to answer relevant questions publicly. The possession of a medical degree from an accredited school or college of medicine does not mean you are a competent forensic psychiatrist. The possession of a medical license does not mean you are a competent forensic psychiatrist. Individuals are being publicly exposed for fraudulently getting medical licenses or degrees from accredited schools or colleges of medicine. In the real world, they are not able to answer relevant questions publicly. |
What is a background investigator? A background investigator is a person who seeks to find facts about an individual or an incident. What makes a background investigation quick? If your biodata is available, the background investigation becomes quick. If all facts are available in biodata with verification, there is no need for further background investigation. Why is a background investigation of a person essential? Harms have occurred. On investigation, it was discovered that the individual did not know about truthfulness, good behavior, or public service and was not able to answer relevant questions about a specific job. Experience has revealed various officers and staff join. Years later, it is realized that the officer or staff was harmful or did not know conflict of law, state law, international law, or did not know essential commodities act, essential services maintenance acts, human rights, and did not know issues relevant to specific case. These are the reasons why answers to relevant questions are required. Here are further guidelines. |
Name of forensic psychiatrist: Doctor Asif Qureshi Evaluation in a criminal case by a forensic psychiatrist. Name of the accused/guilty: See the enclosure Christopher Griesmeyer
Sam R. Hamburg
Farooq Abdullah
Omar Abdullah
Is the accused/guilty sane or insane? Sane. Was the accused/guilty under any duress at the time of the criminal act? No. Is this individual harmful to public safety? Yes. Was this individual under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs that led to his repeated criminal activities and harm of others? No. Does this criminal work with other criminals in a criminal nexus? Yes. How is this individual harmful to public safety? He has harmed various individuals and is involved in many felonies (including class 1 felonies) and misdemeanors. Is this individual more than 18 years old? Yes. Does the individual understand the crimes he has committed and harms he has inflicted? Yes. Is this individual trying to deceive the administration of justice within the state and/or outside the state? Yes. Should this individual be off the roads, out of home, and in jail? Yes. What punishments does he deserve? Death penalty. This individual guilty must be put to death as soon as possible. Advertisements are not allowed, even if paid by this entity. Any existing document signed by this individual is null and void. Any future documents signed by this individual will be invalid. Aircraft access for this individual is not allowed. Campaigning of any sort is not allowed. Confiscate the assets of this individual. Donations cannot be received by this individual from any resource. Donations cannot be received by any other entity from this resource. Freeze all bank accounts and treasury resources of this individual. Freeze all financial resources of this individual. Media entities reinforcing this individual require forcible closure. Money and other financing cannot be given by this individual to any other resource. Movements of this individual from one state to another state are not allowed. Publications must ban this individual. Representation for this individual in legal or non-legal issues is not allowed. Sanctions or punishments cannot be circulated by this individual. Signed documents relevant to public entities by this individual are invalid. The signing of any document in the future relevant to the public or individuals by this individual is not allowed and is invalid. Treasury activities by this individual are not allowed. This individual cannot get involved in any trade, assets accumulation, cash transfers, technology transfers, or travels in state or outside the state. Here are further facts. http://www.nazianazirqazi.org/ |
Code of Criminal Procedure in the state and outside the state. |
Criminal Investigation Individuals Involved What questions needs to be answered? When, where, and what has happened? Why did this happen? How did this happen? Who all are involved? Who reported or complained about the incident? Is this one incident or many incidents with many criminals involved that makes this a criminal conspiracy? Who witnessed the incident? What medium of communications was utilized? What other facts are relevant to the incident? What statements were issued? Complainant: Who has filed this complaint? What is the profile of the individual with first name, last name, home address, work address, phone, email? Alleged Offender(s): Who are the alleged offenders? What is the profile of the alleged Offender or offenders? Was the alleged offender on duty, duty related, or off duty? Was the alleged offender one person, many people, department in the state or outside the state, company or any other entity involved? What concept of felony/felonies or misdemeanor/s is applicable to the situation? When, where, how, what best describes the harms from offenders? What punishments do they deserve? What questions remain unanswered? Here are further guidelines. Here are further guidelines. |
How do I analyze and interpret these issues? Decision Making Capacity How is decision-making capacity relevant to medicine? What are the standards for assessing decision-making capacity? Who decides whether a patient has decision-making capacity? How do you determine whether a patient has decision-making capacity? How are decisions made for patients who lack decision-making capacity? Ten Myths About Decision-Making Capacity Myth 1. Decision-making capacity and legal competency are the same. Myth 2. Lack of decision-making capacity can be presumed when patients go against medical advice. Myth 3. There is no need to assess decision-making capacity unless patients go against medical advice. Myth 4. Decision-making capacity is an “all or nothing†phenomenon. Myth 5. Cognitive impairment equals lack of decision-making capacity. Myth 6. Lack of decision-making capacity is a permanent condition. Myth 7. Patients who have not been given relevant and consistent information about their treatment lack decision-making capacity. Myth 8. Patients with certain psychiatric disorders lack decision-making capacity. Myth 9. Patients who are involuntarily committed lack decision-making capacity. Myth 10. Only mental health experts can assess decision-making capacity. Here are further guidelines. |
Personality disorders screening Who specifically should have yearly screening for personality disorders? Leaders. Managers. Individuals in public service. Harms can occur if such individual gets involved in public service. Here is an example. Personality Disorder: Patient is conscious, oriented in time, space, and person. Vitals are normal and there are no other complaints. Does that mean the person is normal? The patient can have personality disorder. Here are further guidelines. http://www.qureshiuniversity.org/health.html#Personality disorders screening What profession are you interested in among the listed professions? What professions can you guide? Where are these professional guidelines displayed through the Internet in English language in a question-and-answer format? Who has authored these guidelines? How are professional/job titles elaborated?
What are various examples? Public Safety agencies can request or order a current sworn certified law enforcement officer (i.e., deputy, police officer, corrections officer, etc.) to undergo a Fitness for Duty evaluation to determine if the person is behaving in a manner that would interfere with his/her ability to function effectively on the job, and in a manner conducive to public safety and the safety of fellow employees. Referrals for fitness for duty is appropriate in two situations. The first would be after an incident, either on or off the job, where an officer’s judgment or behavior raises serious concerns about his/her ability to safely perform the job. The second would be when an officer’s job performance or behavior on or off the job results in supervisory, co-worker or public doubt about the officer’s competence, and it is brought to the attention of the officer’s superior. Examples of the former include incidents such as excessive force, DUI, automobile accidents, arrests, fights and domestic violence. Examples of the latter include on or off the job behaviors such as excessive absences or sick time abuse; anger toward co-workers; suspected alcohol or drug use; excessive citizen, inmate or co-worker complaints or refusal to obey normal orders. Some reasons for referrals after an incident: Excessive force Shooting incident Officer receives a DUI Automobile accident Officer is arrested Fighting Domestic violence Some reasons for referrals based on unusual behavior: Excessive absenteeism Serious, flagrant sick leave abuse Anger towards co-workers Overly suspicious attitude Suspected alcohol or drug use Excessive citizen complaints Refusal to obey normal orders The goal of a fitness for duty evaluation is to get the officer back to work and functioning well. |
Are Forensic Psychiatrist considered an expert witness in a legal case? Can a Psychiatrist testify on behalf of the victim, defendant, plaintiff, or defendant in a criminal or civil case and proceedings? Can a Psychiatrist testify as an expert witness in a criminal or civil case? Can Forensic Psychiatrist be retained in a legal case? What are some of the reasons to hire or retain a forensic psychiatrist in a legal case? Can Psychiatrist testify on behalf of the prosecution as to the mental health of an accused defendant in a criminal case? In criminal cases, do psychiatrist testify as an expert witness on behalf of a victim or defendant in order to produce evidence that can be used in a court of law? Can forensic psychiatrist provide treatment, sentencing, parole, or probation recommendations for the court in a criminal case? Can a psychiatrist recommend to the court that a mentally incompetent criminal be institutionalized? Who or what types of witness will the court find credible in evaluating an individual’s competency to stand trial? What are the two major areas of criminal evaluations in forensic psychiatry? Can the prosecution or defense hire a psychiatrist with forensic training in a criminal case to provide the court with expert testimonial on their behalf? What type of training do psychiatrists undertake to become a forensic psychiatrist that can testify in a court of law on behalf of the prosecution, defense, plaintiff, or defendant? Can a forensic psychiatrist determine whether a suspect or defendant has the mental capacity to stand trial and make a determination as to whether they understand the consequences of the crime that they have committed against the victim? Can a forensic psychiatrists testimony sway the jury’s opinion and ultimately the outcome of the trial or case? Do psychiatrists work with criminals and victims? What type of expert witness can make the claim for the defense that a criminal perpetrator action was a result of a mental illness that led to the crime. Do psychiatrist with a specialty in forensics treat victims of crimes and their families? Can a psychiatrist working for the prosecution determine whether someone who committed a crime was sane and therefore be legally responsible for his or her actions? Are there precise standards judges must follow in admitting psychiatric opinion in a court of law. What is involved in a forensic evaluation of a legal insanity defense? What type of civil cases or issues do forensic psychiatrists provide their expert testimony? What are the going hourly rates, fixed fees, and retainers charged by a highly regarded, trained, respected, nationally recognized, and well-known, board certified forensic psychiatrist and expert witness? Do you need to be a board certified psychiatrist and forensic specialist to testify on behalf of the victim or the defendant charged with the crime in a court of law? Can defense attorneys or lawyers request by way of motion funding to hire a forensic expert in the field of psychiatry to review reports and identify issues related to the case. Does a psychiatrist views and testimonies (testimony) carry much weight in the courtroom in front of jurors and the judge? How can a forensic psychiatrist help the prosecution or victim in a criminal case? How can a forensic psychiatrist help the defense or the accused in a criminal case? How can a forensic psychiatrist help the defense or the accused in a criminal case? What is the role of a forensic psychiatrist in a civil court case? Do forensic psychiatrists have the expertise and training to verify wills, determine a defendant competency to stand trial or refuse medical treatment? Does a psychiatrist have the same education and training as a forensic psychologist? Can I use an expert witness consultant psychiatrist in a criminal case to establish or prove that a defendant or the accused has the Competency to Stand Trial or is Not guilty of the crime by reason of insanity? What do forensic psychiatrist do in preparation to testifying in court? What are the qualifications of a forensic trained psychiatrist as opposed to a psychiatrist? What are some type of forensic issues that a psychiatrist can provide expert testimony or opinion for either the prosecution or defense? What is the role of forensic psychiatrist in the prosecution of sex offenders or those that have committed sexual crimes such as rape? What type of psychiatric services can a forensic trained psychiatrist provide? Do psychiatrist need to interview the defendant to render an opinion? Do forensic psychiatrists specialize in any areas? Can a forensic psychiatrist testify in a criminal case for either the prosecution or defense? |
Are Forensic Psychiatrist considered an expert witness in a legal case? Answer: A forensic psychiatrist may be considered an expert witness in a legal case if the court determines that they meet the definition of an expert witness. Expert witnesses are persons who are qualified to form definite opinions with respect to a division of science, a branch of art, or a department of trade. An expert witness possesses scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge that will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue. The definitions of an expert witness vary by jurisdiction. In general an expert witness provides testimony that is 1) based upon sufficient facts or data; (2) the product of reliable principles and methods; and (3) the witness has applied the principles and methods reliably to the facts of the case. Can a Psychiatrist testify on behalf of the victim, defendant, plaintiff, or defendant in a criminal or civil case and proceedings? Answer: A psychiatrist can testify on behalf of the victim, the defendant, or the plaintiff in either a criminal or civil case. If the psychiatrist’s opinion is favorable to the side retaining them, it is likely that they will be asked to testify or provide a written report. Can a Psychiatrist testify as an expert witness in a criminal or civil case? Answer: Yes. A psychiatrist can testify as an expert witness in either a criminal or civil case. Can Forensic Psychiatrist be retained in a legal case? Answer: A forensic psychiatrist can be retained in a legal case by either side in both civil and criminal cases. Although it is not required, the retainer or “agreement†may be in writing outlining the role of the forensic psychiatrist and the fee agreement. What are some of the reasons to hire or retain a forensic psychiatrist in a legal case? Answer: Some of the common reasons to hire a forensic psychiatrist in a legal case are as follows: determination of competency to stand trial, evaluation of the defendant’s mental state at the time of the offense (insanity evaluation), evaluation for diminished capacity, aid in sentencing evaluations including capital sentencing and mitigation, violence risk assessment, stalking assessment, child custody evaluations, parental fitness, fitness for duty, evaluation of emotional damages, malpractice, relation of formulation or diagnosis to legally relevant behavior Can Psychiatrist testify on behalf of the prosecution as to the mental health of an accused defendant in a criminal case? Answer: Yes, psychiatrists can testify as to a defendant’s mental health at the time of the alleged offense. Typically this type of evaluation is performed to determine if the defendant suffered from a mental illness at the time of the alleged offense that interfered with their knowledge of wrongfulness or ability to appreciate the criminality of their conduct (insanity evaluation). In criminal cases, do psychiatrist testify as an expert witness on behalf of a victim or defendant in order to produce evidence that can be used in a court of law? Answer: A psychiatrist may testify as an expert witness for either the victim or the defendant. Can forensic psychiatrist provide treatment, sentencing, parole, or probation recommendations for the court in a criminal case? Answer: Forensic psychiatrists are not involved in treatment. Their role is to provide evaluations or opinions related to legal questions.. Forensic psychiatrists may be asked to review an individual’s treatment and make treatment recommendations to the court or the probation/parole board. Can a psychiatrist recommend to the court that a mentally incompetent criminal be institutionalized? Answer: Yes. A psychiatrist can recommend that a defendant be psychiatrically hospitalized. A psychiatrist would recommend psychiatric hospitalization if the individual was suffering from a mental illness and would benefit from inpatient treatment. Individuals who are suicidal or psychotic and cannot be managed in the correctional setting are typically referred for admission. Who or what types of witness will the court find credible in evaluating an individual’s competency to stand trial? Answer: Forensic psychiatrists or psychologist skilled in Competency to Stand Trial evaluations (i.e. have specialized training and experience in this area) are credible to the court. What are the two major areas of criminal evaluations in forensic psychiatry? Answer: The two major areas of criminal evaluation are Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations and Insanity Evaluations. Competencies to Stand Trial evaluations are examinations of the defendant’s capacity to work with their attorneys (i.e. assist in their defense) and determination of their knowledge of the legal proceedings. Insanity evaluations are examinations of a defendant’s mental status at the time of the offense. The standard for determining competency to stand trial and insanity vary by jurisdiction Can the prosecution or defense hire a psychiatrist with forensic training in a criminal case to provide the court with expert testimonial on their behalf? Answer: Yes both the prosecution and the defense can hire a psychiatrist with forensic training in a criminal case to serve as an expert witness. What type of training do psychiatrists undertake to become a forensic psychiatrist that can testify in a court of law on behalf of the prosecution, defense, plaintiff, or defendant? Answer: Forensic psychiatrists are medical doctors with specialized training in psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. A forensic psychiatrist has completed medical school, a residency in psychiatry and a fellowship in forensic psychiatry. Can a forensic psychiatrist determine whether a suspect or defendant has the mental capacity to stand trial and make a determination as to whether they understand the consequences of the crime that they have committed against the victim? Answer: Yes. A Competency to Stand Trial evaluation is an evaluation of the mental capacity to stand trial. A Sanity or Criminal Responsibility Evaluation is an evaluation to determine a defendant’s mental state at the time of the crime including whether they understand the consequences of the crime. Can a forensic psychiatrists testimony sway the jury’s opinion and ultimately the outcome of the trial or case? Answer: Forensic psychiatrists may be helpful in the jury’s decision about a particular mental health issue. Expert witnesses who are credible to the jury are more likely to influence the jury’s opinion. Do psychiatrists work with criminals and victims? Answer: Psychiatrist may work with both criminals and victims. The distinction between forensic psychiatrists and general psychiatrists is that forensic psychiatrists perform evaluations and general psychiatrists provide treatment. What type of expert witness can make the claim for the defense that a criminal perpetrator action was a result of a mental illness that led to the crime. Answer: A forensic psychiatrist can render an opinion regarding whether a criminal perpetrator’s actions were the result of a mental illness (sanity evaluation). The trier of fact (Judge or Jury) makes the ultimate decision in this matter. Do psychiatrist with a specialty in forensics treat victims of crimes and their families? Answer: Some forensic psychiatrists provide treatment but not in their capacity as a forensic psychiatrists. Forensic psychiatrists are also general psychiatrists. Many forensic psychiatrists also have a general psychiatry practice in which they provide treatment. Can a psychiatrist working for the prosecution determine whether someone who committed a crime was sane and therefore be legally responsible for his or her actions? Answer: A psychiatrist can provide an opinion regarding a defendant’s mental status and responsibility for his or her actions at the time of a crime (sanity). However the Judge or jury make the ultimate decision regarding a defendant’s sanity. Are there precise standards judges must follow in admitting psychiatric opinion in a court of law. Answer: Yes. This rule states, "If scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue, a witness qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education, may testify thereto in the form of an opinion or otherwise, if (1) the testimony is based upon sufficient facts or data, (2) the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods, and (3) the witness has applied the principles and methods reliably to the facts of the case." What is involved in a forensic evaluation of a legal insanity defense? Answer: An insanity evaluation is an evaluation of an individual’s mental status at the time of the crime. The evaluation is conducted to determine if the individual was suffering from a mental illness at the time of the offense that interfered with their knowledge of wrongfulness or ability appreciate the criminality of their acts. States vary in the legal criteria for insanity. The forensic expert must be aware of the legal standard for the in the jurisdiction that the valuation is being performed. An evaluation typically involves an interview of the defendant and a review of records which typically consists of police reports, medical and psychiatric records, school records, military and employment records, other forensic/expert reports, custodial records and any other data such as interviews with family, friends, co-workers that may help the forensic evaluator better understand the defendant's background and especially his state of mind before and at the time of the offense. What type of civil cases or issues do forensic psychiatrists provide their expert testimony? Answer: Forensic psychiatrists provide testimony in a variety of civil matters such as: Capacity (Testamentary Capacity, Testimonial Capacity), Disability, Discrimination/Harassment, Fitness for Duty, Guardianship, Medical/Professional Malpractice, Personal Injury, Product Liability, Professional Licensure Issues, Psychic Harm/PTSD, Sexual Harassment, Sex Offender Civil Commitment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Violence Risk Assessment, Termination of Parental Rights, Custody, Parental Fitness, Elder Abuse, Human rights and Wrongful Death. What are the going hourly rates, fixed fees, and retainers charged by a highly regarded, trained, respected, nationally recognized, and well-known, board certified forensic psychiatrist and expert witness? Answer: Most forensic psychiatrists bill by the hour with rates that vary depending on qualifications and experience. Average hourly rates are 250$/hour to 600$/ hour. Some forensic psychiatrists may require a retainer before agreeing to work on a case. Do you need to be a board certified psychiatrist and forensic specialist to testify on behalf of the victim or the defendant charged with the crime in a court of law? Answer: No, board certification is not a perquisite to being an expert witness. Can defense attorneys or lawyers request by way of motion funding to hire a forensic expert in the field of psychiatry to review reports and identify issues related to the case. Answer: Yes. Attorneys can request funds from the court in order to hire a forensic expert. The attorney must demonstrate that the defendant is indigent and that the forensic expert is needed to litigate the case. Does a psychiatrist views and testimonies (testimony) carry much weight in the courtroom in front of jurors and the judge? Answer: It is difficult to determine the role of an expert’s testimony in the outcome of a case. In some cases the trier of fact relies heavily on an expert’s testimony. In other cases the trier of fact does not place much weight on the psychiatric testimony. How can a forensic psychiatrist help the prosecution or victim in a criminal case? Answer: A forensic psychiatrist’s opinion is based an objective opinion based on an analysis of the data. The opinion may or may not be helpful for the prosecution, victim or criminal. How can a forensic psychiatrist help the defense or the accused in a criminal case? Answer: A forensic psychiatrist may be able to help the defense determine whether psychiatric issues are relevant to the matter. More specifically, the psychiatrist can assist the defense in determining whether a mental illness was present at the time of the defense and whether the defendant is currently suffering from a mental illness. These determinations will assist the defense in the consideration of defense strategies. How can a forensic psychiatrist help the defense or the accused in a criminal case? Answer: They may be able to help the defense determine whether psychiatric issues are relevant to the matter. More specifically, the psychiatrist can assist the defense in determining whether a mental illness was present at the time of the defense and whether the defendant is currently suffering from a mental illness. These determinations will assist the defense in the consideration of defense strategies. What is the role of a forensic psychiatrist in a civil court case? Answer: There role in a civil case is to answer the specific civil question asked by the attorney. Do forensic psychiatrists have the expertise and training to verify wills, determine a defendant competency to stand trial or refuse medical treatment? Answer: Yes. They may perform evaluations to determine if an individual has capacity to make a will (testamentary capacity), capacity to stand trial (competency to stand trial evaluation), and capacity to refuse medical treatment (medication guardianship). Capacity is the term used to refer to an individual’s mental ability to perform a specific act. Competency is a legal determination. Does a psychiatrist have the same education and training as a forensic psychologist? Answer: No. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have received a Medical Degree. They have also completed a psychiatry residency program. Forensic psychologists have completed a psychology degree in graduate school. Can I use an expert witness consultant psychiatrist in a criminal case to establish or prove that a defendant or the accused has the Competency to Stand Trial or is Not guilty of the crime by reason of insanity? Answer: A psychiatrist can testify on the matter of Competency or Insanity if they are deemed an expert witness by the courts. What do forensic psychiatrist do in preparation to testifying in court? Answer: They prepare for testifying by reviewing the details of the case with counsel. What are the qualifications of a forensic trained psychiatrist as opposed to a psychiatrist? What are some type of forensic issues that a psychiatrist can provide expert testimony or opinion for either the prosecution or defense? Answer: They can provide consultation and expert testimony for the prosecution or defense on a variety of psychiatric legal issues involving not guilty by reason of insanity defense, competency to stand trial, death penalty, sexual harassment, Psychiatric Disability, Fitness for duty, Violence Risk Assessment, competency to be executed, criminal responsibility, etc.. What is the role of forensic psychiatrist in the prosecution of sex offenders or those that have committed sexual crimes such as rape? Answer: The psychiatrist with specialized forensic training may be asked to evaluate a defendant’s mental status at the time of the sexual offense (sanity evaluation), risk of sexual offender recidivism, whether the individual meets the criteria for commitment as a sexually dangerous offender and recommendations for treatment. What type of psychiatric services can a forensic trained psychiatrist provide? Answer: They can provide psychiatric treatment including medications and therapy. They provide these services in their capacity as a general psychiatrist. Do psychiatrist need to interview the defendant to render an opinion? Answer: They may not need to interview the defendant to render an opinion. If the data available is conclusive psychiatrist can offer an opinion in the absence of an interview. Do forensic psychiatrists specialize in any areas? Answer: Some psychiatrist have specialized in civil or criminal matters or in specific types of forensic and psychiatric evaluations. Can a forensic psychiatrist testify in a criminal case for either the prosecution or defense? Answer: They may testify as an expert witness for either the prosecution or the defense. Types of Reasonable Accommodations There are three types of reasonable accommodations: (1) modifications or adjustments to a job application process that enable a qualified applicant with a disability to be considered for the position such qualified applicant desires; or (2) modifications or adjustments to the work environment, or to the manner or circumstances under which the position held or desired is customarily performed, that enable a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of that position; or (3) modifications or adjustments that enable a covered entity’s employee with a disability to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment as are enjoyed by its other similarly situated employees without disabilities. |
Name: | Latief-uz-Zaman Deva Latief-uz-Zaman Deva: Do you think it was your duty to display your biodata publicly on the Internet? Is your biodata present on the Internet? Do you think you are intellectually fit for this job? |
Assets: | What are your assets? |
Attached photograph: | Where is your recent photograph? |
Current/Previous Address: | What is your current mailing address? What was your mailing address from birth until now? |
Date of birth: | What is your date of birth? |
Email: | What is your email address? |
Emergency in case: | Where should he be contacted in case of emergency? |
Number of children: | How many children do you have? |
Phone number: | What is your telephone number? |
Prior Residences: | What have been your previous residential mailing addresses? |
Relatives: | Who do you identify as your relatives? What is the profile of your relatives? |
Family members: | Who are your immediate family members? |
Neighbors: | What neighbors would you identify with from the past 30 years? How often have you been interacting with each other? |
Work details: | What is your work detail starting with your first job after 18 years of age? |
Abilities evaluation insight: |
How do you evaluate abilities of an individual in the real world? Are you ready to appear in an examination that will be administered publicly? If an individual displayed that criteria for the job have been fulfilled, and he/she passed certain examinations, is examination a real test of abilities? If you are asked to appear in an examination and you fail, does that mean you are incompetent? |
Core and role-specific competencies questions: |
What is the difference between core competencies and role-specific competencies? You have mentioned some eligibility criteria if you are told you are not eligible for this job posting, for example chairman of the Kashmir Public Service Commission. How will you justify your answer? If a journalist, news editor of electronic and print media is asked to go ahead with examination and the journalist/editor fails, what will happen to the journalist/editor and others relevant to updating news resource every day? They will still update news resource every day or when necessary. Issues are being tried to make clear to you that the criteria and examination you are trying to place to exclude others are unjustified. You must do proper profiling of professionals and assign duties relevant to core competencies and role-specific competencies of individuals. |
Job-specific questions: |
For what job in the state or outside the state has this individual been nominated? Latief-uz-Zaman Deva has been nominated as chairman of the Kashmir Public Service Commission. What are the duties and responsibilities of this job? If there is a Kashmir Department of Human Resources, why is there a need for a Public Service Commission? Why do not you enhance department of human resources in Kashmir compared to Kashmir Public Service Commission? What essential department or department in the state do you identify with? Who from various essential departments of state has nominated you? If you are asked to select another job posting for yourself, what will that job posting be in the state? |
Truthfulness Questions: |
How would you describe your truthfulness on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being most truthful? Can you give details of any election fraud that has happened in recent past? What do you think should happen to individuals who are placed after election frauds? |
General knowledge questions: | Have you heard of Emperor Doctor Asif Qureshi? Is emperor senior or junior to king? |
Conclusion: |
Latief-uz-Zaman Deva: Do you think it was your duty to display your biodata publicly on the Internet?
Does this individual have the knowledge and competence relevant to the mentioned job in the state or outside the state? No. What is the proof that this individual does not have knowledge and competence relevant to the mentioned job in the state or outside the state? This individual could not answer relevant questions publicly up to August 16, 2015. If this individual continues in the job beyond August 16, 2015, it can be harmful to the public. What other nominees are there who would like to serve and have knowledge and competence relevant to this job in the state? Here are further guidelines. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/forensicpsychiatrist.html http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/backgroundinvestigator.html |
Whose fitness for duty evaluation needs to be done? Mushtaq Marghoob, claiming to be a clinical psychiatrist, circulated a press release from Kashmir on August 31, 2015. Where is the biodata of the individual? Biodata of this individual not available. Who has done a background check of this individual? No one has done a background check of this individual up to August 31, 2015. What job title or job duties would this individual have and expect to have in the state? Clinical psychiatrist. Let's check the fitness for duty of this individual. Mushtaq Marghoob claims to be a clinical psychiatrist on August 31, 2015. Is Mushtaq Marghoob really a psychiatrist? On August 31, 2015, an individual named Mushtaq Marghoob circulated statistics relevant to post-traumatic stress disorders in Kashmir, Asia. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder How should he have elaborated on this topic? He should have elaborated on this topic in various questions and answers. Is name of this medical condition post-traumatic stress distorter or post-traumatic stress disorders? Is post-traumatic stress disorder one disorder or many disorders? What is it? What causes it? What are the risk factors? What's normal? How do you differentiate this medical condition from other medical conditions? How do you differentiate this medical condition from medical conditions such as stress? What do you understand by deprivation of rights under the color of law in the state and outside the state? How do you differentiate this medical condition from other medical conditions, for example deprivation of rights under the color of law? http://www.nazianazirqazi.org/ What did you understand after reading these facts? How is it diagnosed? What are the symptoms? What are the signs? What are the clinical findings? What are the lab or investigation findings? What are the workable treatment options? When is counseling required? When is medication required? How long should medication last? What type of medication is available? How could this be prevented? Questions a forensic psychiatrist needs to answer. What are the facts relevant to fitness for duty of Mushtaq Marghoob, who claims to be a clinical psychiatrist? This individual, Mushtaq Marghoob, must answer these questions by September 4, 2015. If he cannot answer these questions publicly by September 4, 2015, Mushtaq Marghoob from Kashmir who claims to be a psychiatrist is not fit for duty based on the facts he couldn't answer questions relevant to his job duties of claiming to be clinical psychiatrist. If Mushtaq Marghoob, who claims to be a clinical psychiatrist, cannot answer these questions by September 4, 2015, there should be involuntary termination of services of Mushtaq Marghoob from kashmir due to incompetence. Who from Kashmir has answers to these questions? I have answers to my questions. What is your answer? My biodata or profile is displayed at the resource displayed below. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/aboutthefounder.html This is for those who need to know my biodata or profile. |
I am Asif Qureshi. I am the founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party. About the Founder http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/aboutthefounder.html I am a medical doctor. Take a look at this. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/healthcareworld.html What type of doctor of medicine am I? I am a forensic psychiatrist. I can guide all medical specialties. I can guide 611 professions. If courts need my expertise as a forensic psychiatrist, let me know. The standard of psychiatry I follow is displayed at this resource: www.qureshiuniversity.com/physciatryworld.html How do you do fitness for duty of an individual? Here are further guidelines. What can be the conclusion and recommendations? Illiterate. Personality disorder (liar, etc). Could be harmful to self or others. Lack of knowledge of specific profession. Insufficient knowledge of specific profession. Criminal traits. Disability; after reasonable adjustment, an individual cannot fulfill expected standard of service/profession. Lack of desire for public service. This individual is not fit for duty. If the individual is fit for duty, how do the conclusion and recommendations look? This individual is fit for duty. |
What is another word or term for assessing the fitness of a person for specific executive job? Fitness to serve Whose fitness to serve is questioned due to their old age from time to time? United States Senate members What was circulated on May 17, 2023? On May 17, 2023, this was circulated. Just a week after her return to the United States Senate after a roughly three-month absence, questions continue to swirl around Sen. Dianne Feinstein and her mental capacity to serve in the world's greatest deliberative body. Which United States Senate members were in their eighties on or before May 17, 2023? On May 17, 2023, the United States Senate had multiple members in their eighties, including: 1. California Sen. Dianne Feinstein 2. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell 3. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders 4. Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley 5. Another 41 Senators were at least 67 years old, the official retirement age in the United States. Arizona Sen. John McCain, who battled brain cancer and was absent from the Senate for almost eight months, never faced calls from his colleagues to resign his seat. The late Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran was also out for several weeks due to lingering health issues in the fall of 2017 and faced questions about his mental fitness, appearing frail and pale when he returned. Then-chairman of the influential Senate Appropriations Committee told reporters that Cochran was fit to serve and planned to run again in 2020. But the 79-year old Republican needed to be guided by staffers to a "Senators Only" elevator to find his way to the Senate floor. Cochran resigned from the Senate the following March. On May 17, 2023, Richard Joseph Durbin, born on November 21, 1944, in East St. Louis, Illinois, was 78 years old. On May 17, 2023, Richard Joseph Durbin was chairman of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Richard Joseph Durbin needs to slowly hand over responsibilities of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary to Dr. Asif Qureshi, who was 56 years on May 17, 2023. The daughter of Richard Joseph Durbin can serve as a secretary for Dr. Asif Qureshi. What does Dr. Asif Qureshi bring to the United States Senate at the executive level? See the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi. These guidelines required 22 years of research in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Dr. Asif Qureshi was 34 years old when this research process started in Chicago, Illinois. On May 17, 2023, Dr. Asif Qureshi was 56 years old. |
What types of guidelines has Dr. Asif Qureshi established for residents and professionals? 1. Abilities/Skills: Guidelines for 650 human abilities. https://qureshiuniversity.com/abilitiesworld.html 2. Departments: Guidelines for 132 essential departments inside and outside the state. https://qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html 3. Occupations: Guidelines for 1000 occupations, including teachers, lawyers, engineers, and physicians. https://qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html 4. Products: Guidelines for 130 products, including computers, road vehicles, and aircraft. https://qureshiuniversity.com/productsworld.html 5. States: Guidelines for 330 states in the world. https://qureshiuniversity.com/states.html 6. Subjects: Guidelines for 150 subjects, including English, math, science, social studies, and forensic medicine. https://qureshiuniversity.com/subjects.html 7. Programs: Public service programs. https://qureshiuniversity.com/programs.html 8. Administrators: I can guide administrators like governors. https://qureshiuniversity.com/administrators.html 9. Case managers: I can guide case managers at various locations. https://qureshiuniversity.com/casemanager.html 10. Engineers: I can guide 22 types of engineers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/engineers.html 11. Farmers: I can guide 4 specific types of farmers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/farmers.html 12. Governors: I can guide various governors of the state. https://qureshiuniversity.com/governor.html 13. Journalist: I can guide English language journalists. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/journalist.html 14. Lawyers: I can guide 33 specific types of lawyers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/lawyers.html 15. Government executives: I can guide legislative services of the government at the executive level. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/legislativeserviceworld.html 16. Military officers: Here are further guidelines. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/military.html 17. Physicians: I can guide 69 specific types of physicians. https://qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html 18. Police officers: I can guide various law enforcement officers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/police.html 19. Staff relevant to aviation: Here are further guidelines. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/aviation.html 20. Teachers: I can guide 4 specific types of teachers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/teacher.html 21. Many more https://qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html |
Can you quote examples of class 1 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 2 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 3 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 4 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 5 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 6 felonies? Can you quote examples of class 1 misdemeanors? Can you quote examples of class 2 misdemeanors? Can you quote examples of class 3 misdemeanors? Can you quote examples of class 4 misdemeanors? What do you know about the essential commodities act in the state or outside the state? What do you know about the essential services maintenance act in the state or outside the state? What do you know about human rights in the state and outside the state? What are various essential departments in the state and outside the state? What do you know about various service rules in the state and outside the state? What do you know about good character, good behavior, fidelity, conjugal rights, and criminal conspiracies? I have answers to my questions. What is your answer? How do I expect you to resolve these issues? Provide earned income for Dr. Asif Qureshi Salary: $7,176 - $10,602 per month Provide an executive job title for me as a program director or executive administrator, or the equivalent, relevant to my abilities, experience, and research (see the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi). Job Title: Program director or the equivalent Provide retroactive credits that will count toward my retirement. I am 56 years old at this point. Provide reimbursement. Provide retroactive relief. Recover damages. Develop a plan of action for the future. Questions you need to answer. What questions do you need to answer? What did you understand after reading this complaint? How do you plan to resolve these issues? Who has the answer? Who is willing to answer? Who has the duty and responsibility to answer? |
Is there a difference between human body functional capacity evaluation and fitness for duty? Yes. What is the difference between human body functional capacity evaluation and fitness for duty? Functional capacity evaluation measures 11 human organ system functions relevant to age. Fitness for duty measures general abilities and professional abilities relevant to a profession. Functional Capacity Evaluation measures 11 human organ system functions relevant to age. 1.What is the health status of this individual relevant to age? Here is an example. 100% mentally fit. 95% physically fit. What are the signs of the 11 human organ systems’ functions? At birth, breathing effort, heart rate, muscle tone, response to smell or foot slap, skin color. After birth, various signs of organ system functions are visible relevant to age. Here is a list in alphabetical order.
An 18-year-old human should have normal function of all these signs of human organ systems. Abilities relevant to specific profession or professions need fitness for duty analysis. See fitness for duty details. In case of any issues or problem, see further details. Caring for oneself (eating, dressing, toileting, etc.) 2. What work is available? Is the individual mentally and physically fit relevant to a specific profession? Fitness for duty measures general abilities and professional abilities relevant to a profession. Fitness for duty Various examples have been quoted. When is fitness for duty required? Fitness of duty can be required while an individual is on existing duty or when an individual needs to be placed at a specific position, including executive, senior, supervisor, and entry level. What can be reasons a person is not fit for specific work/duty/profession? Illiterate. Personality disorder (liar, etc). Harmful to self or others. Lack of knowledge of specific profession. Insufficient knowledge of specific profession. Criminal traits. Lack of desire for public service. Fitness for duty 1 . What is the profile of the individual and where is this individual now whose fitness of duty is required? Take a look at this. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/aboutthefounder.html 2. How would you rate the human organ system’s functions of this individual for mental fitness and physical fitness on the scale of 1-100? 100% mentally fit. 95% physically fit. 3. For what profession does this individual need to be fit for duty? Governor of the state. Head of the state. 4. Does the fitness for duty require analysis for executive, senior, supervisory, or entry-level professional duties in the state or outside the state? Executive 5. Is this individual able to understand, read, write, and speak the English language? Yes. 6. How would you rate this individual’s English language abilities on a scale of 1–10, with 10 being the best? 8-10. 7. How would you rate the truthfulness of this individual on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best? 10. 8. How would you rate this individual’s politeness (speech, manners, behavior) in the last five years on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best? 10. 9. Does the individual have general abilities and professional abilities relevant to a specific profession or professions? Take a look at this. www.qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html Everything is displayed at this location. 10. Can this individual guide one profession or many professions? Many professions. 11. What is the proof that this individual can guide one profession or many professions? Here are various facts. www.qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html 12. Can this individual guide a teacher, lawyer, engineer, or doctor? Yes. 13. Can this individual answer questions relevant to the existing duty of a specific profession or professions? Yes. 14. Does this individual have specific technical abilities? Yes. 15. Is this individual able to answer relevant questions from time to time relevant to existing duty? Yes. 16. How would you describe this individual’s fitness for existing duty and further placement? Fit for existing duty. Recommendations for further placement. These are basic questions; there are many more. These questions are answered under the pretext of fitness for duty. |
Whose fitness for duty assessment needs to be completed on or before June 5, 2022, in Srinagar? Pankaj Mithal Dhiraj Singh Thakur Shahzad Azeem Hakim Imtiyaz Hussain Questions you need to answer publicly on or before June 5, 2022. Job knowledge relevant to the executive job of the court How do you classify criminal offenses? What are the classifications of criminal offenses, including a list of criminal offenses in each category? What is the Civil Courts Act? What are examples of issues and cases that can go in the direction of criminal and civil matters? When were you reminded by Dr. Asif Qureshi that this is a situation of repeated criminal conspiracies by others http://www.nazianazirqazi.org/? What did you understand from the complaint at http://www.nazianazirqazi.org/facts? Is this complaint by Dr. Asif Qureshi against others a civil complaint, a criminal complaint, or both? What are the responsibilities of court investigators? Does the mentioned entity have job knowledge relevant to the executive job of the court? Did Pankaj Mithal, Dhiraj Singh Thakur, Shahzad Azeem, and Hakim Imtiyaz Hussain have job knowledge relevant to the executive job of the court on or before June 5, 2022? English language Can you introduce yourself in English? What is your first language? If you are asked to teach others, in what language will you communicate? Assets What are your assets at this point in 2022? What were your assets in 1980? Who are your family members at this point? Where are your family members located at this point (include identification of the relationship)? What is your ethnicity? Has anyone complained about harms carried out by you due to your ethnicity, incompetence, or similar reasons? These are basic questions. There are many more questions. Why was there a need to elaborate on these issues? On May 28, 2022, ongoing deliberations made it necessary for them to answer these questions publicly. If they cannot answer these questions on or before June 5, 2022, reverse all the issues and cases they have supervised. Give the executive court jobs to individuals who can answer these questions publicly. |
Fitness for duty assessment on or after May 22, 2022, as circulated by Dr. Asif Qureshi. Whose fitness for duty assessment needs to be completed on or after May 22, 2022? Nilofar Khan What job has she been nominated for? Vice Chancellor of Kashmir University Vice Chancellor of Kashmir University job appointment on or after May 22, 2022. At 8:05 AM on May 19, 2022, I came across this statement on the internet: Prof Nilofar Khan has been appointed New VC Kashmir University. Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborated on the issue. "I was surprised," he said. He said that we would need more details about Khan’s fitness for duty assessment because she is from the home sciences field. Can she guide many different professions? Can she answer the mentioned questions via the internet? The nominated Vice Chancellor of Kashmir University needs to answer the following questions on or before May 27, 2022. English language How do you write an essay in English? How do you write a list of research questions in English? How do you write a question-and-answer presentation in English? Specific profession issues Can you guide various professions? How many professions can you guide? What are various examples? Administrative skills What are various administrative skills? How many administrative skills are there? How many administrative skills do you have? Problem-solving How do you resolve a problem? Can you give examples of problems you have solved relevant to this job or the equivalent? Research What research have you done? Where is the research you have authored displayed in a question-and-answer format on the internet? Dr. Asif Qureshi can teach these skills and knowledge to others who would like to be a genuine Vice Chancellor of Kashmir University. If Nilofer Khan cannot answer these questions, she cannot be placed as VC of Kashmir University. Nilofer Khan can continue as a professor in the Department of Home Sciences at the University of Kashmir on or after May 22, 2022. One who can answer the mentioned questions must be placed in the position of VC of Kashmir University. If Nilofer Khan would like to learn, she will be taught. By the way, what are the skills and knowledge of Professor Nilofar Khan relevant to the home sciences field? Any questions should be forwarded to: Dr. Asif Qureshi Email: admin@qureshiuniversity.com My biodata is at: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html |
Who all did not have the skills and knowledge about a human being in a coma on or before March 6, 2023, and needed to be replaced on or after March 6, 2023? 1. United States Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra media@hhs.gov https://www.hhs.gov/about/index.html 2. Director-General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus https://www.who.int/director-general/ mediainquiries@who.int harrism@who.int 3. American Medical Association President Jack Resneck, Jr., MD https://www.ama-assn.org/ 4. U.S. Surgeon General, Department of Health and Human Services Vivek H. Murthy https://www.hhs.gov/surgeongeneral/index.html 5. Executive of critical care at Covenant Healthcare Chicago, Illinois. https://www.covenanthealthcare.com/ch/physicianopportunities. 6. Executives of critical care at Advocate Health Chicago, Illinois. https://www.advocatehealth.com/health-services/ 7. Executive of administration and critical care at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/ 8. Executives of administration and critical care at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. https://www.mayoclinic.org 9. Executive of administration and critical care at Northwestern Hospital, Chicago, Illinois. https://www.northwestern.edu/ 10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH https://www.cdc.gov/about/leadership.htm 11. The University of Illinois at Chicago, 1200 West Harrison St., Chicago, Illinois 60607 Phone: 312-996-7000 https://www.uic.edu/apps/departments-az/search?dispatch=letter&letter=H Vice Chancellor of Health rbarish@uic.edu mrosenbl@uic.edu 12. The University of Chicago Human Resources Executive, 6054 S. Drexel Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 https://humanresources.uchicago.edu/department/contact/staff.shtml soconnell1@uchicago.edu lizwalls@uchicago.edu 13. Illinois Department of Public Health, Director of Public Health Sameer Vohra, https://dph.illinois.gov/, DPH.CCR@illinois.gov 14. President of the American Board of Emergency Medicine, 3000 Coolidge Road, East Lansing, MI 48823-6319 https://www.abms.org/member-boards/ 15. Governors: The work performance of various governors and their problem-solving relevant to their jobs on or before March 11, 2023, are not good. 16. Similar other entities in the United States and worldwide. My profile or biodata is available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html. My address: Dr. Asif Qureshi, 5042 North Winthrop Ave. Unit 237, Chicago, Illinois 60640. You can make this location the office of the executive central government department. Telephone: 773-561-6102 Email: admin@qureshiuniversity.com Remuneration, income, and salary issues. I am entitled to a salary at executive level, at least 75,000 dollars per year. Here are further guidelines. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html What did you understand? How do you plan to resolve these issues? |
What must happen worldwide in government human resources at the executive level on or after May 5, 2023? Cancel the meeting of G20 countries in Kashmir, scheduled for May 22 through 24, 2023, due to vivid harms and unresolved issues. First fix the various issues already circulated. On or after May 5, 2023, all foreign ministers (or their equivalent) of G20 countries who have responsibilities relevant to these issues need to get psychiatric treatment. The failure to understand the seriousness of the issues means that they require forensic psychiatrist treatments. They do not understand the seriousness of the issues, including the issues and harms displayed here. A forensic psychiatrist will conduct a fitness-for-duty evaluation of all foreign ministers of G20 countries. All participants who fail to understand the seriousness of harms displayed here should be replaced. Deputy commissioners (or their equivalent) in power at various locations on May 5, 2023, should be terminated from services due to these issues. New nominees for these executive jobs must first display competence relevant to these jobs via the internet. This information should be provided in English or translated into English. On or after May 27, 2023, all newly nominated foreign ministers (or their equivalent) must complete fitness-for-duty evaluations and their results must be displayed publicly via the internet. Questions for further deliberations. What is the code of conduct for a foreign minister? Foreign minister: What are the duties and responsibilities of this job? What are the skills and knowledge required for this job? Does the nominee have the skills and knowledge relevant to this executive job? Does the nominee understand the duties and responsibilities relevant to this executive job? How was this proved via the internet? Who is responsible for verifying whether a nominee has problem-solving skills relevant to this job? What repeated election frauds are unfolding? What is the code of conduct for a diplomatic ambassador? How has the internet changed the roles of a foreign minister and an ambassador? How must those involved be forcibly terminated from services with further punishments? Who is responsible for resolving the issues displayed at this location: www.nazainazirqazi.org? What did you understand from the various displayed complaints? What if court administrators, the assigned judge, or the supervising judge is incompetent? What if someone is hiding repeated criminal conspiracies and harms with the unreasonable excuse of subjudice? What parliaments (or the equivalent) can be discarded with royal decree as circulated by Dr. Asif Qureshi? What if corrupt officers have infiltrated the system? What if politically motivated criminal conspiracies unfold causing these harms? What if the foreign minister and ambassador are prejudiced and/or racially bigoted? What if the foreign minister is incompetent? What if the ambassador is incompetent? What if the foreign minister and ambassador are apparently human beings who are actually worse than a pig, donkey, or camel? Who all are on the list of individuals at the executive level worldwide who should be terminated from services with further punishments due to these harms? Who must supervise all these issues? Who has the answer? Who is willing to answer? Who has the duty and responsibility to answer? |
Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud is not fit for the job on or after June 7, 2023. The nominated law minister is not fit for the job on or after June 7, 2023, due to his inability to answer questions relevant to the central government law minister job. The speaker Lok Sabha Birla should be terminated for reinforcing criminals like Farooq Abdullah and other similar entities from the National Conference and those involved in irreparable harms of others. Om Birla must circulate a notice of termination and ban Farooq Abdullah's National Conference and similar others due to irreparable harms of others, including the complaint harms displayed at www.nazianazirqazi.org. |
Who demonstrated a fitness to serve as the CDC Director on or before June 16, 2023? The CDC website is cdc.gov. Are there existing complaints relevant to this situation? Yes On June 16, 2023, the media circulated that " Cohen [would take] on what's become an increasingly politicized role at the CDC." The public needs competent individuals to serve. In this situation, a fitness to serve is essential. News reports mentioned letters from several Republican lawmakers expressing opposition to Cohen's appointment. "She was unfit for the position," they concluded. Ask her to answer these questions publicly on or before July 1, 2023: What are the duties and responsibilities of this executive job? What are the skills and knowledge required for this executive job? What will be the mailing address of your office? How am I expected to have confidence in your skills and knowledge? How are you capable of doing this job? What is your experience relevant to the current responsibilities of this job? How do you write research questions and answers in English? How do you plan to do better than previous executives relevant to this job? How do you plan to improve this department? How has this department thus far failed in public services? Are you able to write research questions and answers in English? To date, how many research questions and answers have you written in English? Do you really bring expertise and unfailing commitment to public health? Can you answer the relevant questions publicly? Will there be statements suggesting that an unfit person has been nominated for this executive position? Were those who nominated you responsible for asking you these questions before nominating you? Will there be complaints relevant to this situation? Does having dating tricks and hooker tricks justify an executive job like this? Who has done contact tracing for you? Will you have a tremendous positive impact on the lives and health of millions of Americans or will others mention that the CDC was and is being mismanaged? "I did not ask for this service," he said. Annoying phone calls are been received throughout America. We have COVID kits. How do you plan to stop these annoying calls on or after June 16, 2023? Annoying Medicare phone calls that are not actually from Medicare: How do you plan to stop these annoying phone calls on or after June 16, 2023? "It is a job where you have to pay attention to people who fund you and appropriate money, people who are voters and constituents because they have to see that these agencies provide for their life," they said. Why did they forget about the human rights acts included in various constitutions worldwide? What do you know about human rights? How many human rights are there? Can you elaborate on human rights for 10 minutes? Are they looking for resources for themselves without any public service focus? Do we need a person building relationships across the political spectrum or a competent professional guide who can display professional guidelines via the internet? Why has the CDC been politicized? What do you think at this point will be your plan of action for the department? Has a problem creator or a problem solver, or at least a participant in the solution, been nominated? If you know how doctors, regulators, and even lawmakers think and work, you must be able to answer these questions. What research questions and answers can you display via the internet relevant to questions about the pandemic until June 16, 2023? What were the causes of the 2019 to 2023 viral pandemic? Is this a mutated influenza virus, rhinovirus, picornavirus, adenovirus, human respiratory syncytial virus, enterovirus, or human coronavirus with serotypes? How do you scientifically prove it is a mutated influenza virus, rhinovirus, picornavirus, adenovirus, human respiratory syncytial virus, enterovirus, or human coronavirus with serotypes? What are the respiratory problems associated with most of the viruses? These may include coughing, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, headache, and fever. How are allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pertussis, sinusitis, and upper respiratory track viral infection different? There are at least 200 virus strains implicated in causing the common cold, with rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, and enteroviruses being the most common. If existing individuals claiming to be virologists answer these questions, they should show where they have answered these questions. They must resign on or after June 17, 2023, if they are not able to answer these questions. Matters related to enlisting all entities who received grants for virology and how they answered these questions. Stop their grants on or after June 17, 2023, for failing to answer questions relevant to their jobs. What did you understand? What is your answer? Cohen will begin her new role in July 2023. You are required to answer these questions before July 1, 2023. Does this person have the skills and knowledge relevant to this executive job and were they verified publicly? On or before June 17, 2023, this person did not answer the relevant questions. |
What must happen next? Those who can answer these questions publicly via the internet must get these executive jobs on or after June 17, 2023. |