What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment? Petition the government |
Who received these facts? The President of the United States of America Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 725 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20503 https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/ https://www.usa.gov/agencies/office-of-management-and-budget When did they receive these facts? January 20, 2024 What did they receive? https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/healthdepartment.html Executives of the Illinois and United States governments: What do you have to do relevant to these issues? Employer of Dr. Asif Qureshi: Illinois and United States governments Job title: Director of Human Resources or program director or Central Intelligence Agency director or Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions or the equivalent or better is a relevant job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Dr. Asif Qureshi has developed guidelines for at least 150 government departments. Take a look at this: www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html. Provide earned income for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Provide an executive job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi, such as program director or executive administrator, or the equivalent, relevant to his abilities, experience, and research (see the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi). Provide retroactive credits that will count toward his retirement. Provide reimbursement. Provide retroactive relief. Develop a plan of action for the future. Salary: $7,176 - $10,602 per month or better The profile or biodata of Dr. Asif Qureshi is available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html. |
What are 12 teachings of Dr. Asif Qureshi? 1. How do you write investigation questions and answers in English? 2. How do you write an incident report in table, essay, and investigation question-and-answer formats in English? 3. How do you resolve problems relevant to your executive job? 4. How do you author a book in English? Write one page every day. Write investigation questions and answers every day. Put 365 pages together after one year. This is how Dr. Asif Qureshi has authored so many books. 5. How many human rights are there? At least 30. What is a balanced diet? 6. How do you write a plan for daily, weekly, and yearly activities and for future years? 7. How do you conduct public health emergency investigations? 8. How do you guide various professions at the executive level? 9. How do you conduct research? 10. How do you enlist various skills categories, including administrative skills, at the executive level? 11. How do you manage individual medical emergency problems while on duty? https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/medicalemergency.html 12. How do you guide various government departments? https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html Learn these questions. Many more professional questions will be circulated later on. |
Who is recipient of these facts? Director Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services 401 S. Clinton Chicago, IL 60607 https://hfs.illinois.gov/ HFS.NewsMedia@illinois.gov HFS.Rules@illinois.gov When did they receive these facts? November 9, 2023 What are the issues? Director of the Department of Health Illinois: How many problems does this executive job resolve while on duty? What problems does this executive job resolve? What skills and knowledge are required for this job? What are the duties and responsibilities of this job How about Dr. Asif Qureshi for Director of the Department of Health in Illinois on or after November 1, 2023? Director of the Department of Health Illinois: How many problems does this executive job resolve while on duty? What problems does this executive job resolve? What skills and knowledge are required for this job? What are the duties and responsibilities of this job? How does Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborate on these issues? Take a look at the findings. What were the findings relevant to this department on or before November 1, 2023? On or before November 1, 2023, the Department of Health in Illinois was in shambles. On or after November 1, 2023, the Department of Health in Illinois has to be improved at the executive level. The job appointment of primary care physicians, medical emergency physicians, and similar entities at various locations in Illinois has to be done by the Illinois Department of Health. They will be employees of the Illinois Department of Health. Dr. Asif Qureshi has established primary care physician training programs, medical emergency training programs, and similar other types of programs that are available online. On or before November 1, 2023, others could not establish similar guidelines. How do you fix these issues on or after November 1, 2023? Here are further guidelines. Primary care physician: How many problems does this job resolve while on duty? What problems does this job resolve while on duty? What skills and knowledge are required for this job? What are the duties and responsibilities of this job? Why could existing directors of health departments in Illinois, New York, California, Texas, and similar entities not elaborate on these questions on or before November 1, 2023? Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/primarycarephysician.html How do other primary care physicians in Illinois and around the United States answer these questions? Medical emergency physician: How many problems does this job resolve while on duty? What problems does this job resolve while on duty? What skills and knowledge are required for this job? What are the duties and responsibilities of this job? Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/medicalemergencyphysician.html Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html Doctor of Professional Counseling A doctor of professional counseling cannot say that they do only one specific type of counseling. A doctor of professional counseling has to manage all elaborated issues. Doctor of professional counseling: How many problems does this job resolve while on duty? What problems does this job resolve while on duty? What skills and knowledge are required for this job? What are the duties and responsibilities of this job? Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/counselor.html Who must the employer be? Illinois government United States government There are many more issues that need to be fixed relevant to these issues. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/employment.html What do you have to do? Provide earned income for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Provide an executive job title for me as a program director or executive administrator, or the equivalent, relevant to my abilities, experience, and research (see the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi). Provide retroactive credits that will count toward my retirement. Provide reimbursement. Provide retroactive relief. Develop a plan of action for the future. Job Title: Program Director or the equivalent Salary: $7,176 - $10,602 per month My profile or biodata is available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html. My address: Dr. Asif Qureshi, 5042 North Winthrop Ave. Unit 237, Chicago, Illinois 60640. Telephone: 773-561-6102 Email: admin@qureshiuniversity.com |
Guidelines for specific physicians
Who received these facts from Dr. Asif Qureshi on October 27, 2023?
Who received these facts? Problem Solvers Caucus Vice-Chairs Rep. Ed Case Rep. Nicole Malliotakis Rep. Dusty Johnson Rep. Susie Lee Whips Rep. Don Bacon Rep. Jared Golden Members Rep. Salud Carbajal Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer Rep. Juan Ciscomani https://problemsolverscaucus.house.gov/members When did they receive these facts? October 23, 2023 What did they receive? What should you see relevant to these issues? Enclosure means something, usually a supporting document, is enclosed with a cover letter or email. See enclosures. Enclosure 1. Enclosure 2. Enclosure 3. Enclosure 4. Enclosure 5. Enclosure 6. Enclosure 7. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/issues/ https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/employment.html What do you have to do? Provide earned income for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Provide an executive job title for me as a program director or executive administrator, or the equivalent, relevant to my abilities, experience, and research (see the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi). Provide retroactive credits that will count toward my retirement. Provide reimbursement. Provide retroactive relief. Develop a plan of action for the future. Job Title: Program Director or the equivalent Salary: $7,176 - $10,602 per month My profile or biodata is available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html. My address: Dr. Asif Qureshi, 5042 North Winthrop Ave. Unit 237, Chicago, Illinois 60640. Telephone: 773-561-6102 Email: admin@qureshiuniversity.com |
Who received these facts? U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs 340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510 (202) 224-2627 https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/ When did they receive these facts? October 21, 2023 What did they receive? What should you see relevant to these issues? Enclosure means something, usually a supporting document, is enclosed with a cover letter or email. See enclosures. Enclosure 1. Enclosure 2. Enclosure 3. Enclosure 4. Enclosure 5. Enclosure 6. Enclosure 7. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/issues/ https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/employment.html What do you have to do? Provide earned income for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Provide an executive job title for me as a program director or executive administrator, or the equivalent, relevant to my abilities, experience, and research (see the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi). Provide retroactive credits that will count toward my retirement. Provide reimbursement. Provide retroactive relief. Develop a plan of action for the future. Job Title: Program Director or the equivalent Salary: $7,176 - $10,602 per month My profile or biodata is available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html. My address: Dr. Asif Qureshi, 5042 North Winthrop Ave. Unit 237, Chicago, Illinois 60640. Telephone: 773-561-6102 Email: admin@qureshiuniversity.com |
Who received these facts? Captain Melissa C. Austin Medical Corps, United States Navy Director, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center https://walterreed.tricare.mil/About-Us/Leadership Captain Kelly O. Elmore Medical Corps, United States Navy Chief of Staff, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center https://walterreed.tricare.mil/About-Us/Leadership https://tricare.mil/GettingCare/PatientResources/ContactUs/ClaimsAddresses TRICARE East Region Capital and Direct Medical Education Reimbursement CAPDME@wpsic.com https://www.humanamilitary.com/contact/submissions/dme-reimbursement IDPH Chicago Headquarters Offices 122 S. Michigan Avenue, 7th and 20th Floors Chicago, IL 60603 312-814-2793 IDPH Employment https://dph.illinois.gov/contact-us.html When did they receive these facts? February 13, 2024 What did they receive? Issues Performance monitoring of executive employees of the government Opening of medical emergency location in Chicago, Illinois, United States Sunday, February 11, 2024 7:36PM Chicago, Illinois, United States–The circumstances of the issue included starting a medical emergency center at 5227 North Broadway, Chicago, Illinois, United States on or after August 10, 2023. The consequences of/response to the issue included negligence and dereliction of duty on the part of those responsible for these issues. The issue started many years ago and has been ongoing for more than 6 months. As of February 11, 2024, no progress has been made on the issue, which was originally identified at 5:30 PM on February 11, 2023. This lack of progress at the location through February 11, 2024, has been verified. The approximately 2500-square-meter location is adjacent to Jewel Osco located in Chicago, Illinois, United States. The population living in the area is predominantly American. The prominent person who has taken the initiative to ensure the community and public well-being is Dr. Asif Qureshi. Walter Reed Medical Center, 8901 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20889. Take a look at this: https://walterreed.tricare.mil/Academics/Graduate-Medical-Education. Take a look at this: https://www.airforcemedicine.af.mil/Organizations/Physician-Education-Branch/ On or before February 12, 2024, they had not elaborated on executive research questions and answers the way Dr. Asif Qureshi has displayed at these resources: www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html. Director, Walter Reed Medical Center, 8901 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20889 and similar entities: What executive remuneration, compensation, income, retroactive credits, and reimbursement does Dr. Asif Qureshi deserve? Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborated on the issue, stating, "I think I need to remind Walter Reed Medical Center, United States Department of Health executives, the Illinois Department of Public Health executives, and similar entities as well as the Advisory Board of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council (https://dph.illinois.gov/resource-center/advisory-boards.html) about this issue. They need to further elaborate on this issue. Further details about professional guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi are available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html and www.qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html. They need to be reminded about other issues also. Healthcare is going from bad to worse in Illinois and the United States. We need universal healthcare.” Dr. Asif Qureshi then asked, “What did you understand? What are the issues? Who from the government must approve the budget for these public services? How do you plan to resolve the issues elaborated on in this document? Who must communicate and follow up on progress and solutions? What do you understand by ‘universal healthcare’? How do you monitor the progress and performance of executive employees of this government department? How soon should I expect a response from you? Who has the answer? Who has the duty and responsibility to answer? Who is responsible for immediately approving the budget for these issues?” Dr. Asif Qureshi, who is concerned about the deficiency of skills, knowledge, and problem solving among government executives relevant to their executive job, can guide more than 1000 different professions, including teachers, lawyers, engineers, specific physicians, and law enforcement. The issues stemming from the irreparable harms created by the government executives due to their lack of problem-solving skills relevant to their executive government job need to be fixed via the internet. Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborated on the issue, stating, “I can guide 19 specific types of physicians. I can guide 33 types of lawyers. I can guide 60 categories of skills. I can guide more than 1000 different professions, including teachers, lawyers, engineers, and law enforcement. I have authored more than 5 non-fiction books. I spend 8 hours per day, 56 hours per week, doing executive research. I author questions relevant to issues. I find and write answers relevant to the questions I authored. On or before February 11, 2024, other schools or higher learning establishments in the United States have not displayed similar professional questions and answers. A relevant job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi is program director, state director of human resources, Central Intelligence Agency director, or chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, or the equivalent.” Finally, Dr. Asif Qureshi asked, “What compensation do I deserve? What income do I deserve ? What resources do I deserve? What compensation and income do other similar entities get in Illinois and the United States? What retroactive executive credits must Dr. Asif Qureshi get for 23 years of executive research in Chicago, Illinois, United States, as displayed at www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html?” |
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Who received these facts? City of Chicago https://webapps1.chicago.gov/eforms/contactUsForm When did they receive these facts? May 17, 2024 What did they receive? Chicago Police Homicide Investigations https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/homicides.html Chicago Police homicide investigation charge releases: How does Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborate on these issues? Chicago Police Department charge releases: What is on the list? https://home.chicagopolice.org/category/charge-releases/ Place homicide issues in a separate category. Place crimes that are not homicides in a separate category. The focus must be zero homicides weekly, zero homicides monthly, and zero homicides yearly. Weekly, monthly, and yearly reports must be available via the internet. What questions related to the charge release, particularly homicide, are necessary according to Dr. Asif Qureshi www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html? What were the causes and circumstances of this homicide? Was there any sabotage involved within the system? How could this have been prevented? What is the record of the assailant over the past 5 years (for example, January 1, 2019, to May 10, 2024)? 1. No felonies or misdemeanors in the past 5 years in the record of the assailant. 2. Felonies or misdemeanors in which this person is involved are elaborated (January 1, 2019, to May 10, 2024) Alert everyone that a false report is a Class 4 felony. Do not lie. Do not lie on or off the record. Truth with sound reasoning is justified. What has been the mailing address of the assailant from birth until now? Was there any sabotage within the system? Why was there a need to elaborate on this issue? This example will make you understand. When did this happen? This happened in Chicago between 1999 and 2004. A person prevented medical attention for another person. “We do not need a doctor,†he said. What did the medical doctor reply? “Make sure you place this on the record. You mentioned that we do not need a doctor,†the doctor in Chicago replied. What happened then? One among them landed in a hospital. Later on, a police officer said that a monitor showed a cardiac rhythm. This means the person was alive. The police revealed that the doctor was infiltrated and gave the person an injection until the rhythm flatlined. The doctor who had been infiltrated gave a lethal injection to this person. The name of this doctor starts with J and the last name ends with a Z. Many executives from the government were charged, including some from the White House in Washington, DC. This happened after 1999 and before 2004. Criminal responsibility is both with the friend of the person and the doctor who gave a lethal injection, whose name started with J and ended with Z, as well as others who created these issues. This is an example of sabotage within the system. What must the goals of the Chicago Police be? The focus must be zero homicides weekly, zero homicides monthly, and zero homicides yearly. Weekly, monthly, and yearly reports must be available via the internet. Weekly and monthly homicide statistics, with answers to the mentioned questions from Dr. Asif Qureshi, need to be displayed at https://home.chicagopolice.org/category/charge-releases/ What questions have been answered relevant to this issue? What questions need to be answered relevant to this issue? Executives of the Illinois and United States governments: What do you have to do relevant to these issues? Employer of Dr. Asif Qureshi: Illinois and United States governments Job title: Program director or director of human resources or Central Intelligence Agency director or chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions or the equivalent or better is a relevant job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Dr. Asif Qureshi has developed guidelines for at least 150 government departments. Take a look at this: www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html. Provide earned income for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Provide an executive job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi, such as program director or executive administrator, or the equivalent, relevant to his abilities, experience, and research (see the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi). Provide retroactive credits that will count toward his retirement. Provide reimbursement. Provide retroactive relief. Develop a plan of action for the future. Salary: $7,176 - $10,602 per month or better The profile or biodata of Dr. Asif Qureshi is available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html. Dr. Asif Qureshi asks, where is my executive income with retroactive credits? My address: Dr. Asif Qureshi, 5042 North Winthrop Ave. Unit 237, Chicago, Illinois 60640. Telephone: 773-561-6102 Email: admin@qureshiuniversity.com |
Who received these facts? gov.appointments@illinois.gov gov.reports@illinois.gov When did they receive these facts? May 17, 2024 What did they receive? Issues Questions lawmaker must be able to answer publicly. Are you a lawmaker? Do you plan to be a lawmaker? What questions must lawmakers be able to answer publicly? How many human rights are there? What are examples of human rights? Food and supplies government department: Where is it? Universal health care from the government: Where is it? Housing ownership programs: Where are they? Telephone service, both landline and wireless, from the government: Where is it? Jobs relevant to abilities, experience, and research: Where are they? Performance management reports of government executives: Where are they? How has the internet changed election regulations worldwide? In what areas of planet Earth is election fraud a matter of serious concern? How do you plan to bring solutions and remedies to the complaints circulated by Dr. Asif Qureshi? What do you have to do? Program name: Executive employment for Dr. Asif Qureshi relevant to his demonstrated abilities, experience, and research for at least 23 years in Chicago, Illinois United States. Governing entity: US government Administrated by: US government Applicable in: United States of America Payment, salary, and grant amounts: 10,000 per month Beneficiary: Dr. Asif Qureshi Official website of the government: You have to mention this. Payment date: Monthly and yearly Category: Finance, health, law, legislative service, housing, and the departments mentioned. Website of the beneficiary: www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html Job title: Program director or director of human resources or Central Intelligence Agency director or chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions or the equivalent or better is a relevant job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html Additional committee assignments: Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Many more President of the reformed United Nations. Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/legislativeserviceworld.html My address: Dr. Asif Qureshi, 5042 North Winthrop Ave. Unit 237, Chicago, Illinois 60640. Telephone: 773-561-6102 Email: admin@qureshiuniversity.com |