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![]() ![]() Legal/Judicial Services in the state and around the world ![]() Justice Harms |
What is a state attorney? A state attorney, or state's attorney, is a lawyer whose duties generally include charging crimes through informations and/or indictments in the state or outside the state. State's Attorneys generally represent a defined geographic area in a state. As the head law enforcement officials for their area of service, their duties include looking out for the public's interest in all legal matters. Sometimes, that means filing charges against a company or companies taking part in illegal business practices, for example, embezzlement by a management company or companies, in order to punish it and force it to stop. Why was there a need to establish attorney (state attorney) training program? Various harms have occurred. Investigations and research revealed that attorneys (state attorneys) were either incompetent, connected to criminals, or fraudulently placed. A prerequisite for being attorney (state attorney) is to be truthful, well behaved, and competent. Your competence has to be proved in the real world by answering relevant questions and practicing answers to these questions in the real world. You should be able to communicate in the English language. How are criminal charges initiated against someone? A complaint is filed from the victim or others. Indictment Citation How has the Internet changed the job duties of a state attorney? Electronic filing and receipt of court documents. Each office of the state attorney shall electronically file court documents with the clerk of the court and receive court documents from the clerk of the court. What happens if state attorney or subordinates or supervisor/attorney general gets involved in any of the following? 1. Lying, 2. Bad behavior, 3. Incompetence, 4.Nonfeasance (failure to act where action is required, willfully or by neglect), 5. Misfeasance (willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice), 6. Malfeasance (willful and intentional action that injures a party). There should be termination from services of state's attorney or subordinates or supervisor/attorney general, and further punishments depending on felonies or misdemeanor. How do you classify criminal offenses? Criminal offenses are considered either felonies or misdemeanors. Offenses are classified in the following manner:
Here are further guidelines. Ban publications of these criminals. When can a ban on publication be imposed for various individuals? Criminal activities, bad character, bad behavior, came to specific position with fraud, or involved in various criminal activities. Termination of services of an individual from a job in the state and outside the state. What should you know relevant to investigations, termination from job, Disciplinary actions, resignations, and suspensions in the state or outside the state? Termination of services of an individual from a job in the state and outside the state. What can be the reasons for termination of services of an individual from a job in the state and outside the state? Felony Misdemeanor Immorality Misconduct in office Incompetency Disloyalty Neglect of duty Lying. Willful and persistent insubordination. What happens after termination of services of an individual involved in felony or misdemeanor? The individual can be imprisoned or fined. Further punishment depends on the criminal offenses. This individual is a class 1 felon. This could justify the death penalty of this individual . Verify if this individual has any relatives, acquaintances, friends, or associates who are workers in police, jail, court, or other administrative departments, and terminate of their services. How does criminal process go ahead in the office of state attorney in the state? Investigation Complaint and arrest Termination from services Here are further guidelines. What staff is associated with office of the state's attorney? Assistant state's attorneys Deputy state's attorneys Support staff. There usually are hundreds in specific areas in a state. Advice for residents in the state or outside the state. What advice is there for residents in the state or outside the state? You should never lie. You should always speak the truth. If you are asked questions about an issue, you should answer truthfully to the best of your abilities and knowledge. You should not harm others. Maintain track record of good character and good behavior. Your track record for the last 10 years will be considered in case of any legal issues. Do not get involved in any felony or misdemeanor. What are other names for state's attorney? Prosecutor in the state. Chief prosecuting officer in the state. County attorney in the state. District attorney in the state. Circuit attorney in the state. What are the duties of a state's attorney? What are the duties of the office of state attorney? Address complaints of criminal activity received from various sources. Discovery preparation. Depositions. Ensure public safety. Initiate investigations. Respond to motions. Network professionally. Perform public service. Seek punishments of accused/guilty. Prosecute criminal cases on behalf of crime victims. Secure justice for crime victims. A well behaved, competent state attorney of good character can get promoted to a judge. Criminal prosecutions are the chief duty of most state's attorney offices in the state or outside the state. How many state attorneys are in every state? For example, in the state of Illinois on January 24, 2014, there were at least 102 offices of state attorney. Various attorneys and workers are in the office of state attorney. How do you know if an ordinance, order, or resolution is flawed? Does the ordinance, order, or resolution violate basic human rights? Does the ordinance, order, or resolution violate state law (criminal law)? If yes, this is a flawed ordinance, order, or resolution. What should happen if police officers in the state show noncompliance to public service? On March 19, 2015, matters occurred related to transfer posting of police officers at Kothi Bagh Police Station, Srinagar, Kashmir, Asia. Profile of all police officers posted at this police station and other police stations must be displayed publicly with answers to relevant questions. Police officers must show competence relevant to public services. How do police officers and state attorney/prosecutors work together? Who appoints a state attorney in the state? Here are further guidelines. |
Is there a difference between a court reporter in the state and reporter or journalist with various media around the world? Yes. What is the difference between a court reporter in the state and reporter or journalist with various media around the world? A court reporter is a person whose occupation is to transcribe spoken or recorded speech into written form, using shorthand, machine shorthand, or voice writing equipment to produce official transcripts of court hearings, depositions, and other official proceedings. A court reporter can utilize audio recording or video recording equipment to accomplish job goals. What are other names for a court reporter in the state? Court stenographer Stenotype operator Shorthand reporter Law reporter |
Can a judge be unfit for duty? Yes. Can an attorney from the other side be unfit for duty? Yes. How do you verify that a judge is fit for duty? Ask him or her relevant questions. What are the basic human rights? What is good human character? What is good human behavior? How do you define state economy? How do you define a state budget? What are the essential ingredients of an economy? What aren't essential ingredients of the economy? What is the Essential Commodities Act? What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act? Do you know about state planning and development? What do you know about state planning and development? Where is it displayed? Do you understand english language? What standard and reference of the English language do you follow? Where is this standard and reference of the English language displayed? How would you rate your English language ability on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best? What is your political affiliation? What are the parameters that determine the elements of effective case management with regard to a human being? How do you verify that an attorney from the other side is fit for duty? Ask him or her relevant questions. What are the basic human rights? What is good human character? What is good human behavior? How do you define state economy? How do you define a state budget? What are the essential ingredients of an economy? What aren't essential ingredients of the economy? What is the Essential Commodities Act? What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act? Do you know about state planning and development? What do you know about state planning and development? Where is it displayed? Do you understand english language? What standard and reference of the English language do you follow? Where is this standard and reference of the English language displayed? How would you rate your English language ability on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best? What is your political affiliation? What are the parameters that determine the elements of effective case management with regard to a human being? Here are further guidelines. |
Why was there a need to elaborate on state chief justice? On September 27, 2014, discovery revealed that an individual had been declared chief justice of the state. The individual who has been declared chief justice in the state had no abilities relevant to criminal law in the state, civil law in the state, state constitution, administrative law in the state, or international law. Discovery revealed that the chief justice of the state had been placed by financial, banking, tourism, and company criminals without knowing anything about essential departments in the state. What should you know about a state chief justice? State chief justice means the chief justice of the state of Illinois, New York, California, Yukon, in North America. State Chief Justice means chief justice of the state of Kashmir, Karnataka, Jiangsu, Magadan Oblast in Asia. What knowledge and abilities should a state chief justice have? A state chief justice must be able to answer questions elaborated below. How would you rate your English language ability on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best? Have you written any book or books in the English language useful to school, college, or university education? How many books have you authored in English language up to now? What is good human character? What is good human behavior? How do you define state economy? How do you define a state budget? What are the essential ingredients of an economy? What aren't essential ingredients of the economy? What is the Essential Commodities Act? What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act? What are the basic human rights? What are the five categories of law in the state? What are the elements of effective case management? How do you define justice? How do you evaluate quality of the judicial system in the state? Do you know about state planning and development? What do you know about state planning and development? Where is it displayed? Do you understand english language? What standard and reference of the English language do you follow? Where is this standard and reference of the English language displayed? What is your political affiliation? What is economy? What is budget? What are the rights of a civilized human being? Who is a civilized human being? Where did you go to high school? Where did you go to college? What subjects did you study? How old are you? What is your mailing address? Questions relevant to assets. What are your assets? What are the locations of his assets? Did you have these assets in 1980? What were your assets in 1980? What are your assets in 2013? How did you accumulate your assets after 1980? What are the assets of his relatives and friends? Where are they located? Questions relevant to legal competence. What legal skills should a lawyer have? What are the essential departments in every state? How many criminal offenses are there? What are various criminal offenses? These are basic essential questions. There are many more. How should the chief justice of the state be nominated? Bring the nominated individual on TV. Ask him relevant questions. All questions must be preserved on the record. Who must verify if the chief justice in the state and subordinates know the answers to these questions and practice answers to these questions? State department of law. State department of defense. State department of agriculture and food sciences. State department of food and supplies. State department of health. Other essential departments in the state and around the world. What should happen if the state chief justice has no answers to listed questions? If the chief justice in the state is not able to answer these questions, or has answers to these questions but does not practice answers to these questions, recommendations for replacement of the chief justice must go ahead. Here are further guidelines. |
Why is there a need for a World Supreme Court? Existing systems have not solved complaints with solutions and remedies. Here are further facts for justification of World Supreme Court. On March 25, 2005 case is filed in Federal court, Chicago, Illinois. Case number 05-1760 Judge writes. Lack of subject matter jurisdiction. On June 15, 2006 case is filed in Federal court, Chicago, Illinois. Case number 06-2655 Judge writes. Lack of subject matter jurisdiction. What is the difference between an area of service and jurisdiction in legal terms? An area of service is applicable to electricity, water supply, janitorial service, plumbing, and other similar services. Justice has no limits to jurisdiction. Justice has worldwide jurisdiction. Circuit court of cook county, Illinois in 2009 arranges online case filing. On August 12, 2008 a case is filed online.More than 10 defendants. 08/12/2009 09H5C65C Case gets accepted. Summonses are issues. Immediately flimsy excuse is quoted. Is this an error or intentional legal malpractice? A flimsy excuse is quoted after online submission. What was the flimsy excuse? An online submission has a technical error. This flimsy excuse was quoted after the case was accepted online. A summons has been issued. I need to come to court myself and file an emergency motion in person. Excuse was given that a computer has generated an error. A computer had not generated an error. A computer with Internet processed the harms accurately. The case was approved and summonses were issues. Within the system, individuals had been placed to sabotage court cases. What happened after the in-person face-to-face motion was filed with all relevant claims and complaints? On August 19, 2009 a case is filed in circuit court of cook county. Judge writes. Failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Claims are vividly, clearly stated. Is this an error or legal malpractice? Nazia Qazi Date of birth February 16, 1971 Place of birth Srinagar, Kashmir This is a criminal conspiracy. Charges of Class 1 felony of the accused, with punishments, have been elaborated. How should the parallel civil and criminal proceedings — Nazia Qazi harms see enclosure 1, accused enlisted class 1 felony punishments — go ahead? Nazia Qazi documents criminal wrongdoing they have done. The complaint is on more than 73 pages. This facts resource link has been placed because the facts that list criminal wrongdoing by the accused is on many pages. Charges of Class 1 felony of the accused, with punishments, have been elaborated. $10 billion in damages. Recover damages from all involved in harms. One of the complaints with investigations findings are on 83 pages. In case world military international police need to be involved, proceedings must go ahead. This is in addition to punishments for criminal wrongdoing. Class 1 felony and other felonies and misdemeanors they are involved in and are guilty of have been listed in the enclosures. Is the negligence, intentional misinterpretation of facts of claims and complaints justified? No. This is legal negligence. These are intentional harms. This justified creation of a World Supreme Court. How many states should nominate representatives to the World Supreme Court, including the state of Illinois and the state of Kashmir? The list of 323 states has been enclosed. Who should nominate members of the World Supreme Court? Various states must nominate good charactered, well behaved competent individuals to the World Supreme Court. How many state courts are there in the world? On December 22, 2013, there were 323 state courts around the world. What are examples of continents and states? Continents are North America, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, and Antarctica. State means state of Illinois, New York, California, Yukon, Kashmir, Karnataka, and similar states. What is the location of work? The nominees do not need to move away from the state. Nominees can be located in the state and get nominated to the World Supreme Court. World Supreme Court judges and staff can work via the Internet. What are the duties of World Supreme Court judges? They should adjudicate and make recommendations on most difficult cases from various states. Nominees must maintain an Internet presence. If they are not able to have Internet presence for any reason, that must be circulated publicly. How many judges are expected to be nominated to the World Supreme Court? At least 1111 judges are expected to be nominated to the World Supreme Court, plus their staff. What questions should a World Supreme Court judge be able to answer? A World Supreme Court judge must be able to answer these questions and practice answers to these questions. What are the elements of effective case management? How do you define justice? How do you evaluate quality of the judicial system in the state? What did you understand after reading these details about harms and claims? Does having the title of a judge or adjudicator fairly or unfairly guarantee competence of a judge or adjudicator? No, it does not. If an advocate, attorney, or lawyer is dishonest, incompetent, bad charactered, badly behaved, connected to mafia, cannot communicate properly, cannot apply proper concept of law to specific harms, cannot answer relevant questions, and cannot adjudicate properly, is it fair and justified to assign cases to such an advocate, attorney or lawyer, even if he or she is licensed? No, it is not. An honest, competent pro se litigant or person who can answer relevant questions is far better than a dishonest, harmful, incompetent advocate, attorney, or lawyer, judge, or administrator. What are the essential questions a judge must answer correctly to be called a judge? Who has the duty and responsibility to educate court staff? What is Sue Sponte? What is good human character? What is good human behavior? How do you define state economy? How do you define a state budget? What are the essential ingredients of an economy? What aren't essential ingredients of the economy? What is the Essential Commodities Act? What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act? What are the basic human rights? Do you know about state planning and development? What do you know about state planning and development? Where is it displayed? Do you understand english language? What standard and reference of the English language do you follow? Where is this standard and reference of the English language displayed? How would you rate your English language ability on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best? | ||||||
What should others know about law? What are the five categories of law in the state?
There are at least 111 legal issues elaborated at this resource. What should you do if you have difficulty remembering these guidelines? Remember this pneumonic CCIAS. Criminal law, civil law, international law, administrative law in the state, state constitution, or world constitution. How should every state organize a state department of law? State department of law State lower court State high court State supreme court World supreme court What should various individuals identifying with any supreme court be updated about? Directive of any supreme court is not always justified. The directive must be processed by various jurists in the state and outside the state. All identifying with any supreme court must first answer relevant questions. If any company circulates any fraudulent money, that is fraudulent money. Get oriented to state system first with answers to questions relevant to essential commodities act, essential services maintenance act, human rights in the state. | ||||||
What legal facts are elaborated at this resource? | ||||||
Administrative law in the state. | ||||||
Administrative law of professional Licensing | ||||||
Administrative official English language | ||||||
Advertising law | ||||||
Affidavit | ||||||
Agriculture and food sciences law | ||||||
Attorney or a Lawyer | ||||||
Aviation law | ||||||
Carriage by Air Act | ||||||
Code of Civil Procedure (state law) | ||||||
Code of Criminal Procedure (state law) | ||||||
Company law | ||||||
Complaint | ||||||
Confidential | ||||||
Conflict | ||||||
Conflict of interest | ||||||
Conflict resolution | ||||||
Consumer Protection | ||||||
Contracts | ||||||
Copyright issues | ||||||
Coroner investigations | ||||||
Court facilities in the state | ||||||
Courts | ||||||
Crime Victim Services | ||||||
Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights | ||||||
Criminal Enforcement | ||||||
Criminal Investigations | ||||||
Criminal law (state law) | ||||||
Criminal law (State law) versus policy | ||||||
Criminal Offences | ||||||
Disciplinary actions | ||||||
Dispute Resolution | ||||||
Doctor of Governance (DGov) | ||||||
Documents | ||||||
Duress | ||||||
Economy and Budget | ||||||
Elements of effective case management. | ||||||
Emergency | ||||||
Essential Commodities Act | ||||||
Essential Commodities Act violations. | ||||||
Essential Services Maintenance Act | ||||||
Essential Services Maintenance Act violations. | ||||||
Executive positions in the state and outside the state | ||||||
Factories | ||||||
Flawed logistics | ||||||
Flawed order of protection | ||||||
Forensic Science | ||||||
Glossary of Legal Terms | ||||||
Governor | ||||||
Guidance for Department of Justice/Law Department | ||||||
Guidance for Judge | ||||||
Guidance for Law Commission | ||||||
Guidance for Lawyer | ||||||
Guidance for Police | ||||||
Harassment | ||||||
Health Care Law | ||||||
Hearsay | ||||||
Housing law | ||||||
Human Resources | ||||||
Human resources in state courts | ||||||
Human Rights | ||||||
Human Rights Act. | ||||||
Human Rights violations. | ||||||
Immigration | ||||||
International Law | ||||||
Involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility | ||||||
J.D. (Juris Doctor) degree | L.L.B | ||||||
Judge in a state | ||||||
Judging the Judges | ||||||
Judiciary Committee | ||||||
Jurisdiction | ||||||
Justice and Media | ||||||
Juvenile Justice | ||||||
Labor Laws | ||||||
Law College | ||||||
Legal Advice | ||||||
Legal case evaluation. | ||||||
Legal issues prevention | ||||||
Legal Malpractice | ||||||
Legal research | ||||||
Legislative service | ||||||
Master of Laws (LL.M.) Degree Program | ||||||
Medical Malpractice | ||||||
Name change | ||||||
Nikkah Counseling | ||||||
Obstruction of justice | ||||||
Patent | ||||||
PhD in Criminal Justice | ||||||
Professional Negligence | ||||||
Professions | ||||||
Public Access | ||||||
Public Interest | ||||||
Public Safety Act | ||||||
Recruitment Scams | ||||||
State Chief Justice | ||||||
State constitution. | ||||||
Service by publication | ||||||
Services | ||||||
Settlement (litigation) | ||||||
Sheriff/jail warden | ||||||
State | ||||||
State Courts Electronic Filing | ||||||
State planning and development | ||||||
Statute of limitations | ||||||
Stay of proceedings | ||||||
Summons for trial | ||||||
Survival Needs | ||||||
Terrorism | ||||||
Trial | ||||||
Weapons legislation | ||||||
World Constitution | ||||||
Administrative law (state law/international law)
What is Administrative Law? | ||||||
Administrative law of professional Licensing
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Aviation law
Who has the duty to adjudicate harms due to aviation civil and criminal cases worldwide? What airlines need to be banned, dissolved, closed, or punished due to harms/criminal activities? What aircraft, air force resources need to be banned or disciplined due to criminal activity? How should bans be enforced on airlines, aircrafts, and individuals in aviation involved in worldwide crimes ranging from felony to misdemeanor? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Administrative official English language
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Agriculture and food sciences law
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Advertising law
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Do all affidavits have same sample pattern? Can an affidavit be submitted online? Can other documents be attached to an affidavit? Can an affidavit be under duress? What do you have to do to verify if an affidavit is or was produced under duress? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Attorney or a Lawyer
Why is there a need to mention competent attorney or lawyer? How should attorneys or lawyers be educated in various states for public service? How can an attorney or a lawyer help? When should state system conclude that this is an emergency for an individual? What are examples of emergency relevant to an individual? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
What are the types of complaints? What should be included in the complaint? | ||||||
Criminal law (state law)
There are fewer than 490 criminal offenses. What are examples of criminal cases? Abduction. Assault. Criminal conspiracy. Murder. Rape. Robbery. What is a capital offense? A capital offense is a crime that is considered so serious that it is punishable by death. What are examples of capital offenses? First degree kidnapping Murder Rape What are various criminal offenses? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Criminal law (State law) versus policy
If a policy statement is advertised, does that mean it is a justified policy? What should you know about policy before you advertise any policy? Can any policy supersede human rights? Can any policy nullify criminal law? Can any policy be against good character, good behavior, human rights, state planning and development, state economy, and state budget? Is every policy justified? If you post fix or prefix an issue with a policy, does that mean it is a justified policy? What is a policy? How do you know if an individual, group of individuals, or resource is issuing a flawed policy or policies? What do you know about various criminal offenses? What is the profile of the specific individual who framed the policy? Is this individual able to answer relevant questions? If a group of individuals framed and endorsed this policy, are they able to answer relevant questions? Where are the guidelines for those you plan to get involved in any policy? Where are guidelines for various departments in the state, including state police, state military, and state department of human services? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Crime Victim Services
No. Who has the duty to resolve or settle the victim’s harms in the state and outside the state? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Code of Civil Procedure (state law)
Internet service by publication. Other concepts. What should you know about the state code of civil procedure? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Code of Criminal Procedure (state law)
Internet service by publication. Other concepts. Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Coroner investigations
What questions should be answered in a death investigation? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Criminal Investigations
| ||||||
Consumer Protection | ||||||
Criminal Enforcement | ||||||
A female has been transferred from one location to another location for repeated criminal conspiracies, intentional harms with intent of sexual exploitation, and exploitation of women. A cover-up has been put in place. Any officer, or any person, cannot put this as confidential or privacy. Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Conflict Conflict resolution
What should you know about conflict resolution? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Conflict of interest
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
How has the Internet made various rules obsolete? How have advanced skills and knowledge, products and services made various rules obsolete? Court date and hearing date are obsolete. In one court or hearing date, it is impossible to resolve the harms and claims. You should have skills and knowledge of adjudication process. What is the appropriate method of displaying the court name? Illinois State Courts Q: Which courts deserve recognition? Q: How do you alert the world to racist courts? Q: How do you alert the world to incompetent courts? Q: How can court systems ensure fair adjudication? Q: How can court systems minimize delay in case processing? Q: How do courts detect a deficiency of services? Q: How do courts detect abuse of discoveries? Q: How do courts detect and eliminate racism within their own systems? Q: How can court systems prevent and eliminate racism as well as corruption and discrimination in courts and ensure other harms are excluded from their systems? Q: How can courts ensure a fair processing of cases? Q: What should you look for in a law college's curriculum? Q: What is been done to protect people from the hazards of racist and incompetent courts? Every civilized court worldwide is encouraged to display these questions with answers to gain recognition and relevance. Take a look at this: Worldwide web presence is mandatory. In case you need any assistance please ask. Q: What ordinance or law can be enacted, but will have social, religious, community, and even international consequences? Q: Can you give some examples of such ordinances or laws? Q: Who has the duty and responsibility to educate court staff? Q: Are law college tuitions reasonable? Q: Why is continuing legal education for the judiciary (Judicial College) required? | ||||||
Criminal Offences
Q: What are various criminal offenses? Q: What is a capital offense? Q: What is hate crime? Q: What is considered assault? Q: What is false imprisonment? Q: Compare the action for false imprisonment with that for malicious prosecution? Q: What are necessary elements in every action for false imprisonment? Q: What will constitute an unlawful detention? Q: How is vicarious liability defined? Q: Name three circumstances in which a party may be vicariously liable. Q: What are the duties and responsibilities of the lawyer? Q: What are the elements of effective case management? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights | ||||||
Is an offer by one person, acceptance by another person, and a mutual exchange of value between the parties enough to make a contract valid? What are examples of lease under duress? What are examples of criminal conspiracies under the pretext of contracts? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Copyright issues
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Carriage by Air Act
All police staff, adjudicators, magistrates, tribunals, commissions, administrators, court staff, leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs are required to take this continuing education. What will happen if you don't take this continuing education? People will get harmed because of your incompetence. | ||||||
Court facilities in the state
What is an example of e-filing resource in the state? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Company law | ||||||
Dispute Resolution
What's the difference between a dispute and a conflict? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Disciplinary actions
What will happen if courts in the state and other states ignore various harms and complaints? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Doctor of Governance (DGov) | ||||||
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Electronic Filing (E-Filing) of court records State Courts Electronic Filing
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Economy and Budget
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Essential Commodities Act
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Essential Services Maintenance Act
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Essential Services Maintenance Act violations. | ||||||
Essential Commodities Act violations. | ||||||
Elements of effective case management.
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Executive positions in the state and outside the state
What are examples of executive positions in the state and outside the state? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Forensic Science
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Factories | ||||||
Flawed order of protection
What is an example of a flawed order of protection? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Flawed logistics
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Glossary of Legal Terms | ||||||
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Guidance for Judge
What questions are you required to answer? What did you understand after reading these facts? How many judges are in the state? Are they able to answer relevant questions? How many judges are able to answer the questions displayed here? What did you understand after reading these details about harms and claims? Is it justified to assign cases to a judge or judges unable to answer relevant questions? Do you think there are any specific competent judges? Are the judges able to answer questions listed here? Would you like me to teach the judges? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Guidance for Lawyer
What questions should a lawyer be able to answer to be called a lawyer? What is the proof of your competence? You should be able to answer questions correctly. The same should be displayed publicly. Don't show license number, accreditation, and membership, but real world experience. Quacks in America and outside America with license number, accreditation, and membership.They don't have correct answers to basic questions with regard to their work. Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Guidance for Police
| ||||||
Guidance for Department of Justice/Law Department | ||||||
![]() | ||||||
Guidance for Law Commission | ||||||
Human resources in state courts
What judicial staff is required in every state? Do you think any other staff title needs to be added relevant to state courts? What does this resource provide? Where are guidelines for various states? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Health Care Law
What should a person who gets involved in health care law be able to answer? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Human Rights Act. What are the basic human rights? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Human Rights violations. | ||||||
Housing law
What is a right to housing? Here are further guidelines. Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Human Rights
What should you know about human rights? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Human Resources
Do all residents of the state need to leave in the morning to work at a specific location? | ||||||
Involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility | ||||||
International Law | ||||||
Inventory accounting in the state | ||||||
![]() | ||||||
Justice and Media | ||||||
Judge Judge in a state
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Judging the Judges
What are commissions on judicial performance? How are judges evaluated? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Justice has no limits to jurisdiction. Justice has worldwide jurisdiction. Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
J.D. (Juris Doctor) degree | L.L.B
How do I guide new law students? How should you guide new law students? What should be the curriculum? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Judiciary Committee
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Labor Laws
Can anyone commit sexual exploitation of women, sexual abuse, or criminal conspiracy and justify it by declaring he or she adhered to labor laws? No. Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Legal research
What resources should you utilize for legal research? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Legal case evaluation. | ||||||
Legal Advice
What questions are you required to answer? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Legal issues prevention | ||||||
Law College | ||||||
Legal Malpractice | ||||||
Legislative service
What are examples of continents and states? What is a state? What should be circulated to all candidates and/or nominees who would like to be governor of a specific state? Where are the guidelines for state governor, state governing council, and associates? Further update click here Further update click here | ||||||
Master of Laws (LL.M.) Degree Program
How do you define obstruction of justice? What are examples of obstruction of justice? What questions should a person be able to answer when claiming to be associated with a competent court? "> Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Medical Malpractice
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
| ||||||
Name change | ||||||
Nikkah Counseling | ||||||
Public Interest | ||||||
Public Access | ||||||
Patent | ||||||
Professions | ||||||
Matters related to reforming United States courts. Matters related to establishing American Global Bar Association. | ||||||
Professional Negligence | ||||||
Recruitment Scams
What are the consequences of recruitment scams? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
PhD in Criminal Justice
How do you verify and prove statement under duress or malicious manipulation? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
State Chief Justice | ||||||
What are the indicators you are facing harmful people? You get counseling or directives like this: Do not reply; do not tell him or her I told you; do not reveal anything that transpired in the meeting. | ||||||
Public Safety Act | ||||||
Summons for trial
What needs to be modified in a summons for trial? What are other names for a summons for trial? What are the types of summons? What have been various findings while analyzing various court summonses? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Statute of limitations
No, they don't. Murders, rapes, and similar crimes do not have statute of limitation. Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Sheriff/jail warden
What should recommendations and directives look like in case a local sheriff/jail warden is involved in harms? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
State Constitution World Constitution State Constitution What are examples of various states? Kashmir, Karnataka, Jiangsu in Asia. Illinois, Yukon, New York in North America. What should others know about a state constitution? A state constitution describes the duties of the governor of the state and subordinates. A state constitution describes the executive, legislative, and judicial branches in the state. A state constitution describes human rights or bill or rights in the state. A state constitution describes all other issues in the state and outside the state. A state constitution prevails over all other constitution . A state constitution describes right to a healthful environment. If there is a conflict state constitution must prevail. Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Is it necessary to identify with a state? Why is it necessary to identify with a state? What are examples of states and continents? Why do we need a state? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
What are the essential departments in every state? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
State planning and development | ||||||
Survival Needs | ||||||
Stay of proceedings | ||||||
Service by publication | ||||||
Settlement (litigation) | ||||||
No. What is a trial? What are the types of trials? How has the Internet changed the venue and concepts of a trial? What complaints do not need a trial? What is a mistrial? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Terrorism | ||||||
Can anyone enhance his business while violating the rights of others? No. | ||||||
Weapons legislation
Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
World Constitution
What are other names for world constitution? What is contained in the world constitution? Here are further guidelines. | ||||||
Who should nominate members of the World Supreme Court?
Various states must nominate good charactered, well behaved competent individuals to the World Supreme Court. North American States | ||||||
Alabama (AL) | ||||||
Alaska (AK) | ||||||
Arizona (AZ) | ||||||
Arkansas (AR) | ||||||
Alberta (AB) | ||||||
British Columbia (BC) | ||||||
California (CA) | ||||||
Colorado (CO) | ||||||
Connecticut (CT) | ||||||
Delaware (DE) | ||||||
Florida (FL) | ||||||
Georgia (GA) | ||||||
Hawaii (HI) | ||||||
Idaho (ID) | ||||||
Illinois (IL) | ||||||
Indiana (IN) | ||||||
Iowa (IA) | ||||||
Kansas (KS) | ||||||
Kentucky (KY) | ||||||
Louisiana (LA) | ||||||
Maine (ME) | ||||||
Maryland (MD) | ||||||
Massachusetts (MA) | ||||||
Michigan (MI) | ||||||
Minnesota (MN) | ||||||
Mississippi (MS) | ||||||
Missouri (MO) | ||||||
Montana (MT) | ||||||
Manitoba (MB) | ||||||
Mexico (MX) | ||||||
Nebraska (NE) | ||||||
Nevada (NV) | ||||||
New Hampshire (NH) | ||||||
New Jersey (NJ) | ||||||
New Mexico (NM) | ||||||
New York (NY) | ||||||
North Carolina (NC) | ||||||
North Dakota (ND) | ||||||
New Brunswick (NB) | ||||||
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) | ||||||
Northwest Territories (NT) | ||||||
Nova Scotia (NS) | ||||||
Nunavut (NU) | ||||||
Ohio (OH) | ||||||
Oklahoma (OK) | ||||||
Oregon (OR) | ||||||
Ontario (ON) | ||||||
Pennsylvania (PA) | ||||||
Prince Edward Island (PE) | ||||||
Quebec (QC) | ||||||
Rhode Island (RI) | ||||||
South Carolina (SC) | ||||||
South Dakota (SD) | ||||||
Saskatchewan (SK) | ||||||
Tennessee (TN) | ||||||
Texas (TX) | ||||||
Utah (UT) | ||||||
Vermont (VT) | ||||||
Virginia (VA) | ||||||
Washington (WA) | ||||||
West Virginia (WV) | ||||||
Wisconsin (WI) | ||||||
Wyoming (WY) | ||||||
Yukon (YT) | ||||||
Asian States | ||||||
Albania | ||||||
Andorra | ||||||
Armenia | ||||||
Austria | ||||||
Azerbaijan | ||||||
Arkhangelsk Oblast | ||||||
Anhui Province | ||||||
Afghanistan | ||||||
Assam | ||||||
Arunachal Pradesh | ||||||
Andhra Pradesh | ||||||
Andaman and Nicober Islands | ||||||
Bangladesh | ||||||
Bhutan | ||||||
Brunei | ||||||
Belarus | ||||||
Belgium | ||||||
Bosnia and Herzegovina | ||||||
Bulgaria | ||||||
Bihar | ||||||
Bahrain | ||||||
Chechnya | ||||||
Croatia | ||||||
Cyprus | ||||||
Czech Republic | ||||||
Cambodia | ||||||
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug | ||||||
Chhattisgarh | ||||||
Daman and Diu | ||||||
Dadra and Nagar Haveli | ||||||
Denmark | ||||||
England | ||||||
Estonia | ||||||
East Timor | ||||||
Finland | ||||||
Fujian Province | ||||||
France | ||||||
Gujarat | ||||||
Goa | ||||||
Georgia | ||||||
Germany | ||||||
Gibraltar | ||||||
Greece | ||||||
Gansu Province | ||||||
Guangdong Province | ||||||
Guangxi Province | ||||||
Guizhou | ||||||
Heilongjiang | ||||||
Hong Kong | ||||||
Hubei | ||||||
Hainan Province | ||||||
Henan Province | ||||||
Hunan Province | ||||||
Himachal Pradesh | ||||||
Hungary | ||||||
Inner Mongolia | ||||||
Indonesia | ||||||
Iran | ||||||
Iraq | ||||||
Iceland | ||||||
Ireland | ||||||
Italy | ||||||
Islamabad | ||||||
Japan | ||||||
Jeddah | ||||||
Jiangxi Province | ||||||
Jordan | ||||||
Jiangxi | ||||||
Jilin | ||||||
Jharkhand | ||||||
Kashmir | ||||||
Karnataka | ||||||
Kerala | ||||||
Kazakhstan | ||||||
Korea - North | ||||||
Korea - South | ||||||
Kyrgyzstan | ||||||
Kuwait | ||||||
Kaliningrad Oblast | ||||||
Lakshadweep | ||||||
Latvia | ||||||
Liechtenstein | ||||||
Lithuania | ||||||
Luxembourg | ||||||
Laos | ||||||
Lebanon | ||||||
Liaoning Province | ||||||
Liaoning | ||||||
Manipur | ||||||
Mizoram | ||||||
Maharashtra | ||||||
Madhya Pradesh | ||||||
Meghalaya | ||||||
Malaysia | ||||||
Maldives | ||||||
Magadan Oblast | ||||||
Mongolia | ||||||
Myanmar | ||||||
Macedonia | ||||||
Malta | ||||||
Medina | ||||||
Mecca | ||||||
Moldova | ||||||
Monaco | ||||||
Montenegro | ||||||
NCT of Delhi | ||||||
Nagaland | ||||||
Netherlands | ||||||
Northern Ireland | ||||||
Norway | ||||||
Ningxia | ||||||
Nepal | ||||||
Oman | ||||||
Orissa | ||||||
Puducherry | ||||||
Punjab | ||||||
Peshawar | ||||||
Philippines | ||||||
Poland | ||||||
Portugal | ||||||
Palestine | ||||||
Qinghai Province | ||||||
Qinghai | ||||||
Qatar | ||||||
Rajasthan | ||||||
Romania | ||||||
Sikkim | ||||||
Syria | ||||||
Singapore | ||||||
Sri Lanka | ||||||
Scotland | ||||||
Serbia | ||||||
Slovakia | ||||||
Slovenia | ||||||
Spain | ||||||
Sweden | ||||||
Switzerland | ||||||
Shaanxi Province | ||||||
Shandong | ||||||
Shanxi | ||||||
Sichuan | ||||||
Taiwan | ||||||
Tajikistan | ||||||
Thailand | ||||||
Tibet | ||||||
Tripura | ||||||
Tamil Nadu | ||||||
Turkey | ||||||
Turkmenistan | ||||||
Ukraine | ||||||
Uzbekistan | ||||||
Uttarakhand | ||||||
United Arab Emirates | ||||||
Uttar Pradesh | ||||||
Vietnam | ||||||
Vatican City | ||||||
Wales | ||||||
West Bengal | ||||||
Xinjiang | ||||||
Yunnan | ||||||
Yemen | ||||||
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug | ||||||
Zhejiang | ||||||
Africa | ||||||
Algeria | ||||||
Angola | ||||||
Burundi | ||||||
Benin | ||||||
Burkina Faso | ||||||
Botswana | ||||||
Cape Verde | ||||||
Côte d'Ivoire | ||||||
Comoros | ||||||
Cameroon | ||||||
Central African Republic | ||||||
Chad | ||||||
Canary Islands | ||||||
Ceuta | ||||||
Democratic Republic of the Congo | ||||||
Djibouti | ||||||
Egypt | ||||||
Eritrea | ||||||
Ethiopia | ||||||
Equatorial Guinea | ||||||
Gabon | ||||||
Gambia | ||||||
Ghana | ||||||
Guinea | ||||||
Guinea-Bissau | ||||||
Kenya | ||||||
Liberia | ||||||
Lesotho | ||||||
Madagascar | ||||||
Malawi | ||||||
Mauritius | ||||||
Mayotte | ||||||
Mozambique | ||||||
Mali | ||||||
Mauritania | ||||||
Madeira | ||||||
Melilla | ||||||
Morocco | ||||||
Niger | ||||||
Nigeria | ||||||
Namibia | ||||||
Réunion | ||||||
Rwanda | ||||||
Republic of the Congo | ||||||
São Tomé and Príncipe | ||||||
Saint Helena | ||||||
Senegal | ||||||
Sierra Leone | ||||||
Seychelles | ||||||
Somalia | ||||||
South Africa | ||||||
Swaziland | ||||||
South Sudan | ||||||
Sudan | ||||||
Tanzania | ||||||
Togo | ||||||
Tunisia | ||||||
Uganda | ||||||
Western Sahara | ||||||
Zambia | ||||||
Zimbabwe | ||||||
Australia | ||||||
Northern Territory | ||||||
South Australia | ||||||
Queensland | ||||||
New South Wales | ||||||
Victoria (Australia) | ||||||
Western Australian | ||||||
Tasmania | ||||||
New Zealand | ||||||
Latin | ||||||
Acre (Asif Province) | ||||||
Alagoas | ||||||
Amapá | ||||||
Amazonas | ||||||
Bahia | ||||||
Buenos Aires Province | ||||||
Ceará | ||||||
Chubut Province | ||||||
Córdoba Province | ||||||
Goiás | ||||||
Bolivia | ||||||
Chile | ||||||
Colombia | ||||||
Ecuador | ||||||
Falkland Islands | ||||||
French Guiana | ||||||
Guyana | ||||||
Paraguay | ||||||
Peru | ||||||
Río Negro | ||||||
Santa Cruz | ||||||
Santa Fe Province | ||||||
Salta Province | ||||||
South Georgia | ||||||
Suriname | ||||||
Uruguay | ||||||
Venezuela |
Annotation or definition |
Asylum & Immigration Law Clinic |
Adoption of Undocumented Children |
Immigration through Adoption |
Immigration Reform |
Immigration is a state subject. |
Questions relevant to immigration |
State Immigrations |
Women's issues and immigration |
Annotation or definition Questions relevant to immigration What is immigration? Immigration has to be defined in a global perspective. Immigration can be done by humans, birds, etc. Why is there a need to elaborate on human immigration? The need to elaborate on human immigration is due to facts birds also migrate. Birds do not need habitable conditions. Human being needs habitable conditions and basic civilized human needs. What is human immigration? Human immigration is the introduction of new people into a habitat or population. Human immigration is the arrival of a new individual or individuals into a habitat or population. Why is it the duty of the state to deal with immigration? It is the duty of the state to take care of the basic needs of any new arrivals without any harms. What are examples of various states in various continents around the world? |
What locations can a person immigrate to? |
Who should ideally get involved in immigration in various states? |
What questions should a person who gets involved in immigration issues be able to answer? |
State Immigrations |
What should be the skills and knowledge of the state director of immigrations? |
Who should oversee immigration services of the state? |
What should be the skills and knowledge of the state director of immigrations? |
Why have some immigration acts, directives, and statutes become obsolete? |
What should state immigrants be able to answer? How many people can the state accommodate this year as immigrants? Where will they stay? Where will they fetch their needs, including food? Does any state have a quota for immigrants with answer to these questions? E-mail, fax, call, forward a postal mail. |
Immigration Reform What are various genuine initiatives for immigration reform? |
Women's issues and immigration
What should you take care of while issuing any visa or permit for women? |
Do you think it is justified to speak on behalf of the United States without endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do you have the endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do those governors and state governing councils have the answers to all competence questions? |
Why should the green card system be abolished? This example will make you understand. On June 2, 2012, around 1 pm, a person approached me at Winona and Sheridan, Chicago, Illinois. He is a green card holder; however, he does not have proper resources. What state has the duty to take care of his needs? |
Immigration is a state subject. What are examples of various states in various continents around the world? Here are the essential issues. |
What should be the skills and knowledge of the state director of immigrations? |
Do you think it is justified to speak on behalf of the United States without endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do you have the endorsement of all state governors and state governing councils? Do those governors and state governing councils have the answers to all competence questions? |
Why have some immigration acts, directives, and statutes become obsolete? |
What should be the skills and knowledge of the state director of immigrations? |
Who should oversee immigration services of the state? |
What should you take care of while issuing any visa or permit for women? |